+•+ Chapter 7 +•+

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PLEASE READ** I did some research for any smut in this book. According to the webpages I saw, sex before marriage is technically a sin. However, I will bring up this issue in the book, but Jack will realize this is true love and it's worth it, yadda yadda. So smut is still on my friends!

~ Brook

Jack's P.O.V.

" What prophecy?" Mark said, his arm still wrapped tightly around me.

" Like the one, with you and Jack..." Dark stated, not sure why we weren't understanding.

" Jesus Christ," Anti said facepalming, " Basically, you two gotta' get all buddy-buddy and what not. After that, you guys are supposed to show everyone the harmony that was supposed to exist between angels and devils. Then there's somethin' about the two of you gettin' marr--."

" THAT'S ENOUGH ANTI! We can't tell them it all, or the prophecy won't work!" Dark exclaimed.

" Oh shit... that's right. Thanks dude." Anti said, smiling a toothy grin.

I looked at Mark questioningly. How did we know that this wasn't all bullshit?

" And why should we believe you? We've never heard any of this before... ever." I stated, " I believe my father would've mentioned something of the sorts before. 

" If you don't then... that's your problem." Anti said with a shrug.

" You must listen!" Dark cried, " You must save everyth--."

Dark was interrupted by Anti roughly kissing Dark. Dark's eyes were wide with shock.

" You oughta' shut it sometimes." Anti said, smirking.

Dark's face went red as a tomato.

" W--we bes--t be go--ing no--w." Dark stuttered, dragging Anti away from us.

The two disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Mark and I just looked at each other for a while. I guess we didn't really have anything to say.

" Let's... let's get some water." I suggested, out of ideas to start any form of talk with Mark.

" S--sure." he mumbled.

Mark pressed his fingers to his temple.

" Are you okay?" I asked softly.

" Yeah, just still trying to process what happened." Mark replied wearily.

Mark and I trudged down the stairs to grab some water to drink. I opened up the cabinet with the cups. Technically, I was supposed to let the cooks and maids do all the work, but I needed a distraction. I filled up the cups with ice and water, and handed one to Mark.

" Thanks." he replied.

We sat in a comfy silence for a while. Just drinking some water and relaxing. I looked over at Mark. He seemed to be in deep thought. His eyebrows were furrowed, his fingers drummed on the table. I sighed softly. Mark and I needed to talk. Even though we both didn't want to.

" Mark?" I asked, placing my head into my hand.

" Present." Mark mumbled.

" Would you like to stay the night?" I said, turning to look Mark in the eye.

" Oh, sure!" Mark exclaimed, a new light filling his eyes, " Wait... what about my stuff?"

" I got extra stuff you can borrow!" I replied, clasping my hands.

" Awesome!" Mark replied.

" I'll go ask Marianne to as the cook to cook us some dinner, and we can go dig around for some extra stuff." I said cheerfully.

" Sound's like a plan." Mark replied.

I tossed the water cups in the sink, and practically sprinted out of the kitchen. I was filled with a rush of excitement. Mark was staying over! I could hardly contain myself. I giggled softly, still in a full on sprint. Mark's thudding footsteps followed behind me.

" Why are you running Jack?!" Mark called out.

" I'm just excited!" I replied happily, emphasizing the 'excited' part.

I could practically hear Mark rolling his eyes at my ridiculousness, but I couldn't care less. I was pumped. I ran towards the maid's corridors. Marianne was probably resting, but oh well. I knocked on her door, and Mark skidded to a stop next to me.

" Just a second!" I heard her call.

After some rustling noises and a loud crash, Marianne opened the door.

" Yes Jack?" she asked, glaring at Mark.

" Um, could you ask Harry to make some dinner for Mark and I? I couldn't find him." I asked, trying to ignore that she death glared Mark.

" Sure." she replied.

" Thanks..." I mumbled, a bit grouchy that she thought that lowly of Mark.

I grabbed Mark by the hand, making sure Marianne noticed, and led him back the way we came. Mark just looked at me, and went with it. I dragged him up the stairs and into my room.

" Welcome to my humble abode." I said jokingly.

Mark giggled in response.

I walked over my closet and grabbed some spare PJs for Mark, and I grabbed some for myself.

" Thank you." Mark said slyly, grabbing the spares from my hand.

" Oh, you need a toothbrush!" I recalled, darting to the bathroom attached to my room.

Mark followed, peering over my shoulder as I dug around in the lower drawers of the vanity. I grabbed a unopened package of toothbrushes. I peeled back the wrapping, only to get that annoying layer of cardboard. I huffed in frustration as I stabbed the cardboard with my finger, triumphantly grabbing a toothbrush.

" Here you go, my good sir." I said, bowing as I offered a toothbrush.

" Why thank you." Mark giggled, grabbing the toothbrush from me.

I giggled too, leading Mark from the bathroom.

" Where should I put these for now?" Mark asked, showing me the toothbrush and pajamas.

I motioned to the huge bed that was pushed against my wall. Mark tossed the things onto the bed.

" DINNER!" Marianne called.

I grabbed Mark's hand again and led him down the stairs. I couldn't wait for tonight. I had so many plans...

#ICantComeUpWithGoodEndingsSoHereYouGo! I can't wait for the next chapter... heehee!! Word Count: 1004

~ Brook

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