CHAPTER 12- The blooming friendship

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Hello lovelies

I am back with the next chapter. Enjoy reading.....Vote, comment and follow.....motivate me to give you early updates....I guess this one will be a little boring....share your views in the comment box....

WARNING- This chapter contains both POV's so don't get confused.


Riya's POV

After all the drama I really did not want to fight with this angry man.

"Why did you say that you will leave this house? Didn't you think that you were leaving me behind?" he roared and I was shocked at his outburst. Last time he raised his voice when I entered his life and now he is raising his voice because I talked about leaving his house.

It sounded foreign to my ears that somebody was shouting at me for thinking about leaving him. This feeling is quite great but I just looked at him with a blank look.

"How could you even think of leaving me for such a petty issue?" he shouted looking straight into my eyes. My serious mood faded away and I thought of doing a bit of teasing with my friend.

"Awww....Oh so Mr Roy, sorry my hubby doesn't want me to leave him and why is that so?" I asked, making an innocent face with mischief shining in my eyes. I am not able to understand yet why I always speak more than required with this man. My cold aura goes on a break with him and I am damn confused about the same.

He looked at me, understanding my mischievous intentions, but said angrily "Because you are my friend and I don't even know you properly. Don't even think of leaving me. You are my wife"

I nodded but I guess my playful side was still on so I asked "Is my poor friend going to sleep on the couch too small for him?"

"I am going to sleep on the bed" he answered, making my playful side go out of the window and a blush crept to my cheeks. What's wrong with me?

"Cute" he muttered and he was audible enough and my blush deepened.

"I mean we will share this king size bed and make a wall with pillows in between because that couch throws me on the floor by morning" he said, making me smile. I nodded and said "Cool then I will take the left side of the bed and you take the right one"

Suddenly the light went off and there was darkness all around. I heard the sound of something breaking and panic rising inside me and I remember one of my dreadful days. I drop all my thoughts aside and hug the man standing right in front of me tightly. He stiffened at first and then gently wrapped his arms around me but I could only remember 'It's your fault' and 'Be ready for punishment' words which were shouting in my ears and I mumbled clutching on to him " NO...NO....I haven't done anything wrong, Please forgive me."

Suddenly lights came back and I realised my blunder and stepped back immediately. I don't know why but I felt the lack of warmth. I muttered a "thank you" and rushed to the washroom evading the questions that could make me uncomfortable.

I came back after changing into my night clothes and he was sitting on his side of the bed busy in his mobile. He looked at me but soon went back to what he was doing and I was thankful that he wasn't asking anything. I went towards my side of the bed and slept on my side adjusting my comforter. I slowly drifted to sleep.....


Siddarth's POV

Her petite figure perfectly fitted in my arms as it was her real place. I wanted the time to freeze and bless me with the opportunity to hold her forever. She suddenly stepped back and I sensed her discomfort and did not ask her the reason behind her fear. She rushed to the washroom and I settled on my side of the bed and engrossed myself in my phone to check some emails wanting to distract myself. She came back from the washroom all dressed up for a goodnight sleep and looked at me with unknown emotions in her eyes. I guess she was relieved when she saw that I am not going to ask anything anytime soon. She adjusted her comforter laying on the bed and drifted to sleep. I thought about all that took place was such a long day. I switched off the light and went to sleep.

I woke up at 5 in the morning to find her side of the bed empty. Now where is she?...The feeling of Deja vu surrounded me but I know that she must be either taking her frustration out by jogging session or with her favourite person. From the day she has entered my life I don't know how but I have got to observe her so well that I can read her. The problem is that she goes jogging exactly at 5:30 and she is very particular about the timing. Where is she now?

I got up from my bed and went to the outhouse. As expected she was in Veena's room sitting with her head in her lap. I just came to check on her and was going to return back when I heard Veena shouting and halted in my steps and stood outside the room listening to their conversation. Breach of privacy was not my intention but to know what happened that she was shouting in the early morning.

"Why do you fight the world for me? You have already done a lot now, please stop taking stands for me every now and then. I am not a kid" Veena shouted. These soul sisters fight on weird topics. Mostly for each other.

Riya chuckled and said "Ya Right! You aren't a kid but you looked like one when you hugged me downstairs." I like her playful mood.

"It was just out of happiness," Veena said with fake anger. Then she turned serious and said

"What if your in-laws weren't that good and asked you to leave? You definitely won't go to your father. Where would we have gone at this point?"

Riya laughed and said "Don't worry, I am capable of arranging a better life for both of us"

"You are very capable, very strong but you used your capability to help your dad's company get out of losses and secretly invested money into it and when it comes to sharing profits you give them to Ajit and Mini in the form of gifts. You care less about investing in yourself" she answered back.

This girl is such a mystery. My mind mocked 'that you want to solve for the rest of your life'. I answered 'I agree'

"I don't need all this. You are thinking about what if? I stopped it long back as I knew I had to support myself as nobody would bother to stand up for me" Riya said.

"Why do you say so? Siddarth was definitely going to stand up for you, ''Veena asked and I nodded my head.

