+•+ Chapter 11 +•+

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Jack's P.O.V.

I walked towards Hell, a confident stride in my step. I was ready. I don't care what my father has to say. I don't care what he wants. I. Am. Me.

" Wait! Jack." Ethan called.

" Damn Ethan, you ruined my moment of confidence there." I giggled.

" I just thought... our parents had to know about this. They hid this from us. If this is a prophecy... then there is no way they didn't know. Especially your dad, Jack." Ethan recalled.

My jaw slacked. My dad. He lied to me. A forceful anger shoved its way into my body. He kept me from what was right. He kept me from my destiny. He wants the angels in power. That fucking bitch. I furiously ran. I don't know where to. But I ran. I ran and ran. My friends shouting at me to come back.

A huge cloud of black smoke stopped me in my tracks. A dizzy looking Mark emerged. He grabbed my shoulders to prevent me from leaving. I tried to fly out of his grasp, but screamed in pain from my broken wing. Mark pulled me closer to him, soothingly rubbing my back. My anger all left me, replaced my hurt, and sadness. I cried softly. He made comforting sounds, doing his best to calm me down. I sobbed loudly into his chest, hugging him as if my life depended on it.

I heard the muffled footsteps of my friends approaching. I dug my face deeper into Mark's chest. I just wanted to be near him, smell his comforting smell, feel his warm and soft skin against mine. I pulled away regretfully, looking into Mark's deep chocolate eyes. His arm still remained around my lean body.

" Listen up. First priority here is to help Jack. I can't stand to see him in pain. Does anyone know where a doctor or brewer angel is? And they can't know Jack, or they'll contact his father" Mark's deep voice rumbled.

Everyone was silent for a moment, thinking. Tyler's eyes lit up with an idea.

" I know a brewer angel, my half brother." Tyler said, " He's always been there to help me. He'd do anything for me. One problem... are you guys aware that he's an accident? We can't talk about him or the authorities will take him because he is a halfling."

" Oh! Of course!" Mark exclaimed, " I've met your half brother once. He would always make those chemicals. We were in the hospital for... 3 weeks?"

Tyler smiled fondly at the memory.

" How do we get to him?" Ethan inquired.

Tyler gestured to the deep woods a head of us.

" We have to go through that shit." he replied.

I gripped Mark's hand tighter. Mark gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

" Lets go." Ethan said courageously.


The sun was setting through the trees. I think we're lost, but Tyler refuses to admit it. I shuddered, coldness seeping within my bones. I winced at my wing, still pulsating with pain. Mark looked over at me, smiling weekly.

The aurora of red and blue around him seemed to die down, due to his exhaustion. His tail dragged through the brush, ripping up small roots and leaves. Everyone just seemed beat.

" Tyler!" Ethan whined, " How much longer?"

" We might not make it tonight..." Tyler responded weakly, " I'm exhausted and need to lie down."

Various 'pleases' and 'sames' sounded though out the crowd.

" Lets set up a camp somewhere." Mark suggested wearily.

" Please!" I whined, my muscles aching.

As soon as I finished my sentence, we came across a small clearing in the woods.

" YES!" Felix screeched, dropping to the ground and rolling in the grass.

I rolled my eyes at his foolish antics.

" We need Ethan, Felix, and Marzia to fly into the trees and gather twigs and leaves for a fire. Mark, Tyler and I can find something to cook or make makeshift beds." I stated.

" Yes sir!" Felix exclaimed, saluting me.

Ethan, Marzia, and Felix spread their wings and took off into the trees. Mark, Tyler, and I walked onto a small deer path in the woods. Tyler ventured off into the woods to go find palm branches or something to make beds out of. That left just Mark and into go find something to eat.

I looked over at Mark, admiring his beautifully sculpted face. His strong jawline tracing seamlessly down his tan skin. His cute, button like nose sloping down to his curved, tempting lips. His chocolate brown eyes scanning the brush. His small little stubble he called his 'manly beard.' His sleek horns curling up from his flooffy red hair. His mysterious, yet charming red and blue aurora glowed softly in the darkening woods. I felt my eyes trace down to his strong biceps, his toned abs, his di--.

" So sinful Jack!" my mind hissed.

I rolled my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up as a devious thought crossed my mind.

" Merk?" I said, as cute as I could, bringing out my Irish accent for extra emphasis.

Mark's chocolate brown eyes filled with slight arousal and shock, he turned to me.

" Y-yes Jack?" he said, trying to stay calm.

Good. He stuttered. I got him now.

" Can you do me a lil' favor?" I replied softly.

" Depends." Mark answered.

I pulled the collar of his shirt, slamming the slightly taller man into my body. I grinned slightly, tracing his jawline.

" J-jack?" Mark said breathlessly.

" Hmm?" I replied, marveling at his beautiful face up close.

" Fuck it." he muttered, closing the small gap between us.

