CHAPTER 3- The Silent Lioness

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Riya's POV

I gathered all my courage and tried to calm my racing heart which was thumping so loudly that anyone could hear my heartbeats. 'Come on Riya, you are not entering a lion's den, it's just a room'. I twisted the knob cautiously and walked in. It looks like an earthquake had just hit this room. Everything was scattered, a broken vase, cracked classics, and all the accessories on the floor. He was standing near the dressing table with his eyes red in anger and a vase that he was about to throw in his hands. He probably had stopped seeing me enter the room. It seemed like he was frustrated and tired of the situation and I was just watching him to figure out his next move. My ears were pierced by a loud voice.

"What are you looking at?.... Am I a beast?.... You and your family have ruined my life. She said yes to the wedding and ran away and you said yes and tried to compensate" he said taunting me.

He walked two steps towards me and stopped, then asked, "Is this a joke? Am I supposed to laugh or be happy that at last I have got married?"

"Wait, did you marry me or the business king, Siddarth Roy? " He widened his eyes and raised his finger towards me. Before I could speak he answered himself.

"Of course, the businessman Siddarth Roy, to keep the business deal between the companies alive, or else nobody would agree to marry a stranger within a few minutes," he shouted.

I was listening to him quietly as I knew he had faced betrayal and I could understand his situation so I just said "Calm down" in a soft tone.

He said "After your sister destroyed my life and made it a living hell you are asking me to calm down" in a frustrated tone.

Suddenly a message popped on my phone screen capturing my attention and I rushed to check my phone which I don't know how landed on the bed, leaving his one-sided conversation in the middle. I saw Veena's message saying she had reached the mansion. I turned around to find him shooting daggers at me through his eyes. I gave a blank look, unable to understand why he was looking at me like that. He started walking toward me and my heart started to beat loudly.

He came towards me and grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back. I thought 'ouch, is he mad, what is he doing?' but I calmed myself down and chose to remain silent. I knew he was disturbed and I know the pain of betrayal.

"If you don't check your phone for a minute will the earth turn upside down?" he growled, snatching my phone from my hands. I didn't know what to say.

"I got it........It must be regarding your sister is concerned about a contract and the other is concerned about a business deal. Is it all that you and your family know? Do you eat business in your meals?" He continued.

I chuckled in my mind. He speaks anything in anger and I don't know from where he gets such silly thoughts. He has already assumed that I was doing some significant business work on my phone. His anger increased at my silence and he thought I was ignoring him.

"Leave me alone and get out of this room" he ordered and I quietly left the room as I was just waiting for an opportunity to meet Veena. It can't be denied that he is quite rude.

I found Veena waiting in the lobby and I ran toward her and asked, "Why are you late? I was dying to meet you."

"I am not late, it's just you were impatiently waiting for my arrival," she said, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled and hugged her back. She always understands me, and she can read me perfectly. As we headed to the outhouse, she tried to prevent me from stepping in. She had to comply after I insisted. As she closed the door my eyes became wet as I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. This day was like a nightmare for me. A forced marriage with a man who loves my sister, the absence of my mother, and leaving my home behind was hard on my heart. I cried my heart out in her lap. I don't remember when I dozed off to sleep.

In the morning Veena woke me up early in the morning and helped me to change into a beautiful Saree for my first day at the Roy Mansion. My mind thought 'A brand-new place with brand-new people, Let's see where this journey takes me.' I huffed at this thought and entered the mansion to find Meenakshi aunty sitting on the sofa. She came toward me and I took her blessings but she told me to hug her like a daughter and I nodded happily.

"You look beautiful Riya beta (child) and I must say I have found a gem for my son," she said in an extremely sweet tone.

I thanked her. Then other members arrived, and I greeted them one by one.

Meenakshi aunty came to me and asked "Riya, do you know how to cook?"

After I shook my head in agreement, she announced that today my Pehli Rasoi (Where the new bride cooks for the first time for her in-laws) would take place. She took me to the kitchen and guided me with all the utensils and ingredients, followed by Suwarna Aunty. I was asked to make a sweet dish so I made Suji ka halwa (Indian Sweet dish)  and pancakes. That's a strange match, but I like to cook a variety of dishes. Then the maids placed the sweet dishes on the table and everyone started settling around the dining table.

