17-Love Who You Choose

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"Would not losing me to old age be a horrid thing too?" Kylo nuzzled against Vincent. "Eventually I will die."

"But you will die with your soul and your humanity."

"A small price to pay were I to spend eternity with you."

Wincing, the lord stepped back and took Kylo's hand in his. "Let's get out of here, shall we?"

Nodding, Kylo gave Vincent's hand a squeeze. "I thought you'd never ask."

The house reminded Kylo of a jungle where wild animals were able to run amok. The sides of the house rocked and the chandeliers swung wildly – at least that was what he saw through his intoxication.

A group of vampires was egging on one of their friends to get up on a table and dance. The vampire happily obliged and leaped on the surface and began a strip-tease.

At the foot of the orchestra, another vampire had fallen asleep. Her long gold-pink hair fanned around her like a halo. Her princess dress cradled her. Just as Kylo thought she looked like some delicate and elegant sleeping beauty, the vampire began to snore rather loudly.

Looking at the untamed vampires, Vincent growled, "What fresh hell is this?"

A chuckle came from behind them. When Kylo saw Queen Marillia and her copper-haired thrall he bowed.

"It is what Corbin calls freedom," Marillia replied.

Vincent's lip curled faintly. "Corbin could stick a note on a donkey calling it a unicorn but it doesn't mean it is."

"Do you believe it's hell, Conde?" Red-haired Nyovi slyly looked from Vincent to Kylo.

Nodding, Kylo said rather swiftly, "Yes!"

"Ah, but sometimes you have to go to hell to find your angel, don't you?" Nyovi chuckled like bells." Not all angels linger too long in Heaven. Some have been shoved down below. Hmmm?"

Looking at Kylo, Vincent slid his hand into the younger man's. "Yes, Nyovi. Sometimes I think you are the wisest of the three."

Nyovi, pride turning up her lips, gave Vincent a deep curtsy. "I thank you, my lord."

Casting a slow look around, Vincent realized the Queen's other two thralls were nowhere to be seen. "Your other two ladies are missing."

A throaty chuckle ebbed from Marillia. "Persephone is hiding in the library. She was never one for parties."

A group of guests parted like birds taking flight. Behind them were Agathe and Corbin who were caught up in an embrace. They looked oblivious to the world around them.

"Doesn't it bother you?" Vincent commented.

With a smile, the Queen shook her head, "None of my ladies belong to me."

"But they are your -" Vincent nearly uttered the word thralls before Marillia held up a hand to stop him.

"They are mine, yes, but they are free to love whom they chose. I do not control that and refuse to." Leaning to Vincent she placed a feathery kiss on his cheek before doing the same to Kylo.

"Good night, my queen," Vincent uttered softly before he touched his fingers to her cheek then turned and led Kylo towards Corbin and Agathe.

The giggling came like a flood. The words of seduction that followed were a lifeboat. Agathe kissed Corbin's neck as her pale blue gaze pierced through to Kylo and Vincent. "Your friends," she whispered. The blonde thrall placed a palm on either side of Corbin's head and turned it slightly so that he could see the others.

"I am lost." Corbin sighed dramatically. "She takes me away to places I have only dreamed of."

Touching her fingers to her mouth, Agathe giggled, "Isn't he something?" Tiptoeing up to Vincent's ear, she whispered, "He's so pretty he makes my heart flutter... Oh, I forgot, I do not have a heart." When she inched back down, Vincent saw her shrug before returning to Corbin's arms.

"We have come to bid you goodnight, brother."

"Good night, already? But the party is in full swing and there are many more..." snorting, Corbin placed his hand heavily on Vincent's shoulder. "I have two words for you. Party. Pooper."

Vincent rolled his eyes. "Good night, brother dear and thank you for inviting us. I do not think Angel will forget about this night for a while."

Kylo shook his head quickly but it made him feel ill so he stopped. "No," he squeaked.

"You are welcome back anytime," Corbin looked from his brother to Kylo. "Do come back soon. Life can get so utterly dull here at times."

At that moment a high-pitched scream made everyone look in the direction of the sound. A vampire was using one of the chandeliers as a swing. Her head was arched back and her hair swung wildly.

"I don't think it ever gets dull." Vincent allowed Corbin to hug him and squeeze him as though they'd been parting for all of eternity.

"Corb...Corbin," Vincent tried to wriggle free. "We must go."

Reluctantly, Corbin let him go. As they walked away, Kylo looked back and saw Agathe blowing him a kiss before she snuggled against Corbin once again.

In the yard, the scent of flowers greeted them. It was the only delicate thing among a mess of madness. And in that mess, Kylo saw Brandon getting rather intimate with Dracula. "Vincent," he uttered as he discretely gestured to the pair who were oblivious to anyone around them. "They are..."

"Yes," Vincent said dryly.

"In plain view of people."

"These are not people here, Angel. They are animals behaving as such."

Before Kylo could utter another word, the lord led him away. 

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