chapter 4

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" how did you get in here ?" I whispered backing away from the closet

"I came in through the window, you know you really should lock them Vic." he smirked at me and started walking closer.

"you really shouldn't be here , there isn't much time left and you know it."

"I know but we really need to talk"

"yes we do but just not right now OK its already difficult enough to keep sapphire under control and its only gonna get worse so please unless you plan to deal with this then just go " i yelled trying to force sapphire down.

"i don't know why your so mad at me i didn't do anything wrong its your fault that we are in this situation"

he can not be serious how is this in any way my fault hes the one that started all of this what i did to him never would have been possible if he hadn't done what he did to me.

" really how the fuck is this my fault! lets take a step back and reevaluate the situation here ass-hat because clearly you started this! what i did never would have been possible if you hadn't done what you did and technically i didn't even do anything but lets just take a quick look back at the events of the day"

he looked at me like i was crazy and I'm sure i looked a little crazy at this point because I'm intensely pissed and about to fully go into heat. he started to walk closer to me again and i growled at him i know if he gets any closer and my heat takes full effect I'm not going to be able to stop sapphire from jumping him. i guess he realized this because he took a few steps back and started to talk.

"fine why don't we take a few steps back and look at the events of the day. this morning when we met it was amazing for about three seconds before you started defying your alpha in every way!" he yelled

" how did i defy you? because i wanted to drive my own car because i wouldn't tell every last part of my fucked up past to some complete and total stranger? because yea you might be my mate but you said it your self we just fucking met this morning !!!!!!!! "

" yes and I'm sorry i guess i did take things a little far but I'm not used to having people go against what i say."

"well I'm not just a normal pack member honey I'm your mate and you better get used to me "defying you" because i hate it when people try to control me like that! I'm not saying that I'm going to fight you on everything because i wont but somethings like driving my car hell yea I'm gonna fight for that."

"i know that Vic and I'm working on it ,but i still don't get how this is all my fault."

"because if you hadn't done what you did...being all controlling and annoying, marking me the way you did, telling me your going to leave me to suffer through my heat alone which by the way is going to kill me ass-hat bet you never thought of that one now did you ! we wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't done all of that stupid shit and I'm not saying its totally your fault because i did get my revenge but it wouldn't have been possible for what i did to have happened if you hadn't done what you did in the first place."

"fine maybe your right but what am i supposed to do to fix it ?!?!?!"

really is he that stupid i swear to god that Y chromosome just drags 50 IQ points away the second it makes its self known.i mean really there is only one way to fix this fuck up and he knows it.

"oh honey i think you know damn well what you have to do to fix it."

"no i really don't though how do we fix the proble...ohhhhhh yeah never mind now i know what you meant. well you havent fully gone into heat yet so we dont have to worry about it yet right?"

"right ... i think that you should go babe i might not be in heat yet but im half way there and saphire is becoming all too anoying ."

he gave me a worried look and started walking up to me.

"are you sure tor ? are you going to be ok ?"

i know hes not going to leave if he doesnt believe im going to be ok with out him but he really needs to go.

'hey sapphire i need you to get a grip for like 30 seconds so i can get him to leave ok ?'

'yea i guess just do what you have to do and get rid of him im all to pissed and we dont have much time left so hury up'

i walked up to sebastian grabbed his hand and looked him in the eye and in the sweetest possible voice i said

"baby i love you but if you dont get your ass out of my room right now im going to rip your nuts off and shove them down your throat , its very sweet that your worried but right now im far to pissed at you so please just go because i wasnt kidding i will totally do it just ask your formarly broken hand."

i laughed at the terrified expression on his face, kissed his cheek and pushed him away. he turned to go out my window but i grabbed his arm before he could jump.

"are you crazy go out the door you moron! you could get hurt going out the window like that."

" you worry to much im a werewolf and an alpha at that , there is no way i could get hurt from jumping out of a second floor window but if it will make you feel better ill go out the front door"

"ill walk you down"

i grabbed his hand and lead him down the stairs and through the kitchen to the front door when we passed my mother she gave me a look but didnt say anything thank god.

" laters baby " he kissed me and walked out the door.

thank god hes gone maybe now she sapphire will calm down a little bit. i look back in the kitchen and see my sisters talking to my mother . i hope i can get through there with out her stopping me but i know that most likely im not going to make it up to my room with out at least a comment if not a full on convorastion from my mother about this. well here goes nothing. i walked into the kitchen and made it up about four stairs before i heard my mother call my name.

"Victoria can you please come in here i think we need to have a little talk."

fuck. i was SO close, oh well i guess i better get this over with.i walked into the kitchen and sat at the island across from my mother inbetween both of my sisters.

"so who was the boy you were trying to sneek out of your room?"


the pic on the side (or on top if your on the app) is of sebastian

i know its been a really long time since i have updated but i had the worst writers block ever but i finally was able to sit down and type out this chapter for you guys hope you like it :-) its like almost 1 am so im gonna go to bed and then im going to start working on the next xhapter so you wont have to wait as long this time. ✌️💙🍪

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