"Yes, he would support me as a friend but I can't trust anyone now because I don't like to repeat mistakes. Like nobody cared about me in Shekhawat villa, nobody would care in Roy Mansion. The place has just changed. My presence or absence really won't matter" Riya said with a frown. She is so wrong. My family loves her. Her absence doesn't let me even sleep peacefully even if I don't know her much.

"Remember that day at school when two 18 year old were trying to harass me at school" she said and I was shocked and my blood was boiling in anger. How much has this girl suffered?

"When will you forget that day?" Veena asked with a sad expression.

"Never, After all it was one of my best and worst days. That incident was the worst but I beat them black and blue with a bat. The day makes me feel weak and strong at the same time. A 12 year old petite, skinny figure realised her power and lost her carefree nature. I was awarded with darkness for my act of bravery dude. You know that day the principal summoned dad to school. He came and I ran towards him and hugged him tight. After all, deep down I was a little girl who had faced the cruel world in a matter of minutes. He pushed me away and asked rudely 'what mischief did you do that your principal called me?'" she said mimicking his tone. He is the worst example of a father and still he has the audacity to call her a 'worthless daughter'.

"Then the principal told him about the whole thing and I expected my father to stand up for me. I wanted him to say 'It's okay'. I expected him to punish those boys but he did the complete opposite. He slapped an already afraid lost soul so hard that she fell on the ground. He roared 'Why do you hit others? Where are your manners? You should have complained to the teachers' and the culprits laughed at her condition. The principal stopped dad and said 'The boys were at fault, Mr shekhawat. She did the right thing and we are extremely proud of her.' My father dragged me home and kept me locked in a dark room for two long days without even bothering to ask my mistake" Riya said and then chuckled humourlessly.

"He compelled me to become the bold girl this world fears today. Then you entered my life and saw it with your own eyes how he treats me like a princess. Fathers protect their daughters and fight the world for them but my father supports the world against me. You very well know that this is just the description of a day of my life. " she said and I was afraid now. Does she mean that there is more to the story? If the description of one day is shaking me to the core, I don't know what will happen if I get to know that this was not all? I don't know but I am having this urge to protect her from the world and keep her in my embrace always.

"I am afraid what if I trust Siddarth and tomorrow when two people humiliate me, he trusts them more than me just like dad. I love to be called Riya Roy rather than Riya shekhawat but this fear grips me. Moreover this name doesn't belong to me. Veena after one year when he asks me to leave we will go to our penthouse in Bangalore which is far from here. Will you accompany me?" she asked as tears rolled down her eyes. I wanted to comfort her and say that this is never gonna happen. I will win her trust.

"Do you give me a choice?" Veena asked playfully, trying to lighten the tension in the atmosphere. Riya wiped her tears and said "No ways, I have a big family as Siddarth calls it but you are my real family" and Veena answered "And your this family will stick to you like a tail"

"Now Siddarth is my friend and I would like to keep the friendship intact" Riya said smiling, making me smile.

"Yes, you need a friend who can revive your trust and become your life partner eventually. I want him to win over your heart" Veena said and muttered the last line to herself.

"Remove such thoughts from your mind" Riya said and got up to leave.

I hid behind the curtain and thought 'Not a year or two Mrs Riya Siddarth Roy, you will stay with me forever. I won't let you leave me ever at any cost.'

She went outside for a jog and I followed her to find her sitting in the middle of the track, pondering over something. I found it as a perfect opportunity to deepen our bond. I went and sat beside her.

"Good Morning, How are you?" I asked in a low voice but she got started and jumped a little and kept a hand on her chest to calm herself.

"Good Morning, I am fine" she answered.

"What is my friend doing in the middle of the track" I asked and she plastered a smile on her face and said "I want to ask you something"

I nodded encouraging her to speak. She asked "What would you choose: something right as per family values or something right as per social values?"

I could easily relate to this question. She was still struck by the drug case thing that her father wanted her to solve. She was still pondering if she did the right thing.

"I would choose my principles and values. I would support my belief" I answered and she gave me a real smile that showed that she was satisfied now. She suddenly stood up and said "Thank you" and continued her jogging. I have realised one thing that her smile is worth every effort.

I joined her and then we both went to get ready for office. We got ready and I asked her "Can I drop my friend to the office today?"

I really enjoy her company. I like to see her by my side 24*7. She shook her head and said "No" and suddenly my mood dampened. I have never felt this way before. I have actually never asked any girl to accompany me. It's always the other way round but the case is different with her. My heart comes into function in her presence and my mind stops working. Seeing my sad face she chuckled and said "Because today is a meeting with my friend's company in my office".

She muttered a quick "bye" and rushed outside. I realised that today me and my team were supposed to go to her office and I smiled sheepishly. She is making me go crazy. 


Happy holi!

This is a small holi gift and the complete story will take time to get back to the platform. Till then enjoy reading my other works.

I hope you liked the chapter....Guys do vote, comment and follow....Your comments really mean a lot to me....Press the star button to show that you like the chapter.

The female lead has a deep past which will be unfolded piece by piece. This story is gonna be slow as I would like the protagonists to cherish their relationship and make it one the basis of trust, affection and true love.

Was the chapter short or long....Decide and tell me....

Thanks for reading!


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