CHAPTER 13 - Kunal Jaisingh

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Siddarth's POV

Today I went to her office with my team and we were taken to the VIP waiting area. I was confused as Riya is always one step ahead in being punctual. Her complete office was extremely silent and some employees were running here and there. Suddenly a young girl maybe her PA came to me and said "Sir, ma'am is busy in a meeting so she will join you within next 10 minutes"

I nodded and she asked "Sir, If you want you can sit inside her cabin till the time she arrives." I thought for a moment and said "Fine"

She said "Please come, sir" and she guided me along the way. I entered her highly sophisticated cabin.

I entered her cabin and the PA left me as I settled myself on one of the chairs. Suddenly I heard her sound but she wasn't around and then my gaze fell on the screen placed before me where the direct telecast from the board room was being played. Maybe the PA forgot to switch it off.



Mr Kang: let's organise a charity ball

Mr Sumit: Let's do a fashion show

Mr Richmond: Let's organise a fundraiser

Mrs Walia: Let's keep it simple and stick to a formal business party

Riya just stood there silently and nodded at every suggestion. After their suggestions ended she was just standing there thinking about the pros and cons of each one of them.

Mr Kang: Riya, it's just an event and you have all the authority and power to organise them without our consultation. You can even sign deals and make crucial decisions without asking us as you hold the maximum shares. I agree that our stakes and importance can't be ignored but we already support you so why this discussion. Choose any one of these options and just inform us.

Riya shook her head and chuckled.

Riya: No ways, the decision will be a collective one so let's opt for voting.

Mr Kang: Why do you always consider our opinion when you know that you can do it all by yourself?

Riya: In a family the opinion of every member counts so I am doing the same. Now come on, start voting.

Everyone smiled at her words and the procedure of voting started.

What can I expect from Riya, that day she boasted about her powers which she has never used upon others. What a creature was she? I wondered.

After voting a fashion show cum party was selected and now the venue was to be decided.

Mr Kang: Let's keep the venue my guesthouse this time.

Mrs Walia: We organised the fundraiser there only so let's think of something new. Umm...I think it should be Riya's new house this time. Roy mansion will be perfect.

Riya (sighed): Mrs Walia I don't think it's a good option.

Mr Richmond: I think it's a perfect idea only if you are comfortable.

Riya: So gentlemen, we will have to wind up this meeting here only as I have a meeting and yes I will come back to you for the venue discussion later.

Mrs Walia: Sure dear, in case there is a problem in conducting the event at Roy mansion, do clearly tell us.

Riya: don't worry Mrs Walia. There is no problem as such but give me some time to decide. So I will get back to you soon. Now please excuse me.

Riya starts to move out but suddenly Mr Richmond calls her

Riya turns back.

Mr Richmond: This event is after a month or two but tomorrow there is a party at my place as it's my wife's birthday and you are cordially invited along with your family and we especially want to meet Mr Roy.

Riya: Sure Mr Richmond but I don't know if my family will be able to join me as you know the business family has to be busy.

Riya chucked and Mr Richmond joined her. He shook his head and said

Mr Richmond: never mind but I would be flattered if they would grace the occasion and yes the party is completely your style as the media isn't invited.

Riya smiled and gave a curt nod before exiting the meeting room.



I smiled and shook my head thinking about my wife's behaviour. She is one of her kind. She was boasting about the powers which she never enforces on people that day. She royally announced her powers in front of our family for the sake of her sister and when she has the rights to take decisions independently she is considering the advice of her fellow directors. Suddenly my trance got broken as the cabin door flung open and Riya entered and came towards me. I stood up and shook hands with her and we both ever so formally greeted each other. We both left her cabin and went towards the waiting area where my employees were seated. She went forward and said "We apologise for the delay gentlemen. I think it's time to move towards the meeting room." All said in unison "No issues ma'am" and started moving towards the room as Jenny was directing the path. As we two were at the end so I said "The delay was no big deal" and she just passed me a small smile.

