Chapter 40

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Shoki (POV)
The bright light of the transportation portal dies down and we're still in the clubhouse.
Issei- That's weird.
Asia- I think our magic circle's broken.
Issei- Yeah we're still here. Did I mess it up again?
Shoki-.....No. We're definitely in another plane of existence. I can feel the changes in our surrounding environment.
Grayfia's voice projects throughout the area.
Grayfia- May I have your attention please. Hello everyone. I am Grayfia. I am a servant of the house of Gremory. I will be your referee during today's match. To create the battlefield you'll be competing in, I took suggestions from both Lady Rias, Lord Riser, and Lord Constantine. You may recognize this place as it's an exact replica of Kuo Academy, an educational institution in the human world.
Issei- What does that mean?
Rias- Just take a look outside.
Issei opens a window and we get an eyeful of the dimension we're in.

Asia- The sky!
Kiba- This is an alternate space.
Akeno- It might look like it but trust me, we're not at school anymore.
Issei- Ok I'm totally having one of those 'I just peed my pants' moments right now.
Grayfia- Each time has been given an area that will serve as its home base. Lady Rias, your team will be in the Occult Research Club headquarters in the old schoolhouse. Lord Riser and Lord Constantine's home base will be located in the principals office in the new schoolhouse. Pawns will be promoted if they can make their way to the home base of the opposing team. Good luck to all.
Issei- Well then, Shoki and I will fight our way to their home base right out of the gate, get promoted to something awesome, and beat the crap out of Lord Douche-nozzle and his brother Lord McShithead.
Akeno- I wouldn't do that. Unless you wanna get your ass handed to you.
Shoki- Yeah dude. That's a terrible idea. That's exactly what they want. Be smart.
Uzume- Odds are Riser and Constantine are gonna want to move their pawns into our territory right away. We need to keep enough players nearby to make sure that doesn't happen.
Issei- So not as badass as my plan.
We all get handed these small communication gems.
Rias- These will help us communicate during battle.
Issei- Alright, that's some secret agent shit right there.
Grayfia- Alright Devils, let the game begin.
Rias pulls out a map of the school.
Rias- The enemy base is just across the way. Cutting through the school grounds  might be quick, but it's not an option.
Osiris- They'll see us coming a mile away.
Issei- Correct and we might as well be sitting ducks. If we go through the track field and sneak in through the back, we might have the element of surprise on our side.
Uzume- That's the most obvious entry point available and they know that. My guess is that they'll station a group of knights or rooks with strong mobility right behind the athletic clubhouse.
Akeno- That doesn't leave us with very many options then, does it?
Kiba- First things first. I think we should secure the gymnasium before we do anything else. It's adjacent to their home base and not too far from us. But most importantly, it will serve as a diversion to the other side.
Koneko- The gymnasium is basically in the center of the battlefield. Whoever gets to it first and claims it will hawk the advantage.
Rias- Good call. Given the options we have, that's our best chance. Koneko, do you think you can handle getting into the gym and locking it down?
Koneko nods.
Asia- All this talk of fighting is starting to scare me.
Issei- Relax, we have Rias. All we have to do is trust her and we'll be just fine.
Asia- Yeah I guess you're right.
Rias- We need to secure a defensive perimeter. Kiba and Koneko. Get some traps set up in the woods ASAP.
Kiba- Got it.
Koneko- Cool.
Kiba- Well wish us luck you guys.
Kiba and Koneko leave.
Rias- Akeno, we'll need your expertise. When they're done setting the traps, your illusion magic is going to come in handy so be prepared. Uzume, go with her for backup.
Uzume- Right. Let's go Akeno.
Both Akeno and Uzume turn to gaze at me. Uzume gives me a tight hug and then leaves. Akeno does the same thing but stays in the embrace a bit longer.
Akeno- Be careful out there. I don't want you getting hurt.
Shoki- Ditto. Now go out there and kick some ass.
She nods and sets off.
Shoki- That just leaves myself, Osiris, Issei, and Asia. What's our job?
Rias- Asia, you're my healing support, so in order to keep you safe, you need to stay close to base. Because if we lose you, we're going to be in big time out there.
Asia- Okay.
Rias gets up and sits down on one of the couches.
Rias- Issei come here.
Issei- Ok. For what?
Rias- I want you to put your head in my lap.
Issei- Uhhhhhh really? I'm trying to cocoon this game thing and I'm pretty sure if I do that I'll be focusing on-
Rias- Will you get over here?
Issei- Your wish is my command.
While they do their thing, I stand by the window and look out to observe. I subconsciously start biting my nails down.
Osiris- My prince.
Shoki- Huh?
He eyes my fingers and I look at them to see I have drawn blood thanks to a hangnail.
Shoki- Oh. My bad.
Osiris- You are in your head.
Shoki- I'm just worried. I should be out there fighting with them.
Rias- I'm holding you back for a reason. There is no reason for you to be worried. They can handle themselves.
Shoki- It's not that I don't think they can handle themselves. It's the pressure of the consequences if we lose. We have to win this fight at all costs. You're not the only one who everything to lose.
Rias- Uzume told me before we got ready. You really are a wonderful person Shoki. You have a big heart and you keep those that you love and care for close to you. You love with no condition, give without reason, care without expectation. That's just who you are. Never stop being you. I promise to you that we'll win this. Your sister, myself, or Akeno are mit going anywhere.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam.

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