+•+ Chapter 6 +•+

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Jack's P.O.V.

" Do you wanna work on the project today?" Mark asked, looking over at me.

I hummed slightly, considering this option. I mean, what did I have to consider? Time with Mark. Sounds like a deal.

" Yep! That sounds like a plan." I said, walking through the courtyard.

So much had happened today. Mark asked me to the dance, our speeches in English had really seemed to freak out some of the older teachers. They seemed to know something. Something we didn't... it kind of freaked me out. Was their something I wasn't told?

" Merk? Did you notice any of the older folk seemed bothered by the speeches we told in English t'day? I got vibes that we aren't told something... I think there's something we just don't know.

Mark's eyebrows drew together in thought.

" Yeah... I kinda sensed that too. Maybe we can do some of the project today, and we can dig through some of the old prophecies, or biblical papers you've got in your house." Mark answered.

" Ooh! I know I've got some unused papers in the attic, but I'm not sure where they are. My attic is the size of some homes." I said, scratching my chin.

We reached the lifting off point to get to heaven.

" Here we go again. You gonna get scared again?" I teased.

" I did not!" Mark exclaimed.

" Did to."

" Did not!"

" Did to."

" Did not!"

" Ah, shut it. Let's just get goin'." I answered, laughing at our ridiculousness.

I swung Mark's backpack over my shoulder, and wrapped my arms around his strong waist. I felt him take in a deep breath.

"Ready Mark?" I said, squeezing his hand for reassurance.

" Yep." he replied confidently.

I spread my wings and lifted off the ground. Mark and I rode in comfortable silence all the way to my house. I was excited for what we had to find.


Mark and I finished the project, even though it wasn't due until another 4 weeks. It just felt good to have it off our shoulders. Mark and I were on the 4th floor in my house, searching for the entrance to my attic. I wasn't entirely sure where it was myself.

" Jack, over here!" Mark shouted.

I ran down the hallway, nearly crashing into Mark as I rounded the corner.

" Sorry." I panted.

" Here's a string comin' from the ceiling. It could be into the attic." Mark stated, gesturing to the tattered rope hanging from the ceiling.

I yanked on the rope, and an old, rusty ladder fell to the ground.

" Well, here we go!" I said, grasping the ladder, and hoisting myself up.

Mark followed, coughing at the dust that flew about the room. The two of us stood by the entrance/exit to the attic, just staring, at all the junk in the attic.

" This will take forever." I breathed.

" We have to find out if people aren't telling us something." Mark said sternly.

I wondered where this 'sense' Mark and I had was coming from, but for some reason, I knew it couldn't be wrong.

" Let's split up, come back here and shout if you find anything valuable." I said.

" Gotcha." Mark replied, " I'll take the left side, and you got the right?"

" Sounds good."

I walked over to the right corner of the attic. The lights weren't working. I couldn't see a thing. Well, I might as well start at the end, and work my way back to the front. I scanned over old mirrors and desks. Nothing of value. Yet. I looked in an old, cracked mirror. The shadow of a person lurked in the mirror. I wheeled around, my heart nearly bursting from my chest. No one was there. My imagination... I hope. I turned back around, and continued searching.

" Ooooh. This must be pretty ass's son." a mysterious voice hissed.

" Anti! Stop being rude!" another, deeper voice growled.

I didn't say anything accept sprint over to Mark.

" MARK!" I shouted.

" WHAT?" he replied, equally as loud.

I ran full speed into Mark's arms.

" T--th--ere we--re the--se peop--le a--and th--ey we--re talk--in'." I stammered, clutching onto Mark for dear life.

" It's o--." Mark stopped speaking, drawing me closer to his chest.

" Mark...?" I said, my voice rising an octave out of fear.

" Hello pretty boys!" a scratchy and familiar voice whispered.

" Anti, stop scaring them." the other deep voice demanded. 

Two people emerged from the shadows. They looked exactly like Mark and I... but not. My doppelganger, I guess, had one piercing blue eye, and another black one that was oozing a black substance. He had devil horns, and a club tipped tail. He wore ripped, black skinny jeans with a tight white shirt. He also wore an even tighter leather jacket. His hair was a neon green, just like mine, but he also had gauges in his ears. That's when I noticed that his ears were pointed like an elf's. Creepy. Was he... a devil?

The other one looked exactly like Mark. His chocolate brown eyes, his flaming red hair, his muscles, everything. But of course, there's a twist. This Mark had angel wings, like mine. His halo glistened a rich golden haze. He wore a white like toga thingy. Sorta like the one my dad usually wears.

" What do you want?" Mark hissed, blocking me from the two men.

" Oh no trouble!" the Mark like one replied, " We're here to speak about what you guys are looking for!"

" Fuckin' cut to the chase Dark." my 'doppelganger' snapped.

" Oh yeah! Excuse me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Dark! Isn't that a contradicting name? I'm a very Dark person. Oh! And I'm an Angel. That's Anti," Mark said, gesturing to my doppelganger, " He's normally, pardon my language, but very pissy. He's easily angered."

" So why are you here?" I said, collecting myself, and trying to ignore the two identical people in front of me.

" The prophecy of course!" Dark exclaimed, clasping his hands.

CLIFFHANGER!! I can't wait for Chapter 7! I'm unfolding the plot!! I also decided to put a word count at the end of each chapter just bc I can. The word count does not include the author's notes. All the other chapters have been at least 1000+ words tho. Word count: 1057

~ Brook

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