They Could Only Dream. . .(P.2)

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Normal POV

"Are you ready?" Martian Manhunter said to the three awake members of the team. They had explained their plan to Batman and MM only moments ago.

The older heroes had thought about it for awhile before agreeing. They teens had gone back to their beds and laid there waiting for them to be transported into their friend's head's.

"So Artemis you will be going into M'gann's head. Kaldur will go in Connor's. And Wally will go inside Robin's." Batman clarified. The teens on the bed nodded.

Martian Manhunter sat on a chair and closed his eyes. Soon they opened back and were glowing a strong green.

~Into M'gann's Head~ Normal POV

Artemis gasped as she woke up on red sand. She soon realized that she was on a whole other planet, Mars.

On the planet she saw two different entities, one very tall, white, and bony. The other human size, green, and had large heads. She realized the green ones were the type of Martians MM was and the white one were the ones like M'gann.

She looked around, but all the white Martians looked alike and she couldn't figure out which one was M'gann. But then one walked up to her.

"Hello?" Artemis said to the Alien. The Martian then began to morph into a green form. It was M'gann. She stared at Artemis oddly, trying to figure out who she was.

"Your name is M'gann isn't it?" Artemis smiled. M'gann still looked confused but nodded.

"I know this is going to be hard to believe. But this world." Artemis gestured every which way. "It isn't real. An evil psychic put you in a mental prison and trapped you within your greatest desire." The archer explained, M'gann looked back at her with tears her green eyes.

"So your saying this isn't real?" She asked, her voice quiet and sad.

"I'm sorry M'gann, but just try and remember. Try to remember the team, and me, and Earth, and Hello Megan!" M'gann closed her eyes, going inside her own head. When she opened her eyes again after several minutes, she looked back at Artemis with joy.

"Artemis." She smiled, Artemis smiled back while M'gann came up and hugged her. When the two let go a small portal opened up near them.

"Before we go through that thing can I ask what your greatest desire was?" Artemis asked the Martian.

"That my people and the Green Martians got along." M'gann smiled. Artemis smiled back at her and the two walked through together.

When they awoke on their beds, they saw the others still asleep. Artemis explained that Kaldur and Wally had already woken up and had gone inside Connor and Robin's head. The two sat and waited for their friends to wake up, chatting quietly about their dreams.

~Next we go in Connor's Head~ Normal POV

Kaldur opened his eyes, waiting to see whatever Connor dreamed of. Only to see he was inside the Mountain. Nothing was out of place or different. Connor was seated on the couch, watching static by himself.

"My friend." Kaldur called out as he walked over to the couch. Connor turned towards him.

"Hey Kaldur." He said then he turned back to the TV screen.

"I have to tell you something." Kaldur spoke as he sat down. Connor look towards the team leader. Kaldur took a deep breathe and continued, "this isn't real. The villain Psimon went into out heads again and trapped us within our greatest desire. Come with me into the real world."

Connor shrugged. "Ok." Kaldur was shocked. Connor just said 'ok' like nothing in his life changed anyway.

"If you don't mind me asking. What was your dream about?" Kaldur asked.

"Nothing really. The teams still here, I can still watch Static. And Superman likes me." Connor said as he stood up, followed by Kaldur. "Not much change."

Kaldur smiled, Connor didn't wish for much. He was happy with his life right now.

Together they walked back to the Zeta-Tube, waking up in their own bodies. They saw M'gan and Artemis talking and went over to them. Awaiting the bird's and speedster's awakening.

~And Finally Robin's Head~ Normal POV

Wally sat up and looked around. He was on the ground right outside of a small trailer. There were many other trailers around it, and there was a big circus tent just around the corner. Wally took a deep breathe, of course this was Robin's dream.

Wally walked up to the door and knocked. After a minute, a boy around the age of 13 with black hair and stunning blue eyes opened the door.

When Dick opened the door he froze. Wally was confused at that but once the boy recomposed himself he started talking.

"Hello." Wally smiled warmly.

"Hi." Dick replied, his Romani accent strong. He allowed Wally to step into the small trailer. Dick went over and sat with two adults. He sat right in between them and they both snuggled up close to him. The women put her hand on the boy's shoulder and held it there. Dick put his hand on her's.

"Hello, My name is Wallace West and I'd like to talk to your son." Wally said to the parents. Dick replied however.

"Whatever you have to say you can say to all of us." The boy said with confidence. Wally sighed then rearranged his worried thoughts.

"Ok. I'm sorry to say this Dick, but this isn't real. A Psychic named Psimon went into your head and trapped you in a dream." Dick looked unconvinced, and the parents looked defensive.

Wally took a deep breathe, "Dick, your parents died that night." Dicks breathing hitched and his parents appeared to be fading.

A tear rolled down the boy's face, "I know." He whispered. Wally ran to his friend and hugged him as he silently weeped.

After Dicks body started to shake less from sobs Wally let go and looked towards him.

"Ready to go?" Wally whispered, Dick nodded and the two stood up. Right outside the trailer was a portal to the real world. Right before the two stepped through Dick looked back towards his Circus. Then he grapped Wally's hand and the two walked through.

Robin and Wally both woke up on their beds. The rest of the team walked over to them.

"Welcome back, my friends." Kaldur greeted as he helped Robin stand up.

"Good to be back." Robin said back cheerily.

Whoop! Two Parter COMPLETED! Also here's the Fanart that inspired this!

Good Job to whoever made it!


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