Chapter 28

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It took us another hour to finish finalizing the plans and once we were done we headed down to the kitchen and the boys sat at the island while i started cooking.

"Whatcha makin?" Damian asked.

"Food" i replied sarcastically.

"Well no shit Sherlock what kinda food?"

"The edible kind"

"Really Vic" he said getting irritated 

"Im making fried ravioli with marinara sauce, chicken parm, and garlic bread"

"Yumm i love Italian"

"i know you do bro I've only known you for what? our whole lives?" i laughed

I started breading the ravioli throwing them into the oil to fry when they were done I set them on some paper towel to soak up the excess oil. Then i put them on a tray with a bowl of marinara sauce and set it on the island before setting to work on the chicken. Once I had the breasts cut down and breaded I fried them up before setting them in a baking dish. I covered them in sauce and cheese and put it in the oven to bake along with a loaf of garlic bread before coming back to sit with the guys.

"So Sebastian I was thinking if we know when hes coming and that he is definitely coming why don't we call my uncle to see if he will help us?"

"that's a good idea...we can call him in the morning"


I turned and grabbed the food out of the oven placing it on trivets on the island.

"do you guys wanna eat here at the island or do you wanna bring it in to the table?"

"lets take it inside" Kris suggested

We grabbed all the food and went into the dining room and started eating. after dinner we headed back up to the hall for the pack meeting. once the entire pack had gathered Sebastian stepped up on the stage and called for everyone's attention and the room fell silent.

"Hello everyone this is going to be short i just have one major issue to as I'm sure you all know there has been a threat made against the pack and your Luna. we called you all here today to discuss the plans that have been made to protect our pack. the routes and patrol groups have all been worked out and are already waiting for you on the board outside. we have about two weeks until they are said to attack but we must be on alert at all times they could strike at please check for your new assignments and report to your patrols and be safe all of you." Sebastian said addressing the pack.

slowly everyone stood and exited the hall to look for their new assignments and me and Sebastian headed up to the office to call my uncle. when we got upstairs we sat in front of the computer pulling up face-time calling my uncle. after a few rings he answered the call with my cousin sitting next to him.

"hey uncle Evan, hey Vinny"

"hey Victoria whats up?" Vinny asked

"well i was just calling to ask if you guys would come help us out. Blake is planning an attack two weeks from now and we could really use all the fighters we can get is there anyway you would be able to bring your pack here in the next few days so that we can start training and finally get rid of this bastard."

"i have been looking for an excuse to get rid of his ass for as long as i can remember dont worry we will be there im not going to let him get to you Vic" my uncle growled out.

"okay chill out fast do you think you could be here?"

"we will call a meeting in the morning to get everything in order and we should be by you the following day."

"okay thank you so much, i love you guys ill see you soon"

"love you too see you soon please be safe" i swear they both worry to much

"ill be fine don't worry about me just get here as soon as you can the faster we start training the faster we will be ready to fight Blake."

when we finally hung up i turned to Sebastian "is there anything so important that i have to do it right now and it cant wait until morning?"


"because i am going upstairs to stand in the shower under the hot water for all eternity and then i am going to sleep because i am exhausted"

"okay you go do that babe i still have some things to finish down here and then ill be up"

"okay see you soon hurry up okay" i leaned down to kiss Sebastian "you know i how much i hate being in bed alone"

I went upstairs and got undressed before stepping into the seaming hot shower. the feeling of the hot water hitting my tight muscles was beyond relaxing. after about an hour i decided it was finally time to get out. i shut the water and stepped out of the shower wrapping myself in a fluffy hello kitty towel because yes i am five i walked into my closet and put on my pajamas before crawling into bed with my teddy bear again because clearly i'm not 18 i'm 8. it only took another few minutes before Sebastian was climbing into bed next to me.

the next morning we gt a call from my uncle saying that they should be arriving by noon tomorrow. with everything in the pack in order me and Sebastian decided to take the day off to spend with the family. my brother and sister and their mates met us at the mall where we spent the day shopping and catching up. when we finally got home my mother called us to the dinning room so we all gathered at the table to suffer through another one of her family dinners. i love her but really i think we could all do with out such torture. after a few hours suffering with our mother we were finally freed and allowed to go up to bed i gladly climbed into bed ready to start training tomorrow.

i woke up early the next morning and everyone was still sleeping so i decided to get dressed and head down stairs to make breakfast before everyone go up. i walked into the kitchen and started getting everything together. i decided to make biscuits and gravy and chicken and waffles and of course bacon because whats breakfast without bacon...kinda feelin the southern vibe its Sebastian's favorite and i want something so im hoping this will help me out. just as i was finishing up Sebastian came down and sat at the island.

"it smells good down here babe whatcha makin?" he asked looking at the pans on the stove.

"chicken and waffels, buscuits and gravy and of course bacon" i said smiling at him. i put all the food onto platters and put it on the island in front of him.

"what do you want?" he asked me suspiciously

"why do you assume i want something"

"because i know you Vic so what do you want"

"okay fine maybe i do want something...i know you get all over protective and stuff but i wanna get to fight when he gets here and i want to train with the packs this week."

"not a chance in hell you are going to stay here with the rest of the woman and children and when we have captured him you can do with him as you please...i think that's pretty damn reasonable."

"why that's so stupid Sebastian we both know i am more than capable of handling myself there is no reason i shouldn't be able to fight."

