Chapter 2

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I saw the memory of something I never wanted to see. I new it had happened but I didn't want to know the details. unfortunately that's what was happening and I didn't know how to stop it I saw EVERYTHING! and and I new who she was. she was the blonde girl sitting across from me. i finally figured out how to stop it before I fully lost it I could already feel sapphire trying to take control of me the sight of her mate with that girl causing her to go totally homicidal. if you haven't guessed by now the memory I have been forced to see is the memory of Sebastian's first time. it suddenly occurs to me that I was in the middle of a different memory when the scene suddenly changed I looked up at Sebastian his thoughts had to have led me to that memory and It kinda pisses me off that he was thinking about it. I realize that he is staring at something so I follow to where he is looking and see the blonde girl and subconsciously let out a growl I look back at him n he's looking at me kinda scared. I can see my eyes reflected in his and they are pitch black, I can feel my self shaking. if I don't get sapphire under controls soon there is going to be a huge problem. I reach over and grab Sebastian's hand knowing that no matter how pissed both me and sapphire are that it will calm us down. once I have her under control I look up at him and he's smiling down at me probably just happy that I didn't wolf out and kill someone. I smiled back at him and squeezed his hand I felt the bones crunch and saw his face contort in pain. bastard deserves it how could he even think that, that would ever be ok and I know he knew I was digging because I could feel him shifting the memory's around every time I got to a bad one I could feel him pushing a happy one out. he must have thought I had stopped looking but that still didn't make it ok. He looked at me and saw me starring at the girl and the realization showed on his face.

'Omg toribear I didn't realize you were still looking. I know that doesn't really make it any better but I would have worked a little harder to push the memory away if I knew.'

He said through our mind link.

'Your right it doesn't make it better. why where you thinking about that? do you still like her?' I asked him trying to control my emotions.

'No of course not!' he yelled ' it's just something I think of everyone in a while because I have always regretted it. ever since it happened I have always wished I had waited for my mate.... for you' i knew he was being completely honest with me I could feel it through the mate bond. I was still kinda upset but I knew that it wasn't like how I thought it was in the beginning so I had calmed down a lot. I looked down at his hand and I saw the bones realigning them selves. thank to werewolf healing ability a and his alpha blood they would be fine before class was over.about 15 minutes later his hand was totally healed and the bell rang. I got up and put my books away. I threw my bag over my shoulder and turned to face Sebastian

"Are you still mad at me?"he asked with a hurt expression on his face. I know I should be mad at him but I'm not I know it was a mistake.

"I know I probably should be but no I'm not" I leaned up and kissed him "just don't let it happen again ok?" He smiled at me and rapped his arm around my waist.

"Never again I know tor we could always replace that memory" he pushed me up against a wall and leaned in to kiss me. I saw him coming and put my hand up to push him away.

"Dream on lover boy now your gunna have to fight for it"

"Something tells me this fight" he leaned down and trailed kisses down my neck I could feel the sparks erupting from every spot his lips touched."wont be that hard"

"Maybe maybe not" I laughed and leaned up to kiss him.

"Let's go don't wanna be late for my favorite class!"

He laughed and let me go. I took a few steps away from him and he grabbed my hand and lead me down the hall.when we got to the art room we walked in and he lead me up to the teacher.she smiled at me and said

"Hey I'm Mrs.Bellesey what's your name?" she turned around to collect some supplies.

i'm Victoria Petrova it's my first day my sisters should be here any second along with my best friend they are all starting today too."

"Well until they get here why don't you take these" she said handing me a pile of supplies "and sit with Sebastian he will explain the project we are working on right now. you shouldn't be to far behind we only just began the project 2 days ago"

"Ok thank you" I smiled up at her and turned to Sebastian he snaked an arm around my waist and lead me over to a table in the back corner of the room I could feel everyone's eyes on us but I didn't care.

"So what is the project?"

"We are drawing portraits from photos."eww I hate doing that I'm really good at it but I hate it I guess my irritation showed on my face because he smiled and said

"it's really a lot harder then it sounds so don't freak if you can't get it right away" he laughed

"Oh I can draw perfectly from pictures it's not a problem I just hate doing it."

"Oh really well how about we make a little bet then."

"What kind of bet Bastian?"

"We both draw from the same picture who ever has the better drawing wins."

"Ok sounds easy enough what's the catch?"

"If I win I get to mark you right here right now and as a little punishment for going against your alpha I'm gunna make you suffer through your heat until the last day and if you win I'm still going to mark you later and you can make me do whatever you want for an entire"

"WHAT! that is so not fair! i have way more to lose then you"

"What's wrong kitten you scared cause you know you're gunna loose?"

"Oh hell no your so on!" and with that we begin. I picked out the picture it was one I had taken earlier of the two of us. as soon as the picture was printed I set up my paper and started working I have done this so many times before that I was done with time to spare so. I Just sat and watched him draw about five minutes later he finished. he put is charcoal pencil down and looked at my drawing.

"It's beautiful! I can't believe you were able to finish that before me and have it look like that."

"Wooow good to see you really believe in me babe" I laughed sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Whatever Bastian lets just see who won and by the way yours is beautiful too." It was beautiful but mine was better....well better looking at least his was far more technically sound I hope whoever judges doesn't base it on that.

"Thank you. I guess we will have Bellesey judge who's is better." Fuck I am so screwed I know Bellesey is going to pick his!

"Yo Bellesey can you come here for a second!" he yelled across the room.

"Yea just give me a sec Sebastian." she put down the sketch pad she had been working in and walked over to us.

"What's up alpha?" she asked smiling at us.

"Can you be the judge for a little bet we made. who do you think drew the better portrait?"

"Well this one" she points to mine."is far more beautiful but you did create your own little techniques to complete it I can tell you didn't do it properly and while this one" she pointed to his." is not as pretty it is far more technically sound. I'm going to go with ..."


Hey guys I know it's been a while since I have posted I try to do it at least once every week or so but I had like the worst writers block ever trying to write this chapter I know it's kinda short but next time the chapter will be longer. so what do you think? who is she going to pick? I'll tell you a secret I don't even know yet I guess we will both just have to wait till I write the next chapter!


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