chapter 10

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we stood there for a few seconds hugging before i heard a loud growl coming from behind me and i was pulled away from my brother. i turned around and came face to face with my mate. his eyes were pitch black and i could tell he was fighting back his wolf.

he let out a possessive growl and said "MINE" holding me tightly to him, he nuzzled his face into my neck breathing in my scent. i pulled away a little and looked up at him.

"whats wrong Sebastian?"

"what the hell was that?!?! i came down here to question some rouges and i find you down here with him!" he screamed pointing at my brother. i laughed at his possessiveness , its kinda cute that hes so protective of me.

"calm down babe...this" i said turning to look at my brother " is Sean brother"

" i thought your brother was dead"

"yea i just kinda assumed he died because he just kinda disappeared...turns out he just went rouge due to reasons i cant really tell you about because no one else knows the truth and it involves a lot of my past that you don't know about yet."

"Victoria we really need to talk about why your hiding all of these things from me i feel like everytime i ask you anything about yourself you say that you cant tell me. whats so important that you cant even tell your mate about it?"

he was right i have been hiding so much from him and hes my mate i shouldn't be afraid to tell him the truth but i am. in my past people who i tell the truth to almost always try to take advantage of it. i have to tell him but I'm not going to do it here.

"your right Sebastian we do need to talk but not here can we please just take my brother home so we can be with my family for a little while and then we will talk tonight."

"fine....under one condition,you have to move into the pack house with me...tonight."

i guess that's not to bad of a condition i mean it was going to have to happen eventually i mean we are fully mated now we cant live apart anyway.

"fine but you have to help me pack because i JUST finished unpacking a few days ago."

'fine lets go" he said putting an arm around my waist and leading me out of the pack prison with Damian,Sean and the girls following behind us.

when we got out of the pack prison i said good bye to the girls and they left to go find there mates. i turned around to face my brother, best friend and mate.

"OK so Sebastian do you have your car or did you run here?"

"i have my car....why?"

"because we all have to get back to my place you wanna take Damian and i will take Sean?"

"not really i would much rather go with you."

always gotta be difficult "OK fine then your letting Damian and Sean take your car because no one drives my baby but me."

"fine but i swear to god Damian i will rip your nuts off if you even so much as scratch my car" he said throwing his keys to Damian. he walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"OK lets get back to the house, when we get there Sebastian, you and Damian are going to go inside first and tell them I'm coming in a minute. seanie i need to talk to you before we go inside OK?"

they all agreed and we got into our cars and drove away. five minutes later we pulled up to my house and got out of the car i walked over to Sebastian and kissed him before him and Damian went inside then i walked up to Sean, grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the bushes so we could talk with out anyone in the house seeing us.

"Sean are you sure you wanna do this?"

"yea i miss our family and i want to be able to be with them again."

"you do realize that when we go in there you are going to have to tell them all the truth right like the whole truth."

"yea i know that but your going to help me right?"

"yea of course...oh and there is one more thing you should know before we go in there...we kinda ran away from our uncle and he may or may not be hunting us down and he may or may not have also killed our father because he may not have joined us when we ran and he may have been on his side but he still wouldn't give up where we went ..."

he just kinda stood there and stared at me for a few seconds before he finally spoke.

"so what your saying is dad is dead....thank god that asshole was brainwashed my our uncle im shocked he didn't give you up but i guess he couldn't really do that to his mate now could he."

"so your ok with everything?"

"yea i mean it sucks dad is dead but he wasn't exactly the best person in the world."

" my thoughts exactly!"

with that i grabbed seanies hand and lead him into the house.

"MOM! ALLIE! TAYLOR! COME DOWN HERE!!!!" i called up the stairs when we walked into the house.

i heard doors opening and everyone came down the stairs

"whats wrong" my mother asked when she walked into the room followed by my sisters and our mates.

"nothings wrong mom i just have a surprise for you "

"oh really and what might that be?" my mother laughed.

"its something I'm sure you will love." i turned around and waved to Sean telling him to come in.

as soon as he walked into the room our mother started crying and our sisters just stood there staring at him. after a few seconds our mother calmed down and she walked up to Sean


"OK calm down mother no one was more pissed at Sean than i was but there is a very good explanation for why he did what he did."

" fine lets go into the living room and sit down so you can start with this magical explanation of yours Sean.'

we went into the living room and my mom, Allie, Taylor,Damian, and Kris sat down and sean started telling them everything. i took Sebastian's hand and lead him up the stairs, it was time for me to finally tell him the truth about me and my past. when we got to my room we both sat on my bed.

"OK so you want to know everything right?"

he looked at me and smiled " every single last detail."


and here is chapter 10 Sean is finally back in the family and Victoria is finally going to tell Sebastian all about her past....i guess your just going to have to wait to see his reaction until the next chapter. the picture on the side is Cameron Dias who is play Rhiannon and the song is photograph by nickleback i feel like it kinda fits the theme of this chapter because they are both about telling stories of your past i hope you liked this chapter I'm about to start the next one and will most likely have it up within the next few days.✌️💙🍪

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