chapter 7

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I searched shelves for food but some of the meats are rotting to bone and most of the stored food are so old it's like rock and plaster, just as I was about to leave the cellar I see a figure entering to the western branch that leads to the dungeon. I followed the figure to the dungeon but all I see cells and cages that haven't been in use for a very long time, some of the cells have horned skeletons wearing armor and holding swords and shields as if they are trying to escape. I entered one cells and found three ghosts stuck on its wall that are moaning and try and get themselves unstuck, I had to slice them with my sword in order to free them from their imprisonment and hopefully they will find peace.

I explored the dungeon while piecing together of what happen in the dungeon as it's full of skeletons and ghosts of prisoners, I came across a soldier sitting in a cell "are you Albert rosberg?" He said. I nodded "yes, but how did you get here?" I asked and the soldier got up "the expedition was ambushed by monsters we never seen, most of us are killed and few of us like me ended up locked in cells and I never heard from captain septeigo ever since I was locked in here" said the soldier. I was dumbfounded of how the soldier ended up locked in a cell while there's magic wards that prevent anyone from entering or leaving the castle, the soldier sat back down without a word so I walked to the table and picked up a rusted prison key and go back to the cell and used the keys to unlock the cell. "There, you can go out now" I said but the soldier shakes his head "no..... no, I must remain here. Many of my comrades are either killed or driven mad, few days ago the soldiers that are imprisoned here ended up going insane thus losing their free will and joined the ranks of the monsters that I fought, it won't be long until I lose my bouts of sanity and free will to attack you" he said.

I have no choice but to lock up the cell to prevent the soldier to attack me, I hope the soldier try to maintain his sanity. I returned back at the center of the branching hallways and I walked downstairs back to the pool of birth just to meet the old man for guidance, the stone door opened and the old man stepped out "having problems figuring out what to do?" He said. I said to him "yes, I did explore the cellar and the dungeon and found one of the soldiers of the expedition in a cell" the old man sighed "I've been teaching the newly created dark folk about the history, about the castle and the ancient city but it took a lot out of me. The pool itself produced a dark folk member but he has eight horns around his head like he's wearing a crown just like the king, the king has eight horns and doesn't need a crown because his horns are his crown...... maybe the crystal thought to make a new king to replace the old one".

I shrugged "maybe? I don't know" I said, the old man sees the prison keys I have in my pouch "I see you've found the prison keys, these should be useful to some chests in the first floor of the castle" he said "really?" I said and the old man nodded. "Go to the first floor and you should see the courtyard and there's a room with three magic circles that leads to any district of the city" said the old man as he handed me a three bladed sword with a greenish hilt "is that...... the triple fang!? I thought only two mass produced copies were made only stopped the production 200 years ago!" I said. "The blacksmith made this 300 years ago before he died" said the old man, I turn around and walked upstairs from the branching hallways to the first floor.

I walked down the hallway and see a stone double door with windows to my left, I opened it and stepped into the courtyard but in the courtyard there's vines growing on the stone walls and it's like a forest due to no maintenance and I see what appears to be an apple tree. I brush the bushes out of my way until I encounter large purple glowing roots growing out of the walls that reached into the dirt. The roots give off a purple glow that almost drain my strength and my mind when I poked at it but I managed to resist it's draining and retained my sanity as I stepped back, I  saw a wooden door to my right so I opened it and see a room with three magic circles and three different colored obelisks. I read the writing on the wall where the obelisks are, the blue obelisk in front of me has a writing above it reads "water works", the red obelisk to my left reads "artisans district", and the yellow obelisk reads "scholar district".

I started to think that purple obelisk leads to the residential district and the towers. I stepped into the magic circle of the water works district and I disappeared in a flash of light, I opened my eyes to find a room that is flooded with water. The water stands below my knees and I waded through to the door and opened it and saw I was at the bottom of the towers. I walked through the water to the hallway, I see a sign that reads "water towers", I walked through the tunnel that leads to the buildings that have long since sunk into the water and the towers are in ruins and almost underwater to my surprise, I hope I can hold my breath that long.

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