chapter 8

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I walked down the stairs and stepped into the water but I saw something shiny deep in the water and inside of the almost sunken tower. I hold my breath and jumped into the water, diving to the tower. When I entered the almost sunken tower I see skulls with ram horns but suddenly, I ended up losing my breath so I looked up at an air pocket and I swim up to the surface. I gasped for breath but I looked down, the shiny object is in fact an amulet so I held my breath again before diving back. I manage to grab the amulet and swim back to the surface, I couldn't see the exact details of the amulet but it's got a fancy design.

I swim towards the stairs and walked up, water drips off from my armor and clothes but I didn't care as I brushed off the mud and debris from the amulet and I can see an image of a young man with 8 horns around his head like a crown. The amulet itself is made of pure silver with a large opaque ruby above the image of the king, a topaz at his left, a sapphire beneath him, and an amethyst at his right but unfortunately the string that held the amulet has long rotted away to nothing. I put it in my pocket and walked upstairs but at the top the tower it's already crumbling away and the rest of it broke off but at the distance I see an active magic circle except it's a different design, it has an image of a sun than the usual elaborate design.

I leaped into the water and swim towards the platform where the magic circle is but while I was swimming, I heard a low hum from the water so I swim faster until I hit my head against the stone platform. I climbed on it and saw the magic circle at the center but as soon as I look back on the water I see a large silhouette where it's vaguely draconic, it rises up to the surface to the point I see it's scaly back but I had no time to see what the rest of it looks like do I ran to the magic circle and disappear into the light. I open my eyes to find myself in what looks like a shop, I got up but I was soaking wet but at least I was safe. I see a middle aged woman on a rocking chair in front of me, she wore a veil that covers the lower part of her face and a green dress but I looked down I see a serpent tail "don't just stand there, buy something aleady!" She said.

"Who are you madam?" I asked "my name is Velma" she said, "my name is Albert rosberg of-" I said but she cut me off "I already know who you are and why are you here, young man" she said. I was about to question her but I didn't "I've got some things to sell even though they belong to warriors of not just dark folk but human soldiers that were here in the city two years ago and I've potions that I brew" she said pointing at the weapons and armor on the shelves with her cane. "I've encountered a large draconic thing dwelling in the submerged ruins of the water district" I said as I still feel the chills running down my spine "ah! So you've encountered the guardian haven't you? Well I've known that thing since the day it hatched" she cackled, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the amulet and showed it to the serpent tailed witch and she stopped laughing.

The look on her face tells me that she was fascinated by its fancy design "where did you get that thing?" She asked so I explained where I got it, she nods "this amulet belonged to the high ranking engineers but I've seen more of this from which belonged to the mages but its actually a map" she explained so I walked to the shelf which it has helmets that belonged to the expedition team and the other helmets are carved from stone. I browsed the leg armor and the iron boots belongs to the expedition team but the stone leg armor is different the way that it was made from stone and the top part covers the foot but exposes the toes so I look underneath the stone leg armor, I see that the bottom part exposes the whole bottom foot.

"You humans piqued my interest but I can help you on whatever your journey you're on" said Velma but my stomach growled and she sighed "don't tell me you're hungry! Fine, I'll share my soup with you" she said as she got out of her rocking chair and slithered towards the cauldron which it has soup boiling, she snapped her fingers and the fire disappears and she took out a ladle and scooped up some soup into a bowl. She handed it to me and a spoon before putting soup into her bowl, I began eating the soup which it has soup but I didn't care what's in it and I drank the broth "done" I said. "You're done, eh? Good, if you don't have any money then get out! and take your junk with you!" She yelled as she slithered back to her rocking chair but I took off my leather helmet "here, I'm willing to sell this to you" I said as I handed my leather helmet to her.

She examines it "eh, it's common alright so I'll give you 95 gold coins" she said "I'm going to buy your herbal liquids" I said as i picked up the herbal liquid and brought it to her, she gave the amulet to me "You don't have to buy the herbal liquid because this one is for free but be very cautious about the guardian, it is rather corrupted by a some kind of evil force but the guardian recognise me as a friend and it hates lightning" she said so I put the flask of herbal liquid into my pouch and stepped into the magic circle "thank you for the hospitality" I said. Velma got up from her rocking chair and slithered into the magic circle thus joining me "I'm the only one who can calm the guardian so don't think I can join you in your quest because as soon as I calm it down I'm going back to my shop" she said. I hope she knows what she's doing because I don't think my sword can harm the beast let alone annoy it.

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