Chapter 29

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I walked up to the closet door and cautiously pushed it open. It looked empty but as I turned I felt someone grab my wrist. I screamed at the sudden contact but the person quickly covered my mouth with their hand stifling my cries for help.
"Quiet Victoria we can't have that irritating little mate of yours finding us up here now can we" that voice...I know that voice I could never forget the way the sound of it makes me feel my heart beats out of my chest, my stomach twists into knots and a feeling of sheer terror takes over my body. This voice was one I had never wanted to have the displeasure of hearing again but as my grandfather always said "it's good to want it builds character" although this is doing more to build my anxiety levels then my character. I force myself to calm down hoping he will let me go and I can escape. I was right after a few seconds of no fighting he lets me go and removes his hand from my mouth so I can speak.
"How did you get in here?!?" I asked.
"It was easy really...I only had to kill a couple dozen people before they just let me through you should really do a better job of setting your paroles sweetheart although once you have returned with me there will be no need for you to worry about things like that. It really is a man's job to care for his pack in such a way."
"Okay first no way in hell am I going anywhere with you Blake! And second wow do you listen to yourself when you speak? that may be the most horribly sexist things I have ever heard you say...not that that's really your biggest issue hear I suppose..."
"Victoria you really have no choice you're going to be coming home with me whether you like it or not"
"Yea I don't think so" I said running from him I turned and jumped out the window behind me. As my feet hit the ground I mind linked Sebastian telling him everything that had just happened. A few seconds later I heard Sebastian and Blake fighting in the room and see Damian running out to me carrying clothes it's only then that I realize I'm still standing in just trying towel I had grabbed after my shower. I took the clothes from his hands and ran behind a near by tree to put them on. When I was dressed I started heading back to Damian I had only taken a few steps when I heard someone approaching from behind me I turned and saw a line of wolves charging at the pack house instantly I turned and ran screaming for Damian to call the packs together.
Within seconds both packs came running out of the houses shifting and charging towards the approaching attackers. I ran into the house to find Sebastian and Blake fighting in our bedroom. I slammed the door and they stopped and stared in my direction. I shifted and Slowly approached Blake letting sapphire take over. I could feel the pure hatred coursing through us stemming from sapphire. Blake made a move to attack and sapphire lunged forward sinking her teeth into his ribs. The sound of his screams echoed through the room. He pushed her off and she flew across the room slamming into the wall. when she hit the ground it took her a second before she was able to jump back up to her feet but once she did she was charging at him they continued on like this for a while before sapphire grew bored of the stupidity and finally tapped into her true power. sapphires fur began to glow and she let out a fierce growl charging at Blake. She pinned him to the ground closing her jaw around his throat. She paused for a second mind linking him.
'Any last words jackass'
He continued to struggle against her hold and failed miserably.
'I have nothing left to say if your going to kill me just do it already'
'Well if you insist'
Sapphire quickly slammed her jaw shut swiftly moving her head to the side ripping the muscle from his throat. His body fell limp and she dropped the chunk of flesh from her mouth. As she backed away from his body she relinquished her control back to me I quickly shifted and walked to the bathroom. When I reached the door I told Sebastian to go down stairs to check on the pack and see how well the faired and quickly turned and stepped into the shower. When I got out I quickly dressed and ran down to the office where my mate sat behind our desk across from our beta and TIC.
"What's the damage?" I asked looking around the room. c
"We didn't lose any pack members thankfully but there where a few injuries. Anyone who wouldn't surrender was killed and those who did surrender where sent to the cells until we decide what to do with them. " Damian responded.
"What are we going to do about the pack members remaining on their land...they lost their alpha someone has to do something for them"
"I called my parents they are gathering all of the remaining members and bringing them here."
"Okay make sure to find out exactly when they are coming" Damian nodded getting up to leave. As he exited I turned to Sebastian. "What are you planning to do with the pack members who are in the cells?"
He paused considering my question for a moment before replying.
"They will be questioned on their involvement. Those who came willingly will be killed those who came out of fear of their alpha will be inter grated into our pack."
"Okay. I think we should begin the questioning sooner rather than later. " I turned to Kris. "Can you gather a team of a dozen guards and go to the cells to begin questioning"
He nodded and said "yes Luna" as he turned and exited the room headed off to complete the task assigned to him.
Hey guys so I got another chapter up I know it's been a while but I'm coming to the end of my senior year and studying for finals is killing me I hope u guys like the chapter I'm hopefully going to have another one ready really soon ✌🏻️💙🍪

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