+•+ Chapter 10 +•+

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WARNING: I was not planning this, but I've decided to make this book a vague euphemism for racism. Just know that some controversial content will be discussed in this chapter, and future chapters. Thanks!
~ Dusty

Jack's P.O.V.

Mark accepted the paper from the human's hands, watching as the human exited the school. I felt an anxiety attack start to consume me. The prophecy. It's real. Dark. Anti. Everything was real. My mind wanted to deny it... but now everything is confirmed for real.

" No... NO! I WON'T LET IT WIN!" my mind screamed.

My legs started to shake. Tears welled in my eyes. A wave of nausea overtook me. My breathing quickened.

" Mark!" I cried.

I grabbed onto him for dear life, shaking violently.

" E--everything that they s--said. Dark and Anti! I--It's real." I whimpered, burying my head into Mark's chest

AHHH FEELS! Sorry, I'm leaving now 😊

Mark held onto me tighter, slightly shaking from fear as well. No one had ever helped me calm down through my anxiety. I actually didn't pass out.

All the students remained frozen. No one dared to move. Everyone was stunned. By the human. Probably by Mark and I.

" What's the commotion?!" our principal, Mr. Ostlund said sternly, peeking his head from his office door.

I ignored his speaking, I just remained buried in Mark's chest. I still was shaking violently. I felt Mark look up at the principal and just sigh. I pulled away shakily from Mark, and then to face the principal. I still gripped Mark's hand tightly, too afraid to let go.

" Mark. We're going home." I said, dragging him from the hallway.

I dragged Mark from the school building and out to the schoolyard. Mark didn't protest at all, he just followed. Ethan and Tyler were in a heated make out session.

" Ethan. Tyler. Get up." I ordered.

Ethan slowly stood up, a confused look on his face. Tyler looked over to Mark for some sort of an answer. Mark just beckoned softly. Tyler rolled his eyes and followed. I turned the corner of the school and walked down the side of the school. I weaved through waves of students. Some whispered when they spotted Mark and I walking. Maybe it was what had just happened, or it could've been my wing. I didn't care. I needed to find Felix and Marzia. I walked towards the back of the school, finding the outside lunch seating. Felix and Marzia were just chatting.

" Felix. Get up. Bring Marzia too." I said sternly, turning away on my heels.

Felix tried to stutter a response, but he just ended up following me. I led them to the courtyard, where a few late angels were landing, and some late devils were climbing from the gates of Hell.

" Listen up here. We are finding a way to Earth." I said.

" Are you fucking nuts?!" Felix exclaimed.

Mark looked at me with realization.

" Listen. This is the prophecy. Mark and I have a lot of work to do. And we're going to need your help!" I pleaded.

" Prophecy...?" Ethan squeaked, holding onto Tyler.

I reached over to Mark, grabbing the paper from his hands.

" This is the prophecy. The prophecy states that Mark and I have to go to Earth. Something about.... our hearts knowing what we need. Anyways. We have to come back to our 'dimension' and restore the harmony of coexistence between angels and devils." I said, summing up the contents of the prophecy.

" Umm, my dad has some books on the history of Earth... he's always wanted to take it over. Sounds cliché and ridiculous, but it's true." Mark stated, " However, you'd have to come to Hell, and I don't think you guys would be very well liked around there..."

" It seems like the only option." Felix replied.

Marzia looked at Felix with her large chocolate brown eyes.

" Felix, I don't know if my parents would approve. I don't even know Jack well... Not that I don't like you Jack! You seem very nice! It's just... I don't know if I can risk this." Marzia said softly.

" I'll love you either way." Felix sighed, placing his hand on Marzia's shoulder, " But... I'm going to do it. Jack has been one of my best friends. And that is what the right thing to do is."

I grinned ear to ear, embracing Felix in a huge hug. Ethan sighed loudly.

" I'll look like a douche if I don't do it... so I help you out Jackaboy. After all, what are friends for?" Ethan giggled.

I dragged Ethan into a huge hug. I could feel him smiling in the embrace. Mark giggled softly from behind.

" I'll do it if my smol blue bean does! I can't stand by and let him get hurt." Tyler smiled.

Ethan blushed madly. Marzia rolled her eyes.

" I guess I have to now, don't I?" she sighed, her slight Italian accent altering her speech.

" You guys are the best." I exclaimed.

A loud bang sounded from above our heads. Mark grabbed me protectively, shielding me from the danger. Felix looked up, and he looked like a deer in the headlights.

" Mark. Jack. You have a secret twin brothers." Ethan announced.

" Hey Jack and Mark!" Dark exclaimed, " How's life?"

" Shut it ye' annoyin' bastard." Anti hissed.

" Oh, you two..." Mark said, his grip loosening on me.

" Since you two have agreed to fulfill your destinies, we are giving you the pointers you need." Dark said solemnly.

I wiggled myself out of Mark's grasp, still staying close to him.

" The books containing the valued information lies in the Gates of Hell. However, the book can only be touched by and angel, otherwise it is corrupted. Therefore, at least one of you angels must journey to the place you are strictly forbidden in. This is a sacrifice you must be willing to take to save the fate of two worlds--."

" HOLD UP! Mark and I didn't know there was two words to save!" I exclaimed.

Dark rolled his eyes and continued speaking.

" The dimension where some of you have journeyed from, aka Earth, is suffering a similar issue. Humans are turning against their own kind due to the color of skin, culture, etc. It's harming them. And God created man-kind. Man-kind was his... child in a way. No offense Jack. Anyways, if man-kind turns against themselves, which is what is seeming to occur, then Heaven and Hell will collapse. It would collapse because God's children would be killed. They're going to drive each other to insanity. They're turning to a life of sin. We must save the humans first, then we must restore Heaven and Hell. Understood?" Dark said, a seemingly professional air surrounding him.

" That's a lot of information to take in..." Felix stuttered.

" Jus' do whatcha remember." Anti said sternly, " Now, good luck ta' ya' laddies."

Anti pat my shoulder, and Dark shortly embraced Mark. The two disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

" Lets do this." Mark said, grasping my hand.

Welp! Shit's going down! I'm going to work on building a romance between Tyler and Ethan. There seems to be a shortage of Tythan fanfiction here on Wattpad, so I'm gonna help with that! But I know you guys came for Septiplier, so I'm going to make that the main ship of the book. Just sprinkles of Tythan! I'm currently working on another chapter for my book 'Vampire Markiplier' if any of you people read that book, and are wondering about the next update. Anyways, I'm rambling. So peace out ✌🏻 Word Count: 1222
~ Dusty

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