chapter 11

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so i told Sebastian everything. every last detail from my alpha/beta blood line,my white wolf,the story behind Sean's disappearance....all of it, all the way up to my dead dad and crazy uncle. i looked up at Sebastian and saw that his eyes were completely black and his wolf was close to taking over. he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug and let out a possessive growl


"OK calm down bas its not the end of the world he has no clue where i am so the chances of him actually showing up are pretty small. there is nothing to worry about."

"really if there is nothing to worry about then why are you crying?"

i didn't even realize i was crying until he said something. i reached up and wiped the tears from my face. i know there is a chance my uncle can find me here i just hope that it doesn't happen

"OK so maybe there is a small chance he could find me but I'm sure that it wont happen so don't worry about it OK"

"no I'm still gonna worry about you but I'm not gonna make a big deal about it right now we will deal with this later."

" OK do you wanna go see whats going on down stairs?"

"yea lets go we have to tell everyone that your moving into the pack house with me tonight"

"fuck that's right, OK lets go " i said grabbing his hand and leading him down the stairs.

when we got down to the living room everyone stopped talking and looked at us Allie stood up,walked over to me and hugged me

"Do those tear streaks mean I can finally tell Kris the truth?"

"Yea they do. I'm sorry I had to make you lie to him for so long Allie but it was important that Sebastian not find out the truth until it was necessary."

"It's OK I totally understand Vic I would have done the same thing"

i took a step back from Allie and faced the rest of the room

"i have something i need to tell you guys"

"what is it honey" my mother asked.

" I'm moving into the pack house with Sebastian.....tonight."

my mom looked a me with tears in her eyes " of course sweetie you must, i mean after all you are a Luna now. i just cant believe my baby girl is all grown up."

"technically I'm the oldest mom...."

my sisters looked at me and laughed

"you only have 3 minutes on me" Allie said

"and 5 on me" Taylor added.

"as a triplet ill take every second i can get to claim that i am older then both of you OK so sit the fuck down"

" OK calm down all of you" our mother laughed "why don't u take Sean and Sebastian upstairs and start packing if your leaving tonight you have a lot of work to do"

i looked at my sisters and laughed before grabbing Sean and Sebastian and dragging them upstairs.

when we got to my room i walked into my closet and pulled out a bunch of boxes some still full of stuff. we hadn't been living here more than a week or two so i hadn't fully un packed yet. i handed some of the empty boxes to the boys.

"they are already marked for what should go into them i have barely unpacked from when we moved here so hopefully this wont take to long."

Sean took the boxes and walked over to my book shelves and started packing while me and Sebastian went into my closet.

"start emptying the top drawer into this box" i said handing him the box labeled bras. he opened the drawer and smirked he picked up a black lace push up and winked at me.

"stop fucking around and start packing dumb-ass" i laughed at him.

"fine" he laughed turning back and emptying the drawer.

by the time he finished emptying that drawer i had already put all of my shoes into there boxes and started on my clothes.

"done" he said and i turned to look at him all three drawrs were empty and the boxes stacked up in order.

"did you really put the boxes in order bas" i said trying not to laugh.

"yup from top to bottom he said pointing to the stack of boxes they really were top to bottom bras on top panties in the middle and socks on the bottom.....and i thought my ocd was bad.

"OK here take this box and start putting those skirts into it" i said pointing to a bunch of skirts hanging on the other side of my walk in.

Sean finished the books finally and came into the closet " what else should i pack?"

" here take this box and empty my vanity please be care full i don't want to open it and have makeup everywhere"

"i know how to pack a box Vic"

he took the box and walked back into my about an hour we finally finished packing everything and we were bringing the boxes down to my jeep.....and by we i mean the guys were bringing the boxes down to my jeep.

i was sitting in the living room talking to my mom and sisters when the boys came in and sat down with us. we hung out for about an hour before Sebastian told me it was time to go. i said good bye to my mother and told the girls i would see them in school tomorrow before taking Sebastian's hand and walking out with him and the guys. we got into my car and pulled away and about 5 minutes later we were pulling up in front of the pack house. we got out of the car and Sebastian mind linked some pack members to come out and help us carry stuff upstairs. a minute later Mary and Rhiannon came out of the pack house followed by Sam and Max, they ran up to me and hugged me.

"omg I'm so happy your here hes been so annoying the past couple of days worrying about if you would agree to move in or not" Rhiannon yelled.

i turned to Sebastian smiling

"awww you were worried i would say no"

"maybe.....OK yes"

"awwww that's adorable i cant believe you thought i would say no" i laughed walking up to him n hugging him. when i pulled back i turned to face the girls.

"OK lets get this stuff upstairs" i said pulling the trunk of my jeep open. we all grabbed boxes and walked into the house. the alpha and Luna have the whole top floor to themselves which meant we had to carry these stupid boxes up 5 flights of stairs, thank god there was an elevator. after about half an hour we finally had all the boxes in our room and Sebastian went down to his office to deal with some pack stuff while me and the girls unpacked. when we were finally done we hung out for a little while before the girls left to go find Max and Sam. once they were gone i went into the bathroom attached to our bedroom and took a shower, when i got out i wrapped myself in a fluffy white towel and walked back into the room, i was walking over to our walk in closet when i felt someones arms wrap around my waist i jumped and turned around to come face to face with Sebastian.

"what the fuck you scared the crap out of me" i yelled.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you" he laughed.

" its fine" i kissed his cheek, turned back and went into the closet and put my pajamas on, when i came back out i got into bed and cuddled up next to Sebastian who was already asleep.

***********************************************************************************************************chapter 10 is finally done.... ill have the next chapter up in about a week or so. as i was writing this it occurred to me that i have written 10 chapters and only like 3 days has gone by so i might write a few chapters that last a whole day just to speed things up a little bit i hope you guys like the book so far the picture on the side is Gino Pesaressi who plays Sam Lockwood aka Mary's mate.

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