Chapter 9

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"OK so you know that our uncle ordered me to kill Madison,but what you don't know is why I did it. I know you think that I could have just let her go but I couldn't. he told me that if I didn't bring him a body that he would kill mom and the girls and he would only leave you alive long enough to give him a son and he would kill you too. I loved Madison like a sister but the thing is, she wasn't my sister you, Allie, and Taylor are my sisters and I did what I had to,to protect you and our mother."

I looked at him completely speechless. all this time I just thought our uncle had turned him into a soulless monster like him but really he was only trying to protect me and our family from our psycho uncle. but if this is the truth then why didn't he just tell me that and why did he run away like he did? All these years I have questioned what happened to him, hated him and prayed that the monster that killed my best friend was dead when realistically that "monster" never existed. I can't believe that I allowed my relationship with my brother to be ruined like this.....but really if you think about it, it's his fault it was destroyed in the first place if he would have just spoken to me about this in the first place we would still be the way we were. I know I was probably less then willing to speak to him in those first couple of days but if he had stuck around a little longer than a week after he murdered my best friend then maybe I would have been more willing to speak to him. I looked up at him and asked him the questions that had been running through my mind the whole time he was speaking.

"Why didn't you just tell me this Seanie, I know that I wasn't really willing to speak to you right away but if you had waited more then 5 days before you ran away I would have been more open to hearing what you had to say."

"I didn't say anything because you wouldn't listen to me. I tried to tell you the truth I really did but you kept shutting me down and I didn't really run away as much as I was sent away." he replied looking down at his feet.

"What do you mean sent away?"

"A few days after I killed Madison our uncle came to me, he told me that having me around was dangerous. if someone found out that it was me who killed Madison and that I was acting under alpha command that people would try and challenge him for his alpha position, so he told me to leave right then and there or he would lock me in the pack prison for the rest of my life. I figured now that I knew you where as safe as possible it was OK to leave so I did. I had planned on coming back for you when you turned 16 and taking you guys away from there but as I was running to our old pack I was captured and brought here."

After listening to his explanation I knew I couldn't be mad at him anymore. I ran over to him and threw my arms around him. he's my brother after all I really can't hate him for trying to save me and our family. at first he was in shock and he just stood there but after a few seconds I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me into a tight hug.
Hey guys another chapter is up! i know this one is kinda short but i promise the next one will be longer i just wanted to make sure i posted something for you guys on christmas.Hope you guys are liking the story so far! The picture is Nina Dobrev who plays Mary and the song is good girls by 5 seconds of summer because it's my favorite song by the girl who the Mary character is based off of favorite band and i said i would do one of there songs when i put the picture up. MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS  ✌️💙🍪

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