CHAPTER 2- Marriage

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We opened the door and came out of the room after the so-called discussion which sounded more like dad threatening and ordering me rather than asking my opinion regarding this marriage. 

"Riya is ready to marry your son," dad said in a tone that was proof that he had been successful in pressuring me into this unwanted relationship. All the distraught faces in the room glowed upon hearing this news and Meenakshi aunty came up to me and said that she was happy to get a mature and sensible daughter-in-law like me and blessed me with love which was visible in her eyes. My heart felt happy to feel motherly love after years of my mother's death but I couldn't react as my head felt blank due to the situation.

The next I remember is Di hugging me tightly and using the same words as dad "I am proud of your decision." She wasn't even sorry for what she did to me and the Roy family. Like father, like daughter are the exact words that fit them as they both use their minds instead of their heart in every situation. The drama wasn't over yet as Siddarth entered the scene only to give wild looks after hearing my decision.

He clenched his teeth and closed his fist tightly and tried to suppress his anger. His reaction was justified but I knew I wasn't wrong on my part. His glares made me a bit nervous but I could handle this. I was waiting for him to say 'no' so that I would get a chance to escape from this forced marriage and my heart eagerly waited for his answer.

Understanding the situation Meenakshi aunty dragged Siddarth along to a corner and whispered something in his ears. Although his anger remained, he came forward and said "I am ready for the marriage, and let's complete this quickly because I don't have time to waste anymore." Everyone nodded and hastily strolled around the mansion to check the arrangements.

The most memorable day of a girl's life, when she tries every trick to beautify herself, seemed like a terrifying arrangement to me. Veena was doing my makeup and I was sitting there like an emotionless being who had no choice but to tolerate all this quietly. After getting ready in a heavy pink lehenga with my hair tied in a bun and makeup imposed on my face I began to walk towards the Mandap with Di and Veena holding me from either side. I felt like a prisoner being brought to court for punishment.

Then the grand wedding took place consisting of sacred rituals, the seven vows, the Sindoor (Vermillion) and Mangalsutra (Sacred Thread) and the line of Pundit Ji "Aaj se aap dono Pati Patni hue ( from now on you both are declared as husband and wife)" which annoyed me the most as this relationship was nothing but a deal which was going to change our lives drastically as I could sense it.

We got up and took the blessings of the elders and I headed to Meenakshi aunty to ask for a favor on which my life depended hugely. I asked for permission to take Veena along with me as she was the only person who was very close to my heart. She is a maid for others but me, she is a sister without whom I cannot imagine my life. I thought I would have to convince aunty, but she agreed at once, not minding it at all.

At last, the most difficult moment for every daughter came, the Vidaai (farewell) came and I began to cry. The pain of parting from the family wasn't making me tear up. Instead, it was the agony of being separated from memories of where I lived happily with my mother. I had only come to attend my sister's wedding and had become the bride myself. I had to cry as she was leaving us but the situation got reversed and I am crying as I have to leave. I hugged my dad and wept bitterly but he stood consoling me without showing any emotions. It appeared he was hiding his pain, but I knew that he was the same from the inside out, and Di followed in his footsteps. The two people who genuinely felt my pain and sobbed loudly as they were going to miss me were my cousins Ajit and Mini. I hugged them tightly and dad took my hand and made me sit in the car. Siddarth entered the car from the other side and told the driver to drive fast. I was continuously sobbing as I was unable to control my emotions but he made no attempt to console me. After 10 minutes of weeping, I suddenly stopped and wiped off my tears and the bold look on my face was back. I was done crying and overthinking. In a cold tone, I called Veena and asked her to pack all the stuff and move to the Roy mansion.

She knew what to do next and I kept the phone. It surprised me to see Siddarth looking at me. I don't know why he did that, but I didn't bother to ask. I saw his face properly for the first time and as he noticed me looking at him, he turned his face to the other side.

We reached the Roy mansion in a half-an-hour at that speed. As soon as we got down, I saw a beautifully built mansion with a spacious lawn, fountains, and every luxury that a man could imagine. I had a calm, composed expression on my face, which made him look at me with amusement. Then the realization hit him that he cannot expect a shocking reaction from me as I am Riya Shekhawat. Meenakshi aunty arrived and conducted all the welcoming rituals which I performed half-heatedly but properly to ensure that a mother gets a chance to enjoy his son's wedding rituals. Siddarth performed all the rituals under the pressure of his father as his father forced him to perform them.

Eventually, we were both allowed to walk to the room, but a voice stopped us.

"Who is this girl and where is our Bhabhi (Sister-in-law)?" two twin sisters almost in their teens asked this question in a high-pitched tone.

"Mom, I am off to my room" Siddarth shouted angrily and walked away. "Riya, you go to your room and I will talk to them," Meenakshi aunty told me and I followed at once. As I reached the room I stopped at the door and tried to gather the courage to enter.


What will Siddarth do when she enters the room?....Will she be able to handle his wrath?....Will they be able to behave like normal couple ever?....

Keep reading to get these questions answered.....Share your views through comments and the more you vote the earlier you get the next update.

I hope you guys liked the second chapter and please feel free to point out if there are any grammatical errors.

Thank you.....


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