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Mark quickly ushered Jack into the house, where he collapsed on the living room couch, breathing quickly. "Am I still in LA?" He asked.

Mark nodded. "Yeah. Where were you?"

Jack shrugged. "In a laboratory, or something. Outside of town."

"And you weren't allowed outside? How long have you lived like that?"

Jack stared at the ceiling, trying to jog his memory. "26 years? I think?"

Mark's eyes were wide. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. There was nothing you could do to help."

The front door opened, and Matt and Ryan stumbled through, laughing. They both quieted down when they saw Jack sprawled on the couch.

"Isn't that..?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah." Matt breathed.

"What?" Mark asked. "What's wrong?"

"Have you not heard the news?" Matt walked over and turned on the television, changing it to the local news channel.

"A dangerous specimen has escaped McFarland Laboratory in Los Angeles this morning." The news reporter was saying. "A pale man with green hair and blue eyes with a height of 5'10" and a pair of white wings. He may answer to the names Seán or Jack. If anyone has seen him or knows of his location, please contact the professionals so they may contain him and send him back-" Mark quickly stole the remote away from Matt and muted the television.

Jack covered his face with his hands. "Of course they'd do a search. Of course they would. Fuck."

"No, hey, Jack, it's fine." Mark tried comforting him. "You're safe here. We're not going to turn you in. Right, guys?" Mark eyed the two other men, who nodded.

Jack sighed. "Thank you."

"How're you feeling? Any better?"

"Still a little tired from flying for so long. I'll be okay, though."

"Do you need anything? Food, water, anything?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks, though."

"Are you sure?"

"Mark." Ryan put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "If he needed something, he'd let us know."

Mark nodded reluctantly. "Right. Sorry."

Chica came up and nuzzled Jack's hand. He glanced at her, then bolted up into a sitting position, curling into a ball. "What is that?"

"A dog. Her name's Chica." Mark reached down to pet her. "She's friendly. She won't hurt you. Here, let her smell you."

Jack slowly reached his hand out towards her. She sniffed him for a brief moment before licking his fingers. Jack giggled. "It tickles." She ducked her head slightly, and Jack scratched behind her ears. "She's... cute."

"Have you... never seen a dog before?" Ryan asked.

Jack stared at him. "I've been in a lab since the day I was born."

Mark's eyes were wide. "Really? The day you were born?" Jack nodded. "Wow. I... I'm so sorry."

"Mark, I already told you that you have nothing to be sorry for."

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. You've been locked away for years, not ever able to see the outside world..."

"And I've learned to live with it. I was one of the few people there who did. I endured everything in that lab for so long, and this was the only time I ever even thought of escaping."


"No. Don't. We're not talking about it."

Mark sighed. "Fine. You win."

"Mark?" Matt spoke up. "Can I talk to you in the kitchen?"

Mark nodded. "Yeah. Sure." He pulled away from Jack with a glance, then followed the other two men into the kitchen.

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