We settled ourselves in the room and I had to admit that her aura screams respect just like mine. She might be friendly and sweet but she is dangerously professional and sophisticated. She, in her always calm tone, asked "Shall we start" and I said "Sure Mrs Roy, but before that we have to wait for a minute or two as my partner Mr Kunal Jaisingh is just coming. I would like to discuss the further details and sign the deal in his presence." Riya did not frown nor did she contain the smile that she always does outside the meeting room. She just gave a curt nod in acknowledgement and went on to instruct something to her PA Jenny. In exactly 2 minutes Kunal entered along with jenny. Today I was surprised because Mr. Cocky Kunal entered and greeted Riya with a smile. He never did that. He did not smile looking at Neha, Mahira and any girl whom I know except Diya and Jiya. Why is he smiling now then?

I ignored this question for now and the meeting started. We signed the deal and most of the time I zoned out looking at her. Once I was so busy staring at her that she coughed slightly to remind me that we were in a meeting and blushed looking sideways. Aww...her beauty increases when that red hue surrounds her cheeks.

We went towards her cabin as she offered us to have lunch with her in the cabin and by we it means me, Riya and my buddy Kunal. The rest of the employees went back for the lunch break. We comfortably settled in her office and she said "Excuse me for some time please as I have something very important to take care of" and we both just nodded. She went outside and I shifted my attention towards a smiling Kunal. I frowned and asked " Why the hell are you smiling like a fool?"

"Bhabhi is the other name of perfection dude" he answered. I smiled at his words but then frowned and asked "You have just met her and you got impressed. How come the ever so cocky and rude Kunal Jaisingh got to praise her?"

"I am not meeting Bhabhi for the first time. You remember the girl who designed all the dresses for my wedding at the end moment as Tanisha's designer quit the last moment. She is the one. She got just one and a half days and she arranged extremely extravagant, mind blowing designs in less than 48 hours. You all praised her designs a lot. She is Tanisha's school buddy but they lost touch after school and reconnected at our wedding. She charged a minimal amount too when we forced her. She got busy with her work again after our wedding. Today as I entered the building she specially sent her PA to escort me to the meeting room and her hospitality team was extremely difficult to handle. They literally pounced on me to have a cup of coffee and I had to deny them as I had to reach the meeting" he answered grinning widely.

I chuckled at the last line and said "Your one roar is enough to silent people and you think her hospitality team is difficult"

"She did not welcome me as Kunal Jaisingh, she welcomed me as her Jiju who had come to her office for the first time. Just as I crossed the hospitality stage everything got professional again. She is the complete opposite of Tanisha" he told me.

"Definitely" I nodded.

"She speaks non-stop-----" he said

"She makes me feel that I am talking to walls" I completed.

"She irritates me with her demands---" he said while shaking his head.

"She irritates me by always staying quiet," I said.

"She hates to work a minute extra than required----"

"She beats me in working hours. I mean she is a bigger workaholic than me" I told him as a matter of fact.

"Woah! That's a compliment in my eyes" he said and we both laughed together. She entered the cabin and sat on her seat.

"So what would you like to have Mr Roy and Mr Jaisingh" she asked.

"Jiju" "Siddarth" we both corrected her. She smiled and said "Outside office"

We frowned and she said "Will explain my rule book later but for now what would you like to have for lunch?"

We both looked at each other and then at her and said "We would like to have Chinese, Mrs Roy"

She chuckled at our antics and said "Sure, give me a minute"

She dialled a number on the nearby landline and said in her extreme cold tone "2 Chinese platter and one black coffee in my cabin fast" and kept it down.

We raised our eyebrows at her questioningly. She asked "What happened?"

I said "We are three people and you ordered lunch for 2 and only a cup of black coffee for yourself. Why?"

She shrugged and said "You have black coffee after lunch so it was for you not for me"

"So what is in your lunch today?" we asked in chorus.

"I will have it later so for now please carry on" she said.

"Saying a 'no' to your clients cum deal partners doesn't sound good Mrs Roy" Kunal stated with a smirk.

