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Everyone stood in Mark's backyard, gathered around the bag. No one wanted to open the bag- they were standing around it, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Eventually, Felix stepped forward. "Someone has to open it."

Marzia put a hand on his arm, stopping him. "What if it's a trap?"

"We won't know until we open it." Ryan stepped toward it, as well.

"Guys, back up." Jack took a deep breath. "I'll open it."

He moved toward the bag and kneeled down, unzipping it. Whatever was in the bag began to move frantically. Jack struggled to contain it, and when it was halfway unzipped, it flew out.

Flew out.

Mark stared at it with wide eyes as it flew up into the sky, spinning around. "They're your wings."

Jack stood up, watching them, as well. "My... my wings..? But how-"

"How are they flying?" Marzia asked out loud.

The wings stopped in midair, then dove, heading straight for Jack. His eyes widened and he turned to run, but he wasn't fast enough. The wings hit his back, and he fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked quickly, immediately at Jack's side.

Jack nodded, taking Mark's hand and standing up. "I... I think so."

Ryan smiled at him. "You have your wings back."

Jack looked at his back and saw that it was true- his wings that he had missed dearly were once again attached to his back, where they once were- where they were supposed to be.

"I guess we have Anti to thank for that." Matt muttered.

"You do."

Everyone immediately spun to the open sliding-screen door of Mark's house. Anti stepped out, looking at Jack. "Not once have I ever been trying to hurt you, Jack. At least not for my benefit."

Jack glared at him. "That's a lie. You tried to kill me when we were younger."

"Yeah, when I first came out. So did Dark. Everyone that's like me has tried to attack their host. Name any time after that where I tried to hurt or kill you." Jack fell silent. "Exactly."

"Why are you trying to help us?" Felix asked warily.

"Honestly?" Everyone nodded. "Because Dark is a piece of shit who's angry at the world for no reason and has it out for these two." He gestured to Mark and Jack. "Me? I lost everything I cared about when Jack was taken away from his parents. Did you know we were supposed to be twins? His mother lost the second child- me- due to a miscarriage. I became part of his personality. That's how all of us are made." He looked sadly at Jack. "We're all the family we have left now. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep the only family I have left alive."

Jack only stared at Anti, not saying a word. Mark looked between the two. "...what should we do?"

"Trust him." Jack said quietly.

Mark stared at him. "What?"

Jack moved out of his grasp and stepped toward Anti, who stared back. Everyone was silent as Jack moved. "We trust him." Jack said again, loudly.

Anti smiled. "Thank you, Jack."

A brief moment passed, then Jack tentatively wrapped his arms around Anti, pulling him into a hug. Two brothers, both twenty-six years old, hugging each other for the first time.

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