"yea i know you are powerful Vic but i have been thinking and i realized that if you go out there and fight all im gonna be doing is worrying about you and im not going to be able to focus on anything else i need to know that your safe if im gonna be able to fight to protect you."

"Sebastian i could take them all on at once and still win...white wolf remember" i said pointing at myself. "super powerful wolf that doesnt need any one to take care of her ...yea thats me. so why dont you just not worry about me and let me fight we will be way more likely to win if i do"

"you know what vic lets wait for evan to get here if he picks your side than ill let you fight"

"fine i guess. here start eating before it gets cold okay" i said making a plate for him.

a little while later everyone else came down and started eating we were all sitting around the table talking when someone knocked on the door. i got up to see who it was and when i opened the door i saw my uncle and his family standing on the other side. behind them was about a dozen black SUVs filled with pack members.

"hey uncle evan come in...if your pack would like to settle in i can have someone show them to the guest house"

"hey vic that would be great ill let them know"


he walked over to one of the cars and leaned into the drivers side window telling the people inside that someone would be coming out to show them where to go. i walked back into the room and asked Kris to go help the pack members to the house so they could get settled in and he headed out to help them out. when my family came in my aunt automatically went to mine and sebastians mothers while we headed upstairs with my uncle and cousin. opening the door we all took seats around the desk before starting to work things out for training later that day. it was eventually decided for our two packs to meet on the main training field at 6 to begin.

"hey evan i need your opinion on something...victoria would like to be allowed to participate in the battle next week i dont think its a good idea but i told her that we would wait for your opinion before making a decison"

"i think that is an awful idea but i also know my niece and even if we say no shes still going to do it so you might as well just let her do it."

"YESSS see i told you i will be fine i can fight sebastian!"

"fine you will fight but you will stick close to me and be careful as soon as things start to get out of hand you will leave and go somewhere safe."

"fine i promise i will"

we kept talking for a while eventually deciding it was time to go get ready for training and let everyone know where we were meeting.when we were changed we walked out to the field where everyone was gathering.

"Okay first things first we are gonna start with running a few laps of the perimeter twice in human form than meet back here we will shift and run another two in wolf form." Sebastian yelled loud enough for both packs to here. There was a collective groan from all pack members present but the all turned and headed off in the direction of our route.
Once we were done running we all met back at the training field once the entirety of both packs was present we started setting everyone onto sparing partnerships. Of course I got stuck with Sebastian...oh well it will be fun to beat his ass.
"Don't worry baby girl I'll go easy on you I know you can't take down my amazing alpha strength all on your own " Sebastian said that stupid cocky smile spread across his face.
"Yea okay buddy we'll see about that" I said smirking.
Sebastian's father Michael stood in front of the pairs calling for quite suddenly the whole field fell silent.
"Okay on the count of three you will begin. A few ground rules first though
1. You will fight until one of you is pinned for a continuous 5 seconds
2. no drawing blood it defeats the purpose of training you if your not going to be able to fight
3.try not to kill each other would ya that's a lot of paper work and frankly a corpse is completely useless in a battle" the pack members all laughed at this.
"And last but not least this one goes to my daughter-in-law....beat the shit out of my son for me that ego of his could use a little deflation"
"No problem Michael his ass is going down" I laughed
"Good he needs it....alright ready 1...2..3..go"
Immediately the pairs shifted and started fighting. Sebastian lunged at me and I quickly stepped to the side moving just in time for him to fall flat on his face in the place I once stood. I barked out a laugh as he stood up shaking out his fur he turned to face me letting out a small growl. he lunged at me determined to pin me down, i guess i bruised his over inflated alpha ego...oops, he landed on me pinning me down.l the second my back hit the ground i used my back legs to push him off sending him flying into a tree across the field. he thinks his wolf is strong, well that alpha blood doesn't have shit on me. being a white wolf has its perks. when Sebastian hit the tree he slid down and landed on the ground not moving. i waited a couple seconds for him to get up so he could admit defeat because at this point hes been down long enough that i totally won. after a few more seconds of him not making any attempt to get up i ran over to check on him.

'Sebastian? babe are you okay?' i asked through the mind link. when he didn't reply i leaned down nudging hid shoulder with my nose. i could see a wet patch on his side where blood mixed with his fur he must have cut himself on the tree. he still wasn't getting up. i could feel sapphire getting anxious,and she was trying to take over. i nudged him again licking his face hoping to wake him up when suddenly he was standing over me pinning me down. when it was called that he had won i ran behind a tree shifted and put my clothes on.

"what the hell Sebastian?" i yelled coming out from behind the trees.

"whats wrong Vic cant handle the loss?"

"you know damn well that's not why i'm pissed. you scared the shit out of me i thought you were really hurt."

"well you don't have to worry its only a little scratch i promise it takes a lot more than that t o take down an alpha babe" he said smirking

"yeah well that was really fucked up Sebastian and your stupid little jokes aren't funny but you know whats gonna be really funny?"


"watching you sleep on the couch in the office tonight...have fun babe" i smirked at him turning around i walked back to the house. i could here the guys laughing at his misfortune and i couldn't help but laugh a little as i walked through the back door of the house. i ran up stairs and jumped in the shower washing away all the dirt from training. when i got out of the shower i could here someone in the closet.



i know i kinda left off in a weird place but i wanted to get the chapter up because its been a while since i have posted and i have such writers block. i hope you guys like it im sorry its been son long but senior year is like hella busy illl write another chapter soon✌🏻️💙🍪

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