Chapter 36

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Shoki (POV)
It's the next day after school and I'm approaching the clubhouse when Kiba, Asia, and Issei walk up as well.
Kiba- I think you're right. I think something is bothering her.
Shoki- Hey guys.
Issei- What's up Shoki.
Shoki- What're you guys talking about?
Kiba- I was just confirming with Issei in saying something is up with Rias. If I had to take a guess, I'd say it's House if Gremory drama.
Issei- You think Akeno might know what's going on? She is her right hand man after all.
Shoki- Actually, you guys are pretty spot on. Akeno is roped in to whatever is going as well. I can tell that it's bad.
We enter the clubhouse and go to usual spot. We enter to see Koneko, Rias, Uzume, Akeno, and Grayfia.
IS- Ms. Grayfia.
Issei looks at me and I him.
Shoki- I'll tell you later.
Rias- Good. Now everyone's here.
Grayfia- My lady if you don't mind, may I have your permission to speak openly?
Rias- Let's hear her out.
The room suddenly goes fire red. Behind us a magic circle appears and Fire bursts out of it. As the embers die down, a blond dude and a redhead reveals themselves.

Blonde- And Riser has arrived in the human realm. I've come all this way to see you.....My beloved Rias.
Redhead- It's nice to see you again.....Akeno.
Both girls look on in disgust.
Issei- Alright who are these douches?
Grayfia- The blonde gentlemen is Lord Riser Phoenix and the other gentlemen is his brother Lord Constantine Phoenix. Both pureblooded Devils of noble birth. Third heirs in line to the House of Phoenix.
Shoki- Ok and we care why?
Grayfia- Yoi should care because Lord Riser Phoenix is the fiancé to the next head of the House of Gremory. As for for Constantine he was allowed to pick anyone of the Gremory peerage to be his bride and he chose Akeno.
I get wide eyed and look at Akeno. She's looking back at me with tears in her eyes and she looks away in sadness.
Shoki- You're fucking with me right?
Grayfia- I am not. Lord Riser and Lord Constantine have been engaged with these ladies for quite sometime.
Issei- They're getting married?
Both lords have a seat and Akeno serves them both tea despite hating all of this.
Riser- The tea prepared by my Rias' queen and bride to my brother is most delicious.
Constantine- Indeed. Very delectable dearest.
Akeno-......I think I'm going to be sick.
Constantine pulls Akeno down to sit on his lap on the couch that himself, his brother, and Rias are sitting. Both brother begin to mess with their brides to be by rubbing up on the girls thighs and caressing their faces. Not only does a pang of jealousy hit me but the feeling of wanting to protect Akeno and Rias from the dipshits. Both girls quickly get up and out of the arms of the two lords. That's when Uzume unexpectedly steps forward,
Uzume- Ok that's enough you two. How dare you disrespect and desecrate the President and Akeno with your filthy hands in front of us? Don't you get it? They have no intention of ever marrying you.
Constantine narrows his eyes at Uzume.
Constantine- Watch your tongue.
Riser- Riser believes the Gremory household's circumstances are still such that Rias cannot afford to be so selfish.
Rias- I will not bring my family to ruin. I have no intention denying you your right to our name. However, let me be clear, my husband as well as Akeno's husband will be our choice.
Riser- Remember. It's imperative for devils to remain pureblood. We're still recovering our numbers from the last war. Both your father and Sir Zechs decided on this arrangement with the future of devils in mind.
Rias- My father, my brother, and my whole clan made this decision because they are in too great a rush. For the final time.....Riser....Constantine......Akeno and I will not marry you.
Riser- For the final time Rias, Riser and Constantine bears the reputation of the House of Phoenix.
Constantine- Besmirching our good name is unacceptable.
Riser grabs Rias face and Constantine grabs hold of Akeno's arm. Everyone is taken aback.
IS- Hey!
Constantine- We don't care if we have to incinerate everyone in this room. Akeno and Rias will return to the underworld with us.
Uzume rushes in and grabs hold of Akeno's other arm and tries to pull her away. Constantine's eyes glow to that of a faint flame and he quickly grabs hold of Uzume by her throat. My fist balls and I try to go help but Kiba holds me back. He shakes his head no and I go back to look at Constantine. I watch as he looks Uzume up and down checking her out.
Constantine- You have fire in you. Yes, you'll do nicely as my second bride. I shall marry you as well.
He grabs ahold of one of Uzume's boobs and fondles. Uzume cries out and tears role out of her eyes. By now I'm seeing nothing but blood red. A rumble of thunder is heard in here and the light from the candles flicker out. Everything is dark until my Sacred Gear glows and lights up the place. Anubis's symbol appears on my chest and I transform into the other form of mine.

