Chapter 1

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The wind echoes through the dark streets, blowing leaves across cold pavement and whistling through grass. Sensible people are asleep right now, paying no heed to the dark figure perched on a rooftop, watching the kingdom below her. Her black wings are folded against her back, individual feathers occasionally fluttering softly, urging her to fly. Nobody will see her, so what does she have to fear?

A smirk plays on her pale lips as she leaps off the building, letting the wind catch her and send her soaring. She unsheathes daggers of blue diamond as she sails, the moon gleaming against the sharp blades.

"Having fun, Ann?" someone asks. 

The girl pulls herself to a stop and looks around, her pale blue eyes landing on a brunette girl with leathery black and purple wings. Half of her face is black as the night, cracks of purple streaking across the dark surface. Her eye is like a glowing purple flame. The other side of her face is pale and cold with an electric blue eye staring into Ann's pale ones. She's an Ender, a special breed of demon that's much more rare that the regular, black winged demons.

"Yes, in fact, I am," Ann responds. "Justina."

The leather winged girl smirks and pulls out her obsidian sword.

"I saw a gang walking around. You know, taking the joy of havoc from us. I think we should... put an end to their ways."

Ann grins and twirls her gleaming daggers in her hands.

"Good idea."

They soar through the brisk night air and land silently in an alleyway. The gang that Justina had mentioned stands just outside, defacing the walls with spray paints and smoking. The sound of shattering glass echoes through the streets, followed closely by a round of drunken laughter. Ann and Justina walk down the alleyway and appear in front of the hooligans, their majestic wings fully stretched out.

"Excuse me, but causing trouble and mayhem is our job," Ann says, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder and smirking maliciously. The vandals stop, staring at the two girls with wide eyes. A few try to run, but fall over, impaired.

"You're Vendaviel demons, aren't you?" one asks. Justina gasps and touches her heart mockingly.

"I'm so glad you know us! It's a good thing we're making an impression."

"You kill people," stutters another, his voice slurred considerably.

"Oh, aren't you so observant," Ann chuckles. Her blades continue to gleam menacingly in the moonlight, which attracts the attention of the vandals.

A gang member growls and pulls out a sword and swings it at the girls. Ann easily blocks it with her knives, and he squints before swinging again. The others pull out their swords, and suddenly Justina and Ann are outnumbered by fifteen.

Wingbeats join the sound of clashing swords as four figures touch down on the ground. They join the fight, quickly disposing of the gang members. As the last body slumps to the ground, Ann looks at the winged beings and sighs.

"We had this under control."

They smirk and put their weapons away.

"You were outnumbered by fifteen. You really had it," chuckles the only boy in a group of girls. He has short brown hair and blue eyes, and unlike the rest of the girls, he doesn't have wings. He's a wolf demon by the name of Ty, but the girls call him by his nickname.

"Shut it, Wolfie. Why are you here anyway? I thought you were hunting on the other side of the kingdom," Justina inquires.

"Yeah, barely. Everyone is learning that the night isn't safe. We decided to find you guys instead," sighs a girl with dark skin and fluffy blackish-brown hair. Her brown eyes shimmer like the stars above. This demon's name is Khali.

"Wow, we're really off our game," Ann mutters.

"Let's just get back to Herobrine. He's probably wondering where we are," Julie, the Captain of the Demons says. She has long chocolate brown hair that's down to her waist and green and blue eyes. Libby, who stands beside her, has shorter, curly brown hair and light blue eyes.

The winged people take off into the sky while Ty turns into a massive wolf, running off into the night.

These are the immortal demons of the Vindaviel kingdom. They strike fear into the hearts of the citizens, causing havoc and destruction. They appear in the dead of night, sucking away the light around them and disposing of anyone that's out too late. The hope for this particular kingdom is not gone, however. There are also immortal angels that live in this kingdom. Their mission is to bring peace and light to the people after the demons have brought fear and darkness. The two have not crossed paths yet, but that will soon change.

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