I melted into his kiss, unable to keep my dominance up for too long. Mark grabbed my waist and the back of my head, deepening the kiss. I groaned in pleasure, kissing back strongly. Mark bit softly on my bottom lip, requesting access. I gladly accepted, feeling his soft tongue explore my mouth. I moaned softly, my legs feeling like jelly. I pressed my small frame onto Mark's muscular one, craving fiction. We pulled away, gasping for breath. I shuddered, arousal and pleasure coursing through my bones. Before I knew it Mark pressed our lips together yet again, softly kissing me. I feverishly deepened the kiss, my body pleading for harshness and passion. Mark got the message quickly, and kissed back fiercer. He softly ground against me, earning a loud moan from me. I shivered in pleasure. I harshly ground back against him, craving the feelings of his hips against mine. I think I knew where this was going. And I liked it.

" Hey Mark? Jack? I think these palm branches cou- oh shit." Tyler trailed off.

I practically shoved Mark away from me, blushing wildly. Mark smoothed down his shirt, coughing loudly.

" Uhm, uh... thanks for checking out the thing on my face Jack... really appreciate it..." Mark stuttered.

" Um... uh... no problem... uh... buddy!" I replied.

" HA! I COCKBLOCKED YOU MARK!" Tyler shrieked, nearly doubling over in laughter.

" Lets... just find food for tonight." I suggested wearily, my body crashing off the adrenaline rush.

" I got stuff for beds... you and Mark may resume 'looking for food'." Tyler snickered.

I rolled my eyes, a soft blush dusting my cheeks. Mark's face looked rosy, his lips slightly swollen, but no less beautiful.

" Well..." he said breathlessly," We outta get some food, or we'll really starve. We didn't think this expedition through."

" I thought Tyler knew where the fuck he was going!" I exclaimed, giggling slightly.

" I HEARD THAT!" Tyler shrieked from a far away distance.

I scoffed, grabbing Mark's calloused, yet soft hands. I led him down the rest of the deer path, examining bushes, looking for berries or roots.

" I had some wilderness training back in Angel Scouts, so I know what we can eat!" I said, proud that my training turned out to be useful.

" You did Angel Scouts?" Mark replied, trying to stifle a laugh.

" HEY!" I scolded, punching Mark in the arm.

Mark chuckled, wrapping his strong arm around me. I snuggled into his warm body, inhaling his comforting scent. My eyes landed on a cream color berry. Angel berries! They're edible, and help with sleep. Perfect for our situation.

" Mark! Angel berries! They're edible!" I exclaimed, reluctantly pulling myself away from Mark.

" How are we going to carry these back to camp?" Mark asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

My smile faltered slightly.

" Oh wait!" I said suddenly, " I can use my shirt to carry them."

" No way Jackaboy. I'm not letting my sweet angel boy freeze. I'm from Hell so I'm pretty damn hot anyw-"

" Damn right you're hot." I snickered.

" JACK! That's not what I meant!" Mark replied, a small blush forming, " I meant Devils bodies contain Hell's warmth, so I can survive in the cold."

" Fine." I giggled.

Mark pulled his shirt off, exposing his soft, tan skin. His defined abs and biceps. I practically drooled over the sight of Mark's body.

" Like what you see?" Mark snickered.

I quickly turned away, blushing madly.

" Lets get berries now!" I exclaimed, my voice raising our of nervousness.

Mark chuckled, folding his shirt to make a basket for the berries. I sat on the ground of the forest, picking the cream colored berries. I placed them into Mark's shirt basket thing. The whole thing was pretty enjoyable. Just sitting with my hot as fuck boy-. Shit. Did Mark and I ever confirm if we were a thing? Should I ask? What if he's not ready? Well... he fucked me, so I god damn hope he is.

" Mark?" I asked, tossing a berry into the shirt basket.

" Yes Jackaboy?" he replied softly.

" Are we like... a... like a... um... thing?" I asked hesitantly.

" Fuck..." Mark murmured.

SHIT! Mark wasn't ready. I shouldn't have done that. Christ! I fucked everything up. Oh no. What have I do-.

" Did I seriously not ask you yet?!" he finished.

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

" No, ya' haven't yet anyways." I replied quietly.

" Well. Seán William McLoughlin. You make me the happiest person in the whole universe. Your smile lights up the world. Your eyes shine the colors of the prettiest oceans. I was a horrible thing before you came into my world. The second I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted you to become my everything. And you are my everything. So, Jack. Will you you be my boyfriend?" Mark said, placing the shirt basket on the ground and grasping my hands.

" YES!" I cried, tackling Mark and a bear hug.

I sobbed loudly, grabbing Mark's shirt tightly. I laid on his back, looking down at my smiling figure. I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes, straddling his hips. I leaned down to his ear.

" You're are my everything." I whispered, kissing him passionately.

Welp! That's a way to end a chapter! I love this story so damn much! I would just like to thank everyone who's read this story. It really means a lot to have people actively checking my books out. Peace! Word Count: 1842
~ Dusty

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