Chapter 19

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When we woke up the next morning i rolled over and looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:30 I had to meet everyone downstairs to go out by 12:30. I pulled back the blankets and got up to take a shower. about 15 minutes later I got out and walked back into the bedroom where Sebastian was still laying in bed passed out. I walked over to my side of the bed to grab my teddy bear , I threw it at Sebastian's head and when he started to wake up I walked into the closet to pick out my clothes. I was digging through my underwear drawer looking for a thong to go under my leggings when I felt him come up behind me. he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Why are we up this early?" He whined.

"Because we are going out in a little while so go get dressed I said turning to face him.

"Do we have to?"

"Yes we do so go get ready"

"Fine-_-" he pouted.

He leaned down and kissed me before leaving to get ready. I finished getting dressed in my leggings, a Metallica t shirt and my all black converse. once I finished lacing up my shoes I went down stairs to meet everyone and wait for Sebastian.

"Finally! It took you long enough...where is Sebastian?" Damian asked.

"It's only 12 okay I had another half an hour if I really needed it so suck my dick Damian and he's still upstairs he will be down in a minute chill the fuck out."

"Nah I'm good you got Bas for that" he laughed "he better hurry the fuck up he's slow as fuck"

"I'm here calm your self jackass" Sebastian said coming up to us. Once everyone was there we got into the car, since therefore so many of us we had to take two cars so me, Sebastian, Mary, Rhiannon and Seanie all got into my white Range Rover and Taylor, Damian, Kris and Allie all got into her black mustang. when we pulled up I front of the mall we circled until we found 2 parking spots right next to each other and headed inside.

"Let's go to hot topic first." Rhiannon said pointing to the brick fronted store.

"Okay!" I said grabbing Bastian's hand dragging him in behind me. we spent a little while in there and I bought some new bows, a 5sos shirt, and a pair of black combat boots. when we were done we continued walking through the mall going to Forever 21, Journey's, Claire's, and bath and body works. after a while we ended up in front of Victoria's Secret.

"Do we have to go in there? I really don't wanna." Sebastian whined walking to stand with Damian kris and my brother who shook there heads in agreement.

"Yes you do lets go!" Allie said grabbing Kris' hand and walking into the store.the rest followed until I was left standing alone with Sebastian and my brother.

"I'm not going in there with you" Sean said.

"Fine just go wait for us in Starbucks Sean"

"Wait does that mean I can go with him too?" Sebastian asked.

"Nope your coming with me" I said grabbing his hand leading him into the spent about 20 minutes in there and once we had picked out everything we wanted and felt the boys had been sufficiently tortured we finally left. we walked next door to meet Sean. When we walked in I saw my brother sitting at a table in the corner talking to a girl with brown and blonde hair and bright green eyes....she looked like a sweet girl, I feel sorry for her...shes gonna be my brothers next victim. I swear that boy can't keep a girl around for more than a few weeks it's pathetic. I should probably go over there and save this poor girl from that jackass. I walked over to the table and looked at Seanie.

"Okay jackass it's time to leave the flavor of the week behind we have shit to do and I really don't want to sit here and watch my brother crush some girls soul...again." He looked up at me and growled.

"Oh hell no Sean Patrick Petrova I know you did not just growl at me." I reached out and smacked him upside the head. he knew better then to do that I don't care how long he was gone it wasn't long enough to forget what happens to people who growl at me. he seems to have calmed down a little.

"I'm sorry ur just pissing me off. it happens sometimes I can't always stop it."

"Yea well you better learn and frankly the truth hurts jackass your gross get over it"

"Not anymore" he said taking the girls hand.

"Yea right you say that every time and every time they are always gone before I can Evan properly learn their names"

"This is different... Victoria this is my mate Sami, Sami this is my sister Victoria she's the luna of the blue moon pack."

"Oh you poor unfortunate soul" I laughed looking at Sami. "oh well I guess your going to be joining our pack right?"

"Yup at some point..." she said hesitantly.

"Yea I wouldn't wanna live with him either don't worry" I laughed.

"It's not that I don't wanna live with him it's that I wasn't really sure how it was gonna go over with your alpha don't you have to ask for permission first?"
Me and Sean looked at her and then each other and busted out laughing.

"Yea right I own him he will do whatever the fuck I tell him too don't worry about it your good."

"Oh...okay then" she said smiling at me.

"Let's go I need coffee desperately and then we need to go" I turned to Sean. "good luck with mom." I laughed grabbing Sami's hand leading her over to the others.

"Guys be nice this is Sami she's Sean's mate. she will be joining the pack." I said that last part mostly to Sebastian. "Sami this is Allie and Taylor our other sisters and their mates kris and Damian and these are our friends Mary and Rhiannon and this" I said walking up to Sebastian he wrapped an arm around me when I stood next to him and we both turned to look at Sami.
"Is Sebastian my mate and the alpha of the blue moon pack"

"It's nice to meet you all I hope we can all be great friends."

"I'm sure we will be don't worry" Allie said smiling at her.

"Yea you're our brothers mate of course we are going to be friends." Taylor added.

We went and got our coffee and headed home. when we got into the house my brother went to search for our mother and we went upstairs to put our things away. when we were done we came down and saw Sean and mom sitting in the living room talking. I took Sami's hand and lead her into the room. we stopped in front of them and Sean stood and took her hand out of mine, I looked at Sami and gave her a reassuring look before walking out of the room to find bas.

Yay the chapter is done! It was actually done like last week but my computer spazzed out and I lost like 99% of this chapter and had to rewrite it but it's finally done. what do you think of Sami I know she was just introduced but she will def be a more active character the next time she comes into the story line. hope you guys like the chapter I'm gonna post soon promise ✌🏻️💙🍪 Oh! btw the pic on top is Chris Rock who plays Kris Zaransky (Allies mate) because he's amazing and super funny and Chris Rock is bae lmao okay for real this time ✌🏻️💙🍪

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