Chapter 8

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No one's POV:

Taehyung groaned as his head began to pound viciously. His eyes grew droopy and his breathing was dangerously shallow.

Is this how he would die?

After a miserable heavenly life he would die due to lack of sunlight and then his soul would be sent to Styx.

How depressing.

Taehyung's life was just disappointment after disappointment with seemingly no way out of the cycle.

He had no friends in Heaven and he barely has one in Jimin. Taehyung is weak and insignificant. Destined to be alone forever and to eternally suffer as his soul is tortured endlessly.

As an Angel, Taehyung has heard the most petrifying horror stories about the River of Styx.

The sinful souls that are pushed into the midnight black water are tortured by Devourers as they feast on their very being. The stories are so utterly terrifying that Taehyung shivers as he thinks it could be him very soon.

Is that how it would end?

To eternally suffer however, still seemed better than staying in Heaven.

Was the world really that messed up that Taehyung would, without a shadow of a doubt, pick an endless stream of pain over being judged by the Angel's of Heaven.

Well, apparently the realms were that messed up.

Hurt over judgement.

Taehyung could barely even raise his hand, Jimin had to feed him for the past two days since Taehyung was just too weak to move.

The Angel's life had become so void of happiness and lately he hardly even had the energy to play the games that Jimin brought with him.

So he didn't, the only thing that had brought Taehyung even a sliver of relaxation and happiness in the world was now impossible for him to even participate in.

The Angel was so out of it that he didn't even comprehend Jimin entering his cell and gasping at the state of the Angel.

The Demon rushed towards him as thoughts swarmed his head. Jimin had long dropped the chess board and box full of pieces on the cold stone floor along with the thin, metal tray that contained a rather generous bowl of noodles and vegetables.

Jimin may or may not have prepared Taehyung's food that day. The Demon knew how much Taehyung needed energy and the small ration like portions that the Angel had received previously were practically pointless.

Taehyung grumbled at the commotion and saw Jimin crouched infront of him, holding his hands.

The Demon felt immense guilt, it was the morning and Jimin left late last night after a long conversation with Taehyung.

Jimin knew that the Angel's state of wellbeing was going severely downhill and yet he left the Angel all alone.

The demon knew that Taehyung didn't have long left and yet he left the poor Angel all alone.

What if he had died all alone in this pitiful cell. Jimin didn't know how he would live with himself if that had happened.

The Angel's soul would be sent to suffer in Styx because of his 'sin' of being weak and Taehyung's last moments of life would be of him all alone as the life was sucked out of him.

Jimin couldn't stand this anymore, he couldn't watch on as Taehyung suffered for something that wasn't even his fault.

Jimin had to do something.

The only way that Taehyung even had a chance of a happy life was for him to live in Hell, to make new friends and start a new existence free of the painful memories that he had of Heaven.

However, one of the most- if not the most stubborn man to ever exist stood in Jimin's way.

The king of Hell.

Jimin had heard what the king of Hell had said about the Angel. The Devil called him a pest, a nuisance and one of the biggest inconveniences in his life.

This was going to be difficult.

Extremely difficult.

Alas, Jimin knew that he would never be able to live with himself if he didn't at least try to convince the Devil.

Jimin had some good and valid arguments, for example that if the bond broke the King would be weaker, it would also be extremely painful if the bond was broken and probably the most convincing for the king, if the Angel was kept alive and treated well, the king's powers could grow.

Jimin needed to try, for Taehyung.

So, with a newfound determination in his mind, Jimin glanced at a very weak and fragile Taehyung one more time before standing up and striding over to the metal cell door.

"I'll be back in a bit, eat if you can and try to focus on your breathing." Jimin announced in a worried tone before closing the creaky door.

Then Jimin's conquest of his life began as he practically sprinted down the long corridor of grim cells and ran up the steep cobblestone staircase that led to the first floor of the massive castle of Hell.

Jimin sprinted down the labyrinth of wide hallways until he eventually stood outside of the tall, wide doors that connected to the humongous throne room.

The guards at the doors seemed to notice Jimin's commotion and immediately opened the doors for the councilor. The massive doors made a loud wooshing sound as they swung open.

A cold chill hit Jimin's face as the doors were pushed open and he made his way down the long red carpet towards the King of Hell.

The Devil looked at Jimin curiously because normally Jimin was very similar to the older Demons of Hell, like councillor Min, who were always calm and composed.

However, Jimin appeared quite the opposite as he frantically rushed towards the King.

"Sire." Jimin said as he bowed to the Devil out of respect for his glorious king.

Jeongguk nodded his head weakly, due to his lack of energy, as a sign of acknowledgement as Jimin bowed and then the Devil motioned for the councillor to stand up.

Jimin's hands began to get clammy and a cold sweat began to develop as the Demon got more and more nervous.

So, Jimin began. It was now or never and he had to save the nice Angel. Taehyung didn't deserve any of this, not one bit.

"My King, the Angel is growing weak as the days go by and I am only saying this out of concern for your wellbeing. We need to do something about the Angel, as he grows weak you do too and I can't bare to see such a powerful man as yourself lose your energy and power. In the library I found out that if the Angel dies then your powers will diminish and weaken. However, if the Angel was to live with a good standard of life and feel valued then due to the bond, your power will grow. I know it is risky to trust that the Angel won't do anything but breaking the bond will be very painful and can severely weaken your power." Jimin announced as the king's face remained blank the entire time.

This made Jimin very nervous. Had he overstepped? Perhaps this wasn't a good idea at all.

"I see." Is all Jeongguk said before some guards burst in and announced something that scared Jimin to his very core.

"Permission to speak." The king announced, sceptical of what the guard was going to say.

"T-the h-he's collapsed." The guard said breathlessly.

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