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"We can't keep him here."

Mark glared at Matt. "Yes we can."

"Mark. You don't know what he's capable of-"

"Do you even know what he's capable of?" Matt was silent. "That's what I thought."

"Then how are we going to keep him here?" Ryan asked. "It's not like we can just lock him in the house forever- he's bound to get curious and venture outside someday."

"I'll deal with it. He's staying here. Got it?" Matt and Ryan nodded. "Good. Now I have to go upstairs and record. You two stay here and keep him company." Mark walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, where Jack has been playing with Chica.

Jack looked up at him and smiled. "Welcome back."

Mark smiled back. "Thanks. Hey, I have to go upstairs and work for a while. The guys will stay here and keep you company. Okay?"

Jack nodded. "Okay. Have fun."

Mark smirked. "I'll try." He walked upstairs to his recording room.

After a few minutes, Matt and Ryan joined Jack in the living room. "So..." Matt started. "I don't know what to say. Or how to start a conversation."

"It's easy!" Jack said. "You start like this- hello, my name is Jack. What's yours?"

Ryan was smiling. "Ryan. And this is Matt."

"It's nice to meet you two. What do you guys do?"

"Like, as a job?" Jack nodded. "We make videos online and edit for Mark."

"What's it called? Your job, I mean."

"We're YouTubers." Matt answered. "Mark is, too."

"I've never heard of that... it sounds cool, though!" Ryan pulled out his phone and started typing. "What're you doing? And what is that?"

"It's a phone." Matt told him. "Like a mini computer. You can do a lot of things on it, like talk to people, or watch videos."

"And I'm pulling up one of Mark's videos for you to watch." Ryan stated. He stopped typing and handed the phone to Jack. The video buffered for a moment, before starting with a jumpscare.

Jack jumped, then grinned, laughing. "Jesus Christ! Is it supposed to do that?"

Ryan was smiling. "Yep. It's called a jumpscare- a cheap tactic a lot of people use to get others easily scared."

"That was fun! I like it!" The video continued, and Jack was giggling to himself for the entirety of it. "Mark's really funny."

"He is." Ryan took his phone back. "He's also kind, selfless, and giving."

Jack nodded. "What about you two? What are you like?"

Matt shrugged. "We're pretty boring people. I guess you can call us funny, too. We don't really do anything outside of YouTube, but we do like to watch movies."

Jack tilted his head. "What're movies?"

"They're a source of entertainment for most people." Ryan answered. "There's a lot of different genres, too- romance, action, horror, you name it."

Jack smiled. "Can we watch one?"

"Yeah! What do you prefer?"

Jack shrugged. "I guess anything will do."

"Works for us." Matt stood up and turned on the television, playing a movie. The three sat on the couch and began watching.

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