Chapter 3

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My first year as a Mrs. Sheridan, it almost perfect. He always knows on how to put a smile on my face and how to cherish me with all his silly and lame joke. I feel so lucky to become a wife for him. Like I'm marrying my best friend.

Francis is not like other typical guy. He is not that kind of romantic person. Eventually, he is a very caring person. He can't even see if I'm turning sick or at least, mild fever. He will like babbling like old granny and only shut his mouth when he sleep or I sleep. But if I sleep, there is still a mild probability that he still keep talking.

It was winter when I found out that I am six weeks pregnant. I decided to throw a small party at our apartment and invite only those who are really close to us. Shelby and Jennifer? For sure they are in!

"Congrats, Lisa! Hope that everything is going to be fine."

"Congrats, to-be parents!"

"Make sure that your kid as cute as me!"

Those were compliments that we got that day. Francis, no doubt, was the happiest as he is one step forward to be a father an that is what he dreamt for.

When I was pregnant, almost everything that I do had been monitored by Francis. Don't do this, don't do that, that's dangerous, that's harmful! He treated me like a six years old girl. But I know he do that because he care. And that's what I love about him.

Sometimes, that is all we need from our partner. Maybe Madonna and Marilyn Monroe was right that gold and diamonds are girl's best friend but on top of that, all we need are affection from them. In this case, JLO was right! Love don't cost a thing!

"Lisa, have you see my jumper?"

"Why? I think I put it in your closet. Try to check them out."

"I checked already. It wasn't there."

"Try check on the other one. It might be there."

Francis checked on his another wardrobe. Wife's instinct. It was there.

"You woman always know where the thing is. What you guys are? Magician?"

"A wife! Oh yeah, anyway where are you going, sweetie?"

"I'm going to the City Park. Looking some fresh new ideas."

"Are you serious in writing a new book?"

"Yes, of course. You don't like it?"

"Honey, I'm always behind you. Yes, I like it. I am your number one fan."

"Lisa, you know if I begin writing a new story, I will expose my alter ego. Are you really okay with that?"

I still remember the moment he beat me when he was Danny. It was hurt. Really hurt. The pain was unbearable. It's not that I hate him being that. But to understand his problem is something hard to do.

"As long as you're okay, I go with it, Francis." I kissed his cheek. He blushed. "Why are you blushing?"

"I don't know. Your lips so tempting. It fascinates me."

"Are you trying to seduce me or what?" I'm laughing right after he said that.

"No, not. Anyway, I go first. What you plan to cook tonight?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe beef stew. You like it?"

"I love everything you cook, baby. So, got to go. Bye, Lisa. Bye, Reginald!"

"Who is Reginald?"

He pointed to my tummy. Then he touched my chin smoothly. "If it's a boy, we named him Reginald. If it's a girl, we named her Regina. But I think it's a boy."

"Aww, Francis! The first trimester wasn't even finished yet. The baby not even have a gender yet."

"I'm a proud papa. Of course I'm excited."

Stupid yet I love it!

The moment he went behind the closed door, my mind always worried. Where did he went? Can he control himself? What he do? Everything is playing wildly at the backside of my head. 

I stroked my stomach smoothly. Inside myself is a love proof between me and Francis. I can feel the love there. I already imagined the picture of me as a mother holding our infant. The bright innocent eyes penetrating my eyes. The hands slowly gripping my hands. I just couldn't wait for the moment to be happened.

Maybe I am a huge daydreamer. Yes, I do it a lot. Maybe I should put it in my resume if I go to any interview soon. But sometimes, daydreaming is good so that you can set what you want to achieved in your life.

Suddenly, I feel a very bad contraction happened inside my stomach. I can't barely walk when it's happened. I try to walk to my bed but then only I noticed that my white skirt turned reddish already.

I sat on the floor. I feel a very severe pain inside myself. I reached my phone on the table but no battery. I began to cried, "Mother... Francis..."

I dragged myself to the land telephone which is 10 feet from me. Only God knows what I feel along that time. I call 911 and they arrived sooner after that.

In the ambulance, I heard that they were already called my parents and Francis. All in my head that time was how worse the condition could be. I don't want to lose my child. 

I straightly went to the emergency room shortly after arrived at the hospital. I had been unconscious for a while and after I woke up, I saw my parents, Ted and Sharon DeCuamor and my beloved husband. Francis' face was so dull and blue but he still maintain a smile on his handsome face.

"Honey, what's happened?" I asked Francis. He seemed too shaky to even talk to me.

"Baby, you are miscarriaged." My dad came approaching me and holding my shoulder.

"I what...?"

"The baby is gone..." My mother proceed with the next words.

I took Francis' hands and make him hugging me. But apparently, his hugs was genuine. He try to calm me down.

"It's okay, honey. Maybe it is not our turn yet to be a parent. Just be patient, okay."

"But you really want to be one, right?!"

"I know but we don't know what could happened right?"

I cried in his hugs and on his hands. My dreams to be a mother was so close yet still so far. But thanks God I still have my husband by my side...

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