Everybody started waiting for Siddarth to come down to have his breakfast. About five minutes later I saw a dashing man in a black suit descending the stairs all dressed up to go to his office. I ogled at him openly and as he saw me, I turned away from him and stared at the other side of the room. 'Devilishly handsome!' was all my mind could say, but I ignored it. Everybody tasted the food and I could hear everyone praising "It's yummy, I loved it, I want to have some more" and a smile adorned my lips.

He tasted it and said "Mom this is the most delicious Halwa I have ever tasted. I want to have it every Sunday as it's the only day I skip my dieting plans." My happiness increased with his comment.

Mom told him that I had made this food and he suddenly looked at me and said " Okay, the Halwa is alright, not bad."

I thought 'He is such a jerk. As he got to know that the food was made by me, the food changed from delicious to good.' Then suddenly the twins who stopped me yesterday came and started a new drama.

"I heard you slept in the servants' outhouse last night" a girl taunted me.

"It's good that you know where you belong. This just shows that you don't deserve my brother and this family," said her twin who was supporting her sister. My anger levels started increasing but I didn't let my smile fade away. I didn't want to lose patience as these people are my new family.

"Did you marry our brother for a business deal? How can you stoop so low? You are such a cheap girl" the first one said, making a disgusting face. My mind prompted me to give them an earful so that they don't dare speak with me in that tone. However, I controlled myself and listened to them without uttering a word.

"Shut up Diya...don't forget you are talking to your Bhabhi. She is my wife now, so don't make the same mistake again." Siddarth interrupted, shocking everyone.

I was extremely shocked that the man who was hurling the same accusation around me yesterday is stopping his sister from disrespecting me. This is the inside stranger and outside wife game that he is playing with me. That is the only thought that settled all the dilemmas in my head. As this drama ended I walked out to the lawn to calm the angry horses racing in my mind.

I inhaled the cool breeze and slowly exhaled it and then as expected Veena entered the lawn and said,

"Who are you? Where is the girl I know?" she asked me rudely.

"What do you mean Veena? What happened?" I asked her, unable to understand her question.

"I know a girl named Riya who is polite but too bold for anyone to even look into her eyes with wrong intentions. I know the girl who never heard a word against her silently and today I couldn't see that girl in you. You are the boldest girl I have ever met. So where is that girl? I can't find her in you after you quietly listened to all that rubbish the girls were speaking."

Now I understood the reason behind her anger so I turned to her and said

"Calm down Veena, I was quiet because the girls forgot their manners but I remembered mine."

She calmed a bit but wasn't convinced and we heard a knock on the glass partition of the lawn.

"Can I talk to Riya alone for a while?" Siddarth asked glaring at us.

He entered the lawn after Veena left us alone.

"Silent lioness," he said as he walked toward me.

I looked at him amused as I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"The fashion industry calls you by the name of the silent lioness. Right?" he said in a tone that was not at all questioning but serious.

"Did the lioness turn into a cat when my sisters insulted her?" he asked, and the tinge of anger which I had successfully overcome started to take form again as I heard him. I know when to talk and when to keep quiet so I thought of giving this jerk a chance to speak his mind out.

"Businessmen are afraid to even speak a word against you as they know if this lioness comes into the form she will destroy them. Where did this lioness disappear a few minutes ago?"

I was shocked by his question but I found the most appropriate answer and said "A lioness remains a lioness forever but it's her choice when to roar." 


Why was the lioness quiet?....Is she a very shy and traditional girl?...Is the title given to her wrong?....Why did Siddarth support her?...

Too many questions, vote and comment to get the answers and do share your views. Why is she bearing all this? Many of you would have guessed the reason so share it with me through your comments.

Thankyou to all my readers. I believe that an author can improve only when the readers share their views so I would like to hear from you about the book. All my silent readers, vote and comment to appreciate me or point out my mistakes. Want an early update? No worries just drop a comment.


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