Chapter 11

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No one's POV:

"MINISTER CHOI." The king shouted in anger, interrupting the Councillor. The minister had yet again brought up the proposition of his daughter marrying and birthing a child for the king.

The Devil's eyes became a deep, blood red and his lips turned into a harsh scowl.

Enough was enough. Minister Choi had to go.

"Councillor Min." The Devil called out calmly, summoning the minister to get up from his seat and approach the throne the king sat on.

"Please, for the love of all things unholy, throw him and his precious little daughter into the dungeon now. I will take care of them later." The King whispered in a bitter tone.

"Of course sire." Minister Min replied with a nod of the head and then began to descend the stairs and stride towards where Councillor Choi was sitting.

Two of the king's Demon guards joined Minister Min as Councillor Choi began to shout and scream at the king, pleading for the Devil to rethink his decision.

The King burst into a humourless laughter as he waved his hand in dismissal.

The two guards took ahold of one of Councillor Choi's arms each and
dragged him out of his seat.

Councillor Min walked infront of the guards and led them out of the council room.

After the grand doors closed the king balled up his left fist and hit the armrest of his throne.

"Let that be a warning to all of you, no longer will I be tolerating any of your nonsense. I don't care if you have Heaven on your side, that doesn't mean that I have to listen to you. . .Meeting dismissed." The king shouted, now that he had the Angel, the Devil's power will only grow. Now his kingdom will be fully under his control.

No longer would the king let Heaven get away with making him keep members on his council.

The king smirked as he leaned back in his throne and felt the liquid power seep through him, the Angel grew stronger by the day and now the Devil was more powerful than ever.

Maybe the Angel wouldn't be so bad to have around. The Devil loved the control it gave him and simply keeping the Angel content should be easy enough.

Perhaps letting the Angel live really was the right decision the king thought as the smirk etched into the Devil's face grew deeper.

The king strode up the grand staircase that led to his floor of the castle, the Devil had felt something he couldn't explain.

Like a new burst of life, when this spark happened the king's eyes grew into a blood red and his previously concealed wings were summoned.

However, the king's wings used to be a midnight black with talons on the tips yet this time there were thin lines of gold streaming down the black feathers.

The gold reminded the king of something, something he wanted to banish to the depths of his mind.

The unmistakable wings of an Archangel were white with gold streaks.

The gold was small yet noticeable and it was lucky that the king was alone except for a few guards that stood on the edges of the throne room.

The Councillors would have seen the king at a weak point as he screamed out in pain at the sudden summoning of his now even larger wings that had grown slightly gold.

The Devil knew it had something to do with the Angel but what the king didn't know is if this was good or bad.

Archangels are powerful celestial beings and now the king had something of theirs. Although the king most definitely didn't want to be likened to those creatures.

His hatred for the Archangels runs deep inside of him. The burning anger is always brought back up whenever someone mentions the very things that had caused the king's tremendous pain and eventual fall from grace.

So, the king went to investigate the strange occurance by going to his chambers to find the Angel.

The Devil was extremely confused as he opened the doors to his room and slammed them shut with a single push if his hand.

What the king found when he drew closer to the open balcony doors was something that could only be described as mortifying to the king.

The Angel had awoken and was now lying down by the large chair, crossing his legs on the floor.

The beautiful chocolate brown hair bounced around with every slight movement of the Angel.

The glistening, small pure white wings of the Angel shimmered in the bright sunlight. The pair of wings barely scraped the floor because they were only one quarter of the Devil's wings.

Taehyung was giggling slightly to himself as he made little balls of light with his hands, some of the only power he possesses.

Light control.

Like how Demon's can control darkness, the Angel's could bend and alter light at their will. Not enough to change the course of the sun and moon but enough to create a means of attack/defense.

The Angel's halo was shining bright as the ball of light danced to each of his fingers. Something Taehyung dreadfully missed was his power to control light, although it was small.

Taehyung didn't want to waste his energy in the dungeon but now that he could freely have access to light- he had found something that brought him happiness.

Soon enough Taehyung was pulled out of his trance as the Devil stepped through the doorway and onto the cobblestone balcony.

"I see you have your powers and halo back." He spoke as Taehyung gasped, distracting him, and the light disapated from his grasp.

"I-I do." The Angel replied as he stood up from the slightly warm ground and shuffled over to the Demon, bowing his head slightly as a sign of respect.

The king coughed, feeling awkward in the situation. He knew that he needed to become friends with the Angel so his powers would grow but the problem was, he didn't know how to make a friend.

"Um, can you move around okay?" The king eventually asked after a bit too long of a period of silence.

That might have been the first time, excluding his heavenly life, that the king had ever stuttered.

All because of a weak Angel, the situation was almost laughable.

"N-not too big of a movement but I can walk and stand without feeling dizzy and falling over." The king nodded his head, once again not really knowing what to say.

At least now he had discovered the reason for his growth of power. The Angel was awake and. . . happy?

"Do you want to have dinner with me?" The Devil eventually asked Taehyung.

The Angel seemed quite taken back by the proposition but eventually nodded his head and let out small "Yes, that s-sounds. . . Nice"

The Devil nodded again and looked down at the ground, never had he ever been so out of his depth.

He really needed to improve his social skills if he was going to get onto casual talking grounds with the Angel. Then he would gain power.

"Well, um, you get rested and I will come and collect you in a while." The Devil said and turned away before the Angel could respond.

The king realised his rude mistake but also realised that the Angel couldn't fully rest up on a chair, no matter how small he was nor how big the chair was.

It did look comical to see a little white blob enveloped in a chair that the king fit perfectly into while you could fit two Taehyungs' in it.

"Y-you can sleep on the bed and have shower too if you like." The king said and did an awkward hand gesture towards the silky black bed that lay in the middle of the left side of the room with the headboard touching the wall.

Taehyung looked quite startled but said, "Thank you." anyway because the bed did look rather comfortable.

The Devil walked over to the double doors as the Angel stepped in from the cold and closed the balcony doors.

The king gave a what can only be described as a grimace? Instead of the soft smile he was going for.

The Angel looked concerned at first, thinking the king wasn't feeling well. Perhaps constipated.

However, Taehyung returned the (attempted) smile with a box-like one and padded over to the bed to sleep some more.

The Devil opened one of the doors and slipped outside of the room, sighing and shaking his head.

The king most definitely needed to improve his social skills and so decided on going to the library.

Maybe there was a book on making friends?

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