003. first day and drivein movie

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adeline pov

adeline walked out of her room as esmeralda met her by the stairs. adeline nervously smiled at her, "first day jitters?" esmeralda questioned making adeline nod

"I'm a bit nervous" adeline replied as the two girls walked down the stairs "don't worry, you have me and stu right by your side" esmeralda told her

"aren't you a bit nervous?" adeline questioned, esmeralda shook her head "nope I'm excited"

adeline slightly chuckled as they reached the bottom steps, the front door opened as billy walked inside, closing the door behind him

"morning, billy" esmeralda greeted he lifted his head, a smile appearing on his handsome face "hey, E"

"you have a key to the house?" adeline questioned billy nodded "yeah I made a copy of it"

"good morning! do you guys want breakfast?" stu questioned, grinning

"no, thank you" adeline said with a shake of her head "I can't I'm way too excited to eat right now" esmeralda said making billy frown

"you guys should eat something" he said making esmeralda grinned at him "aw is billy boy worried about us?" she teased he slightly scoffed

"I have chocolate granola bars" stu happily announced as he handed one to esmeralda and adeline "thanks, little bro"

"yea thank you stu" adeline said with a smile as they headed out the door


the four of them arrived at school less than twenty minutes randy ran up to the group with a grin on his face

"man, I can't believe you're actually coming to school with us" randy said as tatum and sidney came over

"hey, addy" tatum greeted with a warm smile and adeline smiled "hey, tatum" she greeted back

esmeralda looked between the two as if trying to figure out what she missed esmeralda eyes caught adeline

adeline blushed looking away did she have a crush on tatum?

"hey, I'll walk you to your class" billy spoke up, esmeralda smiled at the boy "aww, that is so sweet of you who are you and what have you done to my billy?" she questioned billy slightly blushed

"I'll show addy to her locker" tatum announced

"I'll come with" stu spoke up throwing billy a wink

stu dragged randy with him as tatum hooked her arm with adeline's before walking towards the school as sidney stayed behind with esmeralda and billy

"so adeline how are you finding your first day so far?" tatum said leaning in

"It's a bit overwhelming to be honest but having you as my guide makes it a whole lot better" adeline said smiling shyly

tatum playfully bumps adeline's shoulder their arms brushing against each other

"well lucky for you I'm here to make sure you have the best high school experience imaginable" tatum said giggling

adeline blushes her cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink they approach a row of lockers, and adeline stops in front of one

"this is it, locker 217 I hope I can remember the combination" adeline said glancing at her locker

"don't worry I've got a knack for memorizing numbers let's see 17-23-11" tatum said smirking

tatum effortlessly spins the combination lock revealing the contents of adeline's locker
making adeline look at the girl impressed

"wow, you're good! how do you do that?"adeline said astonished

"trade secret but hey, if you ever forget it, you know who to come to for help" Tatum said winking at the girl

adeline giggles, her nerves melting away as she starts organizing her books and supplies inside the locker tatum leans against the locker next to her, their bodies almost touching

"so, adeline, any other secrets you'd like to share? maybe your favorite subject, or perhaps a hidden talent?" tatum said teasingly

"well, my favorite subject is english, and as for talents, I can juggle three oranges without dropping them Impressive, huh?" adeline said playfully

"oh, I'm definitely intrigued you'll have to show me sometime" tatum said raising an eyebrow

they share a playful moment, their eyes locked on each other the bustling hallway fades into the background as their connection deepens

"I'd love to maybe we can grab a coffee sometime and you can teach me some of your locker-opening magic" adeline said smiling

"It's a date, adeline I can't wait to show you what other tricks I have up my sleeve" tatum said grinning

they exchange warm smiles, their flirtation leaving them both excited for what the future holds the bell rings, signaling the end of the brief moment they shared

"until later adeline" tatum said leaning in

"until later tatum" adeline said grinning

they part ways each with a spring in their step, eager to see where their budding connection will lead them


esmeralda next to stu during lunchtime she was practically sitting on billy's lap since he insisted on sitting next to her as well as adeline sat next to tatum

"so, there's a movie playing later tonight we should all go and watch it" randy said

"what kind of movie?" esmeralda questioned "friday the 13th" randy replied

"I don't like horror movies" sidney said "well, I love horror movies, and I haven't seen friday the 13th in a long times we should go, addy" esmeralda making adeline nod

"yeah, we should are you going tatum?" adeline questioned making tatum nod in excitement "yeah, I am"

adeline smiled as esmeralda leaned back against billy making billy shyly wrapped his arm around her waist

esmeralda softly giggled, placing her hand on top of his


the group arrived at the drive in theater "man, all these couples are making so jealous why do I have to be single?" randy groaned out making stu laugh "don't worry, bud you and I can hang out tonight throw popcorn at people"

rndy grinned "see? there was a reason why I liked you" stu scoffed playfully grinning "I'm a likeable person"

esmeralda chuckled "that's very true stu is a likeable person"

"since, randy is taking stu away" billy was cut off by stu "you make it sound like he's gonna kidnap me or something" billy ignored him as he looked at esmeralda with a smile

"I'm taking esmeralda with me" he said before he pulled edmeralda away from the group

It was only adeline and tatum left since sidney didn't come with them because she didn't like horror movies

adeline and tatum smiled at each other "guess it just you and me" adeline nervously chuckled "yeah"

tatum and adeline grabbed some snacks and some drinks before the movie started the two girls didn't pay much attention to the movie as they kept glancing at each other

as the movie was almost ending tatum called out adeline names "addy?" adeline turned to face tatum only to have tatum's lips on hers adeline eyes widened before she slowly kissed tatum back


the girls sat in silence with a smile on each on their faces It was quiet until esmeralda broke the silence

"billy kissed me!" esmeralda said as adeline blinked the girl "no way! tatum kissed me!" adeline said making esmeralda squeal

"I knew there was something between the two of you! Isn't this amazing!?" esmeralda said as adeline chuckled

"I don't know what to feel about tatum though I just met her and I barley know her but I liked the kiss" adeline said with a confused

"well, ask her on a date I'm sure she would say yes" esmeralda told her, adeline bit her bottom lip with nervousness

"should I?" esmeralda nodded "absolutely! I'm planning on asking billy on a date"

"you know, I kinda thought he and sidney were together" adeline said making the girl shake her head "nope, billy's single" esmeralda giggled "well, not for long"

"so, tell me in details about the kiss?" esmeralda questioned making adeline blush


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