They Could Only Dream . . . (P.1)

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HIYA FRIENDS! So I got this idea after I saw some Fanart on Pinterest (I'll put it at the end of the chapter) but I thought it'd be cool.

So the Chapter isn't mainly focused around Dick well I mean he's definitely in it and is a main character but like their are co-stars. If that made sense.


Wally's POV

Today was a good day. This week was a good week. I have an awesome life. My parents are awesome, nicest people I've ever met. My Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris are amazing they live nearby too. I go to a good school. I have good friends.

My life is nice and normal and absolutely perfect.

"Wally!" My mom yelled up to me. I sprang from my bed and went downstairs.

"What's up mom?" I said as I sat on the couch besides her and looked at the TV screen.

"Oh nothing, just wanted know if you wanted to watch TV with me?" She said, I shrugged and watched as she surfed through the channels.

Then I got this feeling, an awful feeling that something wasn't right. Something was out of place. It sent shivers up my spine. I looked around, trying to figure out what was happening. There was no crime in Central City so it couldn't be anything dangerous. So what could it be?

"I just got the weirdest feeling." I mumbled, just loud enough for my mom to hear.

"Why is that?" She asked, her voice sounded different. It went from calm and casual to a dead and stiff tone.

I shrugged it off, "I don't know, probably nothing."

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. That feeling I got earlier was back and it wasn't going away.

"What is wrong with me?" I whispered to myself. I shook the the feeling then tried to doze off.

"Speedster. . ."

  "Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed? . . . ."

"Your parents hit you. . . . ."

"Speedster. . . ."

"Not real. . ."


I jump awake, panting and gasping for air. My face covered in sweat and my covers thrown everywhere.

"What was that!" I think as I continue to attempt to calm myself. Speedster? My parents hitting me? Not real? Whelmed? What even is that?

One, what the heck is a speedster? Two, my parents would never hit me, they wouldn't hurt a fly. And three, whats not real?

I sit on my bed, pondering whatever I just dreamt.

"Wally are you awake?" My mom says from outside my door. "Can I come in?" She adds as she opens the door.

"Why are you up mom?" I yawn. She sits on the foot of the bed.

"Thats not important, why are you awake?" I stare at her for a minute. Thinking about what I should tell her.

"Mom do you know what a speedster is?" She froze, as if the had question scared her.

My mom recomposed herself, almost robotically. "It's nothing sweet heart." He voice was different again. It sounded almost like she was hiding something from me.

"What about whelmed, any clue what that is?" I said as I started to rise from my bed. My mom stood up from my bed.

"It's nothing, go back to sleep." My mom says, her eyes narrowing as she came closer. Then a word come into my head.

"Dick . . ." I clapped my hand over my mouth as soon as the word came out. But then I took them down, images of a boy coming into my head. He had black hair and blue eyes, he was short too really short.

"That's no one!" My mom suddenly yells at me. I continue to walk away from her, scared.

"Wallace. . ." My mom breathes, I continue to back away. I keep walking until I'm cornered and my mother is standing above me.

Then she hit me.

Right one the cheek.

And everything became clear.

This wasn't real.

I held my stinging cheek, aware of what the dream meant. My name is Wally West, and I am the fastest Kid alive. My parents hit me so I live with my Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris. And my best friend is Dick Grayson. I am a speedster, and my life is far from normal.

I jump up and push past my mom. I use my speed and run as far away as possible. I keep running and running and running until I saw something that want right. And anomaly on the Earth.

"I gotta find my friends." I say. I take a deep breathe, and step through.

Normal POV

Wally stepped through the portal like thing. Being spat out, into, into well his body. He woke up on bed inside the mountains med bay.

The only other person awake was Artemis, she was sitting on a chair, looking off into space. When she saw Wally sit up she ran to his side.

"Hey Artemis. . . What's going on?" Wally asked the archer as he sat up.

"How much do you remember?" Wally tilted his head, trying to remember anything.

"I remember getting a mission from Batman. . . Then seeing the Psimon guy again. . .Oh no Psimon!" Wally finally figured out. Artemis went on explaining that the villain had gone inside their heads again, putting them each in a mental prison. One only they could escape from.

"So it's just you awake?" Artemis nodded, Wally put his head in his hands.

"I've only be awake for about about an hour." Artemis said, "but the others are still out." She finished as she stepped to the side so Wally could see their 4 unconscious teammates.

"Can't Martian Manhunter go in their heads and fix it?" Wally asked, Artemis shook her head.

"When I woke up they told me that they tried but each of us had a strong barrier preventing him from going in."

"Well wha-" Wally started but was interrupted by Kaldur waking up. His breathing was sharp and uneven as he sat up. He calmed himself quickly and looked towards his friends.

"My friends. . . What is going on?" He asked, his voice quiet. Wally and Artemis both walked over to him and explained everything.

"So what are we supposed to do know?" Artemis said as she flopped down on a chair.

"Well you said Martian Manhunter could not get inside our head correct?" Kaldur said. Artemis nodded. "But what if he can put us in there head."

"That's a good idea." Wally said. "We can each go in one of their head and guide them out!"

"Yah but what if they're dreams aren't like ours?" Artemis added.

"Well what was going on inside you head?" Wally asked.

"Well it was something I've always wanted, my family was together. None of them were evil, and everything was normal." Artemis said, Wally and Kaldur nodded.

"Mine was similar, I was back in Atlantis serving and being taught by my king, along with Garth." Kaldur added.

"And mine was a normal life, nice parents, no speed." Wally said, "So, it was our dream life. . ."

"We gotta find the JL and get on with this plan." Artemis said, Wally and Kaldur nodded.

You know what? Imma make this a 2-parter. The first two part story of the book!

It should come out soon since the ideas still fresh in my head.



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