Chapter 12

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It doesn't affect the story line too much so you can skip if you would like however I will do a chapter summary at the end, so you know what happens.

No one's POV:

The Devil had a stone cold face as he entered the dungeon and strode down the corridor, a Demon guard trailing behind the king.

However, he was hiding the immense joy of the thought that he would eventually receive from torturing the Hell out of poor Councillor Choi- well, the former Councillor Choi. Now he is just Choi Sung-Ho.

The Devil's shoes clacked against the cool floor as he tried to contain his happiness.

The king reached the cell and the guard opened the door before the king stepped inside.

The former Councillor quivered at the meer presence of such a powerful being. Sung-Ho no longer had the pull over the king as he did before.

Previously, the former Councillor would be kept on the council because of his intellect but more prolifically because of Heaven.

In the past, the king always had a looming threat hanging over his head because Heaven was stronger than Hell.

Not anymore though. Not now that the king had Taehyung.

The Devil was no longer concerned for his position of power, Heaven could no longer dictate what he can and can't do.

So, killing the former Councillor is something that the king would revel in.

Disobeying Heaven, killing a self obsessed Councillor and gaining more power in the process.

The king would reign supreme. He was now fully in control of his kingdom.

The king chuckled to himself as he heard the screams of Sung-Ho's daughter in the next cell.

The Devil looked down, his raven locks slightly covering his deep black eyes and casting a slight shadow over the devilishly handsome face.

Next, the king dug around in the pockets of his tightly fitting trousers and pulled out a pair of black, leather gloves.

Slipping the gloves over his large hands, the king now looked up and ran his, now leather covered, hand through the thick black locks on his head.

The king's chuckles grew slightly louder as he laughed at the thought of the oh so mighty Councillor pleading for his life.

As the Devil approached Sung-Ho, the guard closed the door. Locking in the prey in with its predator.

The king balled up his fist, drawing the darkness surrounding him inwards and therefore creating an enigmatic ball of dark energy that now unlike before had gold flecks sparking out of the sides.

Smirking, the king aimed the powerful ball of black energy at the petrified Sung-Ho.

With a blast, the ball released and catapulted into the other Demon. The explosion emitted a surge of light that reflected in the king's relentless eyes.

Groaning, Sung-Ho collapsed to the floor but the king wasn't done there- he bent down, lifted the trouser leg slightly and reached into his black combat boots to pull out a knife.

Satisfied, the Devil slipped the leather cover that concealed the blade and approached the horrified man.

The screams of his daughter had heightened and tears soaked the chubby cheeks of the former Councillor.

"Not only you will suffer, you know. Your poor little daughter will too and all because of you." The Devil spoke while aiming the sharp knife towards Sung-Ho and closing his left eye as if to aim.

"All because you couldn't control your pride or your immense greed. All because I know of your little plot to overthrow me. By the way, it will never work." The Devil announced as he crouched down and held the blade to the terrified demons cheek.

The king made a tiny incision and the gold blood of the former Councillor began to spill out from the sharp  wound.

The gold liquid seeped out and made tiny patches of smudged gold transfer into the Devil's leather gloves.

"You know, it really is idiotic of you to believe that you will have ever gotten away with dethroning the most powerful Demon to have ever lived. Not even if you had managed to actually persuade my people and my Councillors, I could kill you with just a snap of my fingers, you pathetic excuse of a Demon. You don't even deserve the title of Demon, let alone that of being one of the king's Councillors." The king mocked as the knife made another cut just under the previous one.

Another pocket of gold blood seeped out of the Councillors old, slightly wrinkly skin.

Sung-Ho had his fall at an older age than most and therefore was more frail than most of the Demons of Hell.

Age isn't a concept in Heaven but in hell, the later the age you fall at, the more elderly you will look.

The Devil and the Angel both fell at an unusually early time and so looked young and youthful. Though most of the time, it really was the luck of the draw in terms of how you will look after your fall from grace.

Sung-Ho quivered yet again and let out a pained groan because of the energy strike the Devil gave earlier on.

The blast had taken away a lot of the strength that the former minister had and rendered him weak and useless.

Not that he wasn't any of those qualities before.

The king laughed as the knife moved down the neck of the scared man and the king sliced into the coarse skin.

The force of the slash into the skin of Sung-Ho made splashes of gold blood fling into the thick air and land on the King's face as well as creating flecks on the floor.

Sung-Ho was left gasping for air and clutching at his throat but the action was a pitiful attempt to stop the incessant bleeding.

The action only smudged and spread the gold liquid around the dirty hands of the Demon.

Wheezing sounds increased as the King held the knife so that the handle was in his fist and stabbed the arms, legs and chest of, the now blood covered, Sung-Ho.

Satisfied with his handwork, the Devil stepped back to admire the scene. His piercing eyes judged the struggling Demon.

The smirk on the King's face had now turned onto a full blown smile because he was so glad that such a pitiful Demon would now be sent to suffer eternally in the River of Styx.

The screams and shouts of the father filled the dark, echoey dungeon entirely and the daughters screams were long gone.

Stepping back in order to not get his clothes wet, the king formed another ball of black energy, morphing the surroundings slightly as the darkness got drawn into the palm of the Devil's hand.

The king released the black orb with swirls of gold at full power and it slammed into the already dying Sung-Ho.

As death consumed the Councillor's fate, pieces of his skin burnt and flaked off into the cold air, only to fall back down as the king used his power to contain every bit of Sung-Ho's soul.

Eventually, the body completely shriveled up into a pile of black ash as the Demon's soul escaped into the air, only to be redirected by the Devil as he used his powers to send Sung-Ho's soul to the River of Styx.

"Goodbye." The Devil announced as he turned around, unfazed by the death of his long term Councillor.

The Devil had finally gotten the pleasure of torturing someone within the very last inch of their life and then mercilessly take it away from the pitiful soul.

How fun, the king thought as the cell door was opened by the guard and the Devil stepped out into the long corridor.

The king pulled his gold blood covered gloves off of his hands and flung it at the guard, grimacing. The gloves created a gold patch on the previously pristine black of the guards clothes.

"Wash it." Was all the king commanded as he turned to walk down the corridor. He then used his now clean, bare hands to wipe the drops of blood that were spattered around his devilishly handsome face.

Finally, the king had gotten to perform his favourite activity.

He had waited long enough after all.


Chapter summary for those who didn't read

° The king goes to the dungeon that Taehyung was previously staying in and tortures Councillor Choi, whose full name is Choi Sung-Ho.

° Eventually, the Devil kills him and his daughter is tortured in the dungeon at the same time. She dies before Choi.

° Some of the king's powers are revealed, like being able to bend and alter the dark(ness) at his will.

° Choi's betrayals and also the reasons the king kills him is because of thees three things. . .

° Councillor Choi was plotting to overthrow and kill the king (regicide).

° The king now felt powerful enough to go against Heaven and killed Choi even though he was appointed to be on the council by Heaven/ the Archangels. This surge of power is all because of Taehyung and now Heaven and Hell are more equal than previously as Heaven controlled Hell/the Devil considerably.

° Councillor Choi was no longer producing good ideas and yet again proposed his daughter marrying and birthing a child for the king. The greed and pride of Choi led to his downfall.

Thanks for reading 💜

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