Chapter 39

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Shoki (POV)
I look at my clock that reads 10:25pm. One hour until the start of the Rating Game. The week of training has been very beneficial to me and I've improved greatly so Akeno and Rias say. They also said I'd play an important role in this battle. That I'm a key component. And while that's important and all, all of my focus as been on Akeno and Uzume. This is the most important battle of my life. I have everything to lose. Win and I stick it to those Phoenix pricks. Lose and not only will I lose Akeno, but I'll lose the only family I have left. I can't let that happen. This fight isn't going to end until I win or they kill me. I'm taken out of my thoughts as there's a knock on bedroom door.
Uzume- Hey Shoki, can I come in?
Shoki- Uh yeah. Come on in.
She opens the door and enters.
Uzume- Hey Shoki, Osiris.
Shoki- Hey.
Osiris- Good evening, Princess.
Uzume walks over to my bed and sits next to me.
Uzume- You okay?
I give her a questionable look.
Uzume- I mean, you haven't really been yourself for the past few days. You've been quiet and reserved. And any free time you get, you're out training.
Shoki- (sigh) I know. It's just a lot of pressure y'know. I know this fight is everyone's first so the pressure is on anyway. But, Akeno, Rias, and yourself aren't the only ones that has everything to lose. Losing Akeno and Rias is bad enough, but you?.......(tears well up) I can't. I can't do it. You being taken means I lose the only family I have left. I'll be truly alone in this world and there's nothing I can do to get you back and save you from the vile and abusive jackass known as Constantine. I would blame myself. I would cry a million times knowing that if I had fought on just a little longer, you'd be safe. Uzume, like it or not, you have a piece of my heart sis. It was just us in the beginning. We had no one but each other. And I......I just......
Uzume pulls me into a hug.
Uzume- I'm not going to let that happen. All of that has been swirling in the back of my head and I've only used that as determination to win. I can't leave here all alone. You've been my ride or die since day one. Ain't no way in hell I'd let that happen. I'd rather die than let that happen. So I'm making a promise right now. I promise that I'll always be here for you, to always have your back, and to protect you. I love you little brother. Now and always.
She lets me go and I look at her.
Uzume- Now let's go kick some Phoenix ass and show them that not only did the fuck with the House of Gremory, but that of the House of El Sayed as well. We'll show them what happens when you cross Princess Amaunet El Sayed and Amon El Sayed.
Osiris- Well said Princess.
Shoki- Yeah but how in the hell do know about our real identities and family name?
Anubis- Because I paid her a visit in her dreams.
Anubis's voice rings out throughout the room despite him not being physically here.
Uzume- We can talk more about this later. Right now, we got to meet up with everyone else before the Rating Game starts.
Everyone including Osiris is in the clubhouse getting ready and warmed up. I took the liberty to change into something more suitable to throw down in.

From there I warm up by stretching, shadowboxing, and working on my grappling techniques.
Issei- Unbelievable. Everyone is getting ready in their own way, yet our fearless leader doesn't even look worried about the game today, does she?
Sona and Tsubaki come walking in.
Sona- Sorry if I'm interrupting.
Rias- No please, come on in Sona.
Akeno- I'm glad you could make it.
Issei- Didn't expect to see those two here. What gives?
Rias- There's a live broadcast of the competition so family members can watch. Sona and Tsubaki are here to help with that.
Sona- And besides, it's her first Rating Game. I wouldn't miss an event like this for anything.
Rias- Well I promise to do everything in my power to make it interesting for you.
A familiar silver symbol appears on the floor and out rises Grayfia.
Grayfia- It's almost time. I hope you're ready for this, my lady.
Rias- Yes. We're ready whenever you are.
Grayfia- In a few moments, we'll use this magic circle to transport you and the rest of your team to the battlefield.
Issei- Where exactly is the battlefield?
Akeno- In a neutral alternate space made just for this game. Because it's not real, we have full license to do some damage. Even burn it to the ground if we want.
Shoki- Sounds intriguing. I like it.
Sona- I'll be in the student council broadcast booth calling the game. We'll be cheering you on. Good luck.
Rias- Thanks a lot. Just try to keep the play by play fair.
Sona- Oh I'll keep it clean. Though if I was a betting woman, I'd say you're gonna beat those creepy scumbags seven ways from Sunday.
Sona and Tsubaki take their leave.
Grayfia- There is something I forgot to tell you. I thought you'd like to know that the Great Devil Lucifer will be watching the game.
Rias- dearest.
Issei- Woah! Are you telling me that your older brother is The Devil? Or am I just hearing things wrong?
Kiba- No, Rias's brother is Lucifer, the King of the Devils.
Issei- The Lucifer? Your older brother is the king of the entire Underworld?
Rias- That's right.
Shoki *mind*- Well I'll be damned. The high and mighty has his eyes on this scrap. What's even more pressure huh? Fan-fucking-tastic.
Uzume- His name is Sir Zechs. Although historically he has been known by many names. During the Great War, our leader died. Sir Zechs took over the throne and lead us through a dark time. He saved the Devil kingdom from ruin.
Asia- Well that explains why Rias is the next heir to the House of Gremory.
Shoki- Shit, I had no idea.
The magic circle appears in the room.
Grayfia- It's time everyone.
Rias- Then let's go.
We all enter the circle and prepare for transport. I feel a hand wrap around my right hand and I turn my head to see who it is. To my surprise, it was Akeno. She gives me a gentle smile as I notice her.
Shoki *mind*- Protect that smile at all costs. Save her, Rias, and Uzume. That is the only objective. Do it or die trying. Let's do this shit.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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