Chapter 1

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" past is really complicated and before I throw all of my baggage at you I really want to get to know you better. but I can give you the basics if you want." i looked over at him hoping he wasn't to upset with me for not telling him everything right away. the nervousness must have shown on my face because he reached over and grabbed my hand.
"It's ok if you're not ready to tell me everything just yet I know it's kinda soon I mean we have only really known each other for like a half hour. but I would really love to hear whatever you feel comfortable telling me right now." i looked up at him and smiled. how did I get lucky enough to have such an amazing mate. just as I was about to tell him the most basic version of my story we pulled up to the school. I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car right next to kris. we went into the building and Sebastian and kris showed us to the office so we could get our schedules. The lady handed me my schedule and Sebastian took it to check to see if any of our classes matched up. he growled n crumpled up the paper.
"What's wrong babe?"i asked looking up at him .
"We don't have any classes together I'm not going to see you all day." He walked up to the desk and talked to the lady that gave us our schedules. they argued for a little bit an then I heard him say something in his alpha voice, I couldn't make out what he had said but whatever it is had her running into the principles office. about five minutes later she came out with all new schedules for us an passes because the bell had rang while we were waiting for her to come back. she walked up to us and handed the stack of papers to Sebastian.
"Here you go alpha it's all there just what you asked for"
"Thank you Lindsey" he said. he handed us out schedules and I noticed that mine had been changed.
"Why is my schedule different?"
" I had you guys moved into all of mine n kris's classes. now we are together all day except for 9th period I have Spanish and you have French."
"Awwww baby that's so sweet" I said hugging him.i can't believe he would go to all that trouble just to make sure he would be able to see me during the day.
"Ok so what class are we suffering through first ?" I asked reaching for my schedule.
"Chemistry" he said making a face an handing my paper.
"Ewww we have a double period that is just not right !"
"Why your old school didn't have lab periods ?"
"No babe we had lab periods but they were optional"
"Well not so much here sorry tori" I laugh when I hear him call me that. no one but my wolf calls me tori I don't let them she likes having her own name for me.
'its ok mate can call us what ever he wants I don't mind'
'Hey sapph invading my thoughts again I see'
'Forever and always tori' I laughed at her n tried to shut her out as much as possible. "What's so funny babe"
"You called me tori and no one but sapphire is allowed to call me tori because she likes to have her own special name for me but she says that since you are our mate you can call us whatever you want " I replied giggling.
"Ohhh well thank you sapphire. hey is there anything that nobody calls you?"
"Well there is this one nickname that no one but this one girl on my old cheer team really called me but now that I'm gone no one really calls me it anymore"
"What is it ?"
"Toribear" he starts laughing as soon as I answer him. I look up at him n pout n slap his arm playfully.
"It's not funny it's cute so stop laughing I have a special nickname for her too. I called her ley ley"
"Your right it is adorable I'm so calling you that from now on and what was her real name?"
"Fine if you must and Ashley."
"Well I don't want anyone but the two of us calling you toribear ok?"
"Of course babe'
I looked up n realized we were standing in front of my locker so I pulled out my schedule to get my combo and opened it I threw all the books I didn't need until after lunch in and turned to face Sebastian
" Alright time to suffer through chem. oh and by the way how many other people call you bastian?"
"Hahaha none why?"
"Good let's keep it that way" I said looking up at him smirking. I kissed him n walked down the hall following the direction the rest of them went in I figure chem has to be that way. I can here him chasing after me but I don't slow down to wait I just keep going till I get to the end of the hall and don't know which way to turn.
"Gotcha! i knew you would have to stop eventually, you are way to fast toribear" he smiled down at me.
"Nope ur just really slow bastian.which way do we turn?" he points left and grabs my hand leading me down the hall when we get to the door he wraps his arm around my waist and we walk in to the room. as soon as the door opens all eyes are on us but I guess that's to be expected since he is the alpha and I am the new girl. the teacher walks up to me and hands me a packet and tells me to find an empty seat. Sebastian leads me to the back where our friends are siting and we sit in the two empty seats next to them. I look down at the packet and groan it's the reference table for the stupid regents. so not fair why do we have regents we are the only state that has them anymore.
'There really not that bad babe it's just like a final but more important' this fucker is digging through my mind.
'Really bastian stop digging around in my head n pay attention'
'Fine babe whatever u say' he smirks at me n looks back to the board.
I let my mind wander I have already learned the topic that we are discussing and I got a 100 on the exam so I don't really need to pay attention but from the confused look on bastians face he really needs to stop fucking around in class.
'Hey I heard that!'
'Stop listening to my thoughts an start listening to the teachers words. if your good for the rest of class I'll help you study later' I said putting my hand on his leg. I saw his eyes getting wider as I moved my hand higher.
