Chapter 37

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Shoki (POV)
It's the weekend now and the entire club decided to go to a ten day retreat in the woods for training. As of this moment in time, I'm hiking up a trail carrying a heavy ass backpack. I eventually reach Rias, Akeno, Asia, Osiris, and Uzume who were getting a drink natural water fountain.
Akeno- Well look at you go. You hiked up the hill like it was nothing.
Shoki- Works on the cardio and stamina of a person and I kinda always had an abundance of both. Plus adding on the weight of whatever is in this backpack provided an extra challenge. All in all, this was only like a light workout for me.
Uzume- He's not wrong. You should've seen him at the orphanage.
She nudges me in the shoulder and I flash her a smile.

He all suddenly hear huffing and puffing. We turn to look towards the hill only to see Issei slowly coming our way.
Rias- You're almost there. Just a few more feet.
Akeno- Visualize Issei.
Asia-......Rias, should I go get some of those bags for him?
Rias- He'll be ok. He needs to learn how to carry that much on his own. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to Shoki or you if you guys did it without help but Issei did.
Kiba passes Issei up.
Kiba- On your right.
Issei- Seriously?! Did they give you a bag of feathers or something?
Koneko passes him up as well but she's luging a bag the size of a boulder.
Koneko- Move it.
The weight of the bag becomes too much for Issei and he falls backwards and can't get up.
Issei- Ugh I hate this.
We eventually make it to a mansion.

Asia- Wow! It's beautiful!
Rias- Alright you guys. Let's head inside and get going on this training.
Issei- What? But we just got here. That's evil and nowhere near close to fair.
Rias- Why thank you.
Shoki- Come on Issei. You're making yourself look weak in front of the ladies. (Whispers in ear) Quit the whining and start doing things with big dick energy my guy.
Issei- You're right. I'll try.
We head up to our respected boys and girls bedrooms and get changed into our training wear. I can't help but overhear Issei talking to Kiba.
Issei- You know when you said that stuff about hating Fallen Angels, you never explained what made you feel that way and I've kinda been wondering.
Kiba- Are you seriously asking me about that right now? It shouldn't matter. All that matters is winning this Rating Game. We need to focus on the present, not worry about the past okay.
Issei- You're right! Let's do this! I am so with you!
We head outside for lesson one. It was swordplay between Kiba and Issei in which Issei didn't do so well.
Rias- Uzume and Shoki, hand to hand combat. A little spar. First person on the ground loses. Uzume and I get in position while everyone else watches on.
Uzume- Ready brother?
Shoki- Oh please. I was born ready.
Uzume suddenly appears behind me.
Uzume- You sure?
I quickly turn around and catch her fist that was aiming for my stomach.
Shoki- Very sneaky sis.
I toss her hand away and smack her across the face with an open right. Before the shock of what I did sets in for her, I pull her head into my left knee. She staggers back before I deliver a left chest kick and finish with a sweep of the leg.
Like this

As I sweep her leg she backflips and lands on her feet. Before I could react, she brings her right heel down across the back of my head and she quickly follows up with a spinning forearm shot that knocks me on my back
Like this

Uzume- I win.
Shoki- You just lucky that's all.
After our little spar, Akeno takes Asia, Issei, and myself inside to the dining room for lesson two.
Akeno- Alright, it's time that the three of you became aware of the aura and magic surrounding you and try and stream it to a focal point. Let the image of light flow through you and be released as magical power.
Asia- I think I did it.

Akeno- Awesome! Look at you go with your little green light. I think you have a lot of natural talent for this Asia.
Issei- Well Uh...she's getting better that's for sure but she's not the only one.
Akeno- You're right. Shoki, how about you give it a try.
I extend my right hand and focus. On que, a magic energy blast shoots from my hand, out the window, and into the woods where it ends in an explosion

Shoki- Oops.
Akeno- An advanced student I see. (caresses Shoki's face) Well done.
I smile as a blush comes across my face

Shoki- Oh you think so? I mean I guess. Could've done better. Sorry for the window though.
Akeno- No big deal.
Lesson three was with Koneko and it was fighting again but I was able to use a practice staff for staff training and combat since I manifest a staff whenever I'm in that other form of mine. Evening eventually came and now it was time for lesson four which was to use our magic for cooking dinner. It's just Asia, Issei, and myself making the dinner.
Shoki- We should make a stew.
Asia- That sounds delicious.
Issei- I'm down with that.
Shoki- We're going to need to boil some water.
Asia- I'm on it. (sticks hand over pot of water) Water please boil.
A green hue appears and the water begins to boil automatically.
Shoki- Issei, you and I need to use magic to peel these potatoes and onions. You get the potatoes and I'll do the onions.
Issei- Right.
Using my magic power, the onions begin to peel on their own one by one in a matter of seconds.
Asia- Wow Shoki. You're so talented.
Issei finally got the knack of his power through being a pervert.
Shoki- Why am I not surprised. Oh well. Dinner is served I guess.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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