Chapter 9

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No one's POV:

"What do you mean h-he collapsed? Speak servant." The King mocked while his eyes tinted slightly red. The Devil's heart ached but he ignored it, the piercing pain made him want to scream yet he bared it.

"T-the Angel s-sire. I heard screaming so I w-went to investigate and I found the Angel lying lifeless on the floor. I opened the cell door and checked the pulse but it was still t-there so I leaned him against the wall then I sprinted here as fast as I could to t-tell you." The Demon guard stated, slightly scared by the powerful aura of the king.

"Leave." The king commanded shortly as he stood up from his throne and descended the stairs.

"I'll be in my chambers, don't bother me with unimportant business ever again Jimin. I thought you knew better than that. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll bare the pain of the bond breaking. You are the last one I'll ever spare." The stubborn king was not budging and Jimin sighed as the Devil walked past him.

Once the king was out of sight, Jimin ran down the halls to reach the dungeons. He had to see Taehyung, he had to save him. The bond was beginning to break as Taehyung's life slowly drained from him. This created even more pain for the already suffering Angel.

As soon as Jimin opened the cell door he checked Taehyung's breathing and opened up his airway by tilting his head back slightly. Jimin then proceeded to shake Taehyung's shoulders slightly, knowing that he had only passed out and CPR wasn't needed.

Taehyung eventually stirred awake and Jimin sighed in relief. The Demon sat the Angel up more slightly and picked up the discarded tray of food. Jimin then began to feed Taehyung the soup slowly as well as bringing a small cup of water to his lips every so often.

The Angel opened his mouth but other than that he was practically responseless. Too weak to say or do anything other than mundanely open and close his mouth.

Jimin really didn't know what to do, how could he let such a kind soul die for no reason.

The only hope he had of saving Taehyung was the king but that ended tragically.

Perhaps he should speak to Yoongi.

Maybe he was missing something?

The Devil raced down the hallway that led to his room. He would never admit it but the pain was very intense, almost unbearable and the bond hadn't even broken yet.

The king reached the end of the grand hallway and opened one of the doors in the pair of huge double doors.

He then sighed as the door closed, in all his time as king the Devil has never experienced something so annoyingly stressful.

All because of that God damn Angel too.

While it seemed like the king had a major lack of reaction when Councillor Park gave his little speech, he was just contemplating what the right course of action would be.

The Devil was stuck but he would never let anyone know that. He didn't need anyone's help, ever.

Jeongguk made his way to the desk on the opposite side of the large room and opened the balcony door, he needed air and he needed to think.

If he was going to save the Angel then he had to do it today. He had to do it now and yet even then the Demon just couldn't bring himself to save the thing that made him weak.

In keeping the Angel alive, the Devil would be enabling people to know his weakness.

He would be letting his weakness live and that appears stupid.

However, Jeongguk, despite his lack of emotions for well. . . Anything just couldn't bring himself to either turn the Angel or kill it.

All because of a stupid bond.

The King sighed and watched his breath turn into condensation in the cold morning air.

Out of all the decisions the Devil has made as king, why did this one seem so hard?

The Demon definitely wanted power so that would mean that keeping the Angel alive would be the best option.

Though, he would have to deal with the Angel and provide a good life for it.

Could he really do that?

The answer was probably no but yet the Demon found himself wanting to try for some unknown reason.

It was like fate was pulling him towards keeping the Angel alive.

Would it be wise to listen to the lingering voice that seemed to call and enchant him towards giving the Angel a chance.

"Fuck it." The Devil cursed underneath his breath.

Call him weak minded but in the end he just couldn't ignore the persistent whispers that invaded his brain.

Jeongguk stormed back into his room and eventually opened the door all while persuading himself that it was for power, not out of love. That's just ridiculous.

The clouds outside turned darker, into more of a grey colour. The king must be very, very pissed.

So angry that he was keeping his weakness alive.

This could end up being the biggest mistake of his life. This could be the starting point of his downfall.

The king rushed down many flights of stairs and went down very long corridors until he eventually reached the dungeon.

Once the king reached the Angel's cell, he found it already open with the Angel grumpling weakly on the floor curled up into a fetal position as fat tears ran down his cheeks.

The king's heart ached when he saw the state of the Angel but pushed it aside knowing that it was only because of the bond.

The Devil stepped into the cell as his shoes clacked on the hard, cold, cobble ground.

It appeared like the Angel was sleeping, he looked impossibly tired with deep bags under his eyes.

The king almost felt a pang of pity run through his black heart.


As the Devil slowly approached the Angel, he realised that it was sleeping.

The king looked around nervously, now the only way of getting the Angel out of here was to carry him.

Taehyung looked far too weak to walk and that really complicated things for the poor Devil.

Eventually, the king made the executive decision to just pick up the sleeping Angel.

The Demon bent down, untied the chains wrapped around the Angel's slim wrists, and wrapped his strong arms around the Angel, hooking one underneath the bend of Taehyung's knees and the other halfway up his back.

Then, the Devil turned around and stormed out of the cell. He couldn't let anyone see him like this so he strode to the very end of the rows of cells and pushed a brick in on the wall.

A pathway opened up and the Devil walked through the long tunnel for what seemed like forever and eventually reached the outside.

Jeongguk then pushed another brick to the right of the tunnel in and the entrance sealed off with a sliding wall.

Taehyung shifted slightly and pushed his face more into the Devil's neck as well as tightening his grip on the king's black dress shirt.

The king's breath hitched as the Angel moved and he closed his eyes to summon his wings.

Suddenly, long black wings with talons on the tips of them appeared. The Devil bent his knees slightly and tightened his hold on the Angel then pushed off of the ground while giving a big, powerful flap of his wings.

The action propelled the Devil high into the dimly lit sky. The king's wings swooshed viciously as he flew until eventually reaching the balcony of his room and landing softly.

Striding into his room, the devil laid the Angel on his bed and sighed, walking back over to his seating area and taking the chair out onto the balcony.

The Demon then picked the Angel back up and sat him up on the chair, facing the sun that was slightly blocked by grey clouds.

Jeongguk then strode into his room and pulled out the black desk chair with gold studded buttons around the edges.

The Devil needed to think about what to do with the Angel but more importantly there was paperwork that needed to be done for the Archangels of Heaven.

Grumbling yet again the king pulled out the long scrolls of paper and inked up the feather quill. This would certainly be the last load he would do now that he had Taehyung.

He really didn't know what to do with the Angel but what the Devil did know is that he needed it alive.

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