'Fine I'll pay attention but you really need to stop that as fun as it is we are in a class and it's far too distracting'
'Fine' I pulled my hand away an closed off the mind link just to be sure and pulled out my book I was half way through my chapter when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Sebastian standing next to me.
"Babe the bell rang" he reached down n grabbed the book out of my hand and put it in my bag.i got up n grabbed my bag out of his hand he rapped arm around my waist and we walked out of the room we have a free period so we went to the little coffee shop a block from our school to get coffee. we were sitting at a table in the corner when they guys walked in they ordered there coffee and came to sit by us.the guys started talking about the football tryouts tomorrow if football tryouts are tomorrow that means it's almost time for cheerleading!
'Vic have you told Sebastian anything yet?' Allie asked me through our mind link.
'Not yet we r "studying" for chem tonight so I might tell him the basics then I'll open up our link when I tell him so that you know what to tell kris and so u can tell Damian what we told them so he doesn't spill anything'
'Ok but please make sure you turn it off as soon as the convo is over I really don't need to be hearing that shit'
Taylor answered laughing
'Yea what Tay said' Allie replied.
'Yea yea yea what ever' I replied shutting off the link.
"Hey Vic cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow are you going ?" Damian asked me.
"Ummm....i don't know they are a full tumbling team I have a double but I'm not really sure what skills they require here"
"One of my ex-girlfriends is on the team and she can barely do a layout you will be fine with your double I promise in fact you are prob going to be the highest skilled tumbler on the team with that skill." Sebastian told me. I growled at the mention of his ex. he laughed and kissed my forehead.
"Down girl you have nothing to worry about there will never be anybody but you"
"Of course there won't babe. I would kill her and then you just remember that " I laughed smiling at up at him . "Love you babe" I said.
we finished our coffee an talked for a little while longer.i looked down at my phone to check the time FUCK it's 10:23 class starts in 5 minutes.
"Fuck guys we are gunna be late lets go!"
"Chill tor we have like 5 minutes."
"No shit Sherlock"
"Fuck off Watson"
I laughed at him as he said that. it's kinda our thing. we have been doing it for like as long as I can remember. I look up to see everyone except my sisters staring at me.
"What?" I asked looking at them confused.
"What was that hot mess" kris asked me laughing.
"It's this stupid thing we do. we have been doing it since like the 4th grade at least."
Kris looked at me n asked "have you guys really known each other that long?"
"Yup we met like the day we were born our moms where really good friends"
"Wait is your mom Sarah Petrova ?"
"Yup" I said popping the "p".
"Then I think we met once before when we were like 12 I went on a camping trip with Damian n the rest of the family n he brought you with him I didn't even recognize you"
"Omg you are right I totally remember that now." I looked down at my phone and checked the time.
"It's 10:25 now let's go!"
I got up and grabbed my bag and my coffee cup and walked over to the garbage can to throw it away. I turned around and faced the table they were all getting there stuff and Sebastian was coming up to me. he put him arm around my waist and we walked back to school.
"What class do we have now?"
"Oh yay I love English it's my favorite class except for art"
"Well your going to hate it after today out teacher is a total cunt. and I'm glad to here you love art because we have that right after English "
We walked into the class room like 30 seconds after the bell rang and just like in chem everyone turned to stare at us.
"Your late mr. Salvatore" the teacher said looking at Sebastian. "and who are you?" she asked looking over at me.
"I'm my name is Victoria Petrova Its my first day."
"Your in the wrong room I don't have any more new students today clearly you don't know how to read your schedule why don't you go to the office and see where you are really meant to be this period." She said glaring at me. I heard Sebastian growl next to me and I reached down and squeezed his hand. she must be pissed that we came in late to interrupt her class but we only came in like right after the bell rang.
"I don't know what bug crawled up your ass but this is my class it says so right on my schedule"i said shoving it in her face she grabbed the paper and looked it over.
"Well it appears you are right I apologize go take a seat in the back."
Sebastian grabbed my hand and we walked to two empty seats in the back of the room I looked around and saw that the rest of our group was already here.
"You were right I hate her " I whispered to Sebastian.
"Told you" he whispered back.
We both stopped talking and listened to the teacher talk about the book we were reading. Romeo and Juliet I had read it a million and one times so I decided to start digging through bastians memory's. I laughed as an image of a little boy chasing a small black puppy around a huge yard. the scene changed and I saw Sebastian on his first day of school hugging his moms leg and crying because he didn't want her to leave. I looked over at him and laughed he smiled back at me with a weird look on his face I think he's starting to catch on. I kept digging I saw a few different memory's of his but I stopped when I got to one I hoped I wasn't going to see the memory of...

Haha another cliff hanger
It took me forever to write this part because I am also hand writing this for my summer English class and I had to make a lot of adjustments to make it teacher safe I kept it as appropriate as possible with out making it totally boring
Hope you like it. what do you think of Sebastian and Victoria? Do you love them together? Cuz I totally do!

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