Constantine- What the-
Before he can finish his sentence, I'm already in front of him with my right fist burying into the front of his face. All of this happening in less than a second. One moment there was silence, now all there is is Constantine crashing through wall after wall after wall through the clubhouse.
Everyone- Shoki!
I quickly bring Uzume and Akeno into a hug.
Riser let's go of Rias and stares me down.
Riser- Why you! You're dead kid!
Suddenly the window bursts open and Osiris comes flying through with fangs bared and claws out. He lands on Riser and they tumble over the couch. Lots of yelling and roaring are heard before Osiris comes rolling towards me skids to a stop and eyes down Riser while on all fours.

Shoki: Osiris the real homie! Busting through the window like a G! He's a real one!
Indigo: Agreed.
Riser gets up and brushes himself off. Constantine comes back looking pissed off as suspected.
Constantine- Everyone in here dies today.
Grayfia- I think not! Everyone settle down NOW!!
Her yelling brings everything to a halt and now all eyes are on her.
Grayfia- As you know, I am here by order of Sir Zechs......there wasn't supposed to be a disruption of peace but I see that was too much to ask for. My master anticipated that there would be conflict so assigned me to do what I am about to do as a last resort. If my lady and her queen insists of on putting their personal preferences above the greater good of the House of Gremory, she is to settle this via a Rating Game between herself against Lord Riser and Lord Constantine.
Issei- What's a Rating Game?
Kiba- It's a game that nobles play. Long story short, they and their servants compete in battle to determine who wins.
Issei- Like the chess thing?
Koneko- Exactly. It's the reason we have individual powers that are inspired by what we call evil pieces. In order to play the Rating Game.
Issei- That's good to know.
Riser and Constantine have played through numerous Rating Games and scored several wins for themselves. Unfortunately my inexperienced has never qualified for an official game.
Koneko- He knows only mature devils are allowed to participate, so it's not as if she's had much opportunity.
Issei- So you're saying we're at a disadvantage?
Kiba- We've got more to worry about than that.
Riser- Rias I have to ask, is this adorable group plus this disrespectful cunt and raging mutt the extent of your servants? They're all you have?
Rias- And so what if they are?
Constantine snaps his fingers and their peerage rises up from a fiery magic circle.

Constantine- We have fifteen pieces. We have a complete set.
Issei- Fifteen and they're all hot as hell. Damn it.
I tune out their conversation until I see Issei get hit into the ceiling by one of the girls in the Phoenix peerage. Rias rushes to Issei's side and cradles him in her arms. I let Uzume and Akeno go and summon my staff. Osiris gets ready to pounce.
Shoki- You come in here to our place of Sanctuary, you degrade, disrespect, and desecrate our President and dear Akeno, you hurt my friend Issei, and worst of all, YOU PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY SISTER AND ARE TRYING TO TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!! THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS FOR WHAT THE BOTH OF YOU HAVE DONE HERE TODAY!!
Rias- I agree. Grayfia, tell my brother I agree to the Rating Game.
Grayfia- I will inform him immediately.
Shoki- And with that, your fates have been sealed. There will be no mercy shown to you. By the end of this game, satakun 'arwahuk li. I promise you.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.
satakun 'arwahuk li- your souls will be mine

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