Her eyes darkened at his words and she said " NO is the first word in my dictionary Mr Jaisingh"

He smiled and said "That's like my sister"

She suddenly smiled and nodded. She changes mood swiftly.

"Get your lunch or talk to ma, because I am going to call her" I warned.

"Fine but you don't need to drag her in this" she said annoyed.

I smiled and Kunal said "Rab ne bana di jodi (match made in heaven)"

She glared at him and he smiled sheepishly. Soon our lunch arrived and again Riya was on quiet mode and only I and Kunal were catching up. As we finished our lunch we got up to leave and she said "Nice meeting you Mr Roy and Mr Jaisingh," We both frowned again and gave her a you-won't-change-look and said "Same here, Mrs Roy" and we left the cabin.

We walked towards the lift when Kunal got a phone call stating that there was some problem at the construction site and he decided to leave immediately and I was entering the elevator when I suddenly thought of something and rushed back towards her cabin muttering a quick "bye" to Kunal.

I went inside her cabin and she looked at me shockingly. She was reading a file which she kept down and I just settled on the chair where I was sitting previously. I asked "what caused the delay today?"

"You are very inquisitive. I must admit" she said, raising a brow.

"Yes and now tell me, why were you late for the meeting?" I asked. She knew I wasn't going to back out so she said "I guess now we are back to friends mode so I will have to answer"

I smiled and nodded.

"Nothing much, just a meeting with the board members to discuss the details of an upcoming business party cum fashion show for the promotion of a new collection" she answered of course hiding the fact that she had issues with the venue. I know my friend won't ask for favours so I deliberately asked "What's the venue?"

"Yet to be decided" she said in a bored tone.

"Why don't you conduct it in Roy mansion? The basement hall is perfect for such events" I asked.

"I don't think it's a good idea to utilize your house for----"

"Our house" I cut her off.

"Ok, but will the family agree?" she asked.

"NO, they won't agree," I said.

"Fine so I am thinking about Reganta gardens or farmhouse----" she started rambling.

"They won't agree if their son asks them but they would definitely agree if their lovely daughter asks them" I said pointing at me and then her. She chuckled and said "Got it"

"Wanna join me for an ice-cream?" I asked her. She said "Not a bad idea, let's go"

We both went to a nearby restaurant and settled ourselves. The waiter came with a smiling face and asked in an overly sweet tone "Ma'am what would you like to have?" ignoring my presence.

She looked at the menu and he continued "Ma'am you look gorgeous today".

My mind screamed 'WHAT THE HELL! He is flirting with my wife in my presence. Is he blind or what? Is the sir sitting with ma'am not visible to him"

"A scoop of butterscotch ice- cream for me and---" she said and looked at me but I was busy glaring at that waiter.

"Why don't you go and bring two cups of butterscotch ice-cream for your ma'am and her husband" I told him.

"Ma'am do you need anything else?" he asked, ignoring me again. My anger levels are increasing now.

"Don't you think there is a sir also sitting with ma'am who happens to be her husband?" I spat angrily. He literally ran away and Riya looked as if she was controlling her laughter. As the waiter disappeared she burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"A jealous husband can definitely make a wife laugh" she answered and continued laughing. I smiled as she said 'husband'.

Then she stopped laughing and said "Wow! My favourite song is being played"

Seeing her happy mood I asked "So will I get the pleasure of sharing a dance with you on your favourite song?"

There was a stage set up and seeing her mood I really wanted to enjoy these moments with her. I extended my hand........


KUNAL JAISINGH (new character)


Okay so posting this one was purely out of impulse because of you guys constant requests. This story would still take more time to get back completely to this platform. I might not reply to all your hearty comments but I read and remember them whole-heartedly. 

Till then I would be sincerely happy if you gave a chance to my other work 'Our version of love'

How was it?

I really hope you liked the update. Your votes and comments are my biggest motivation so kindly keep them chiming in. 

Thanks for Reading


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