Chapter 2

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Herobrine, the Lord of the Demons, sits on his throne as his demons enter his castle. The building itself is grotesque and dark, with the only lights being sparse torches hung on the walls. The throne room is large and virtually empty except for a large throne made of purplish bricks that suck the light out of their surroundings. The windows of the castle are so small and caked with dirt that nothing can come through.

"So, how did it go?" Herobrine asks in a gravelly voice, standing up from his throne. His eyes are pupil-less and glowing white, as though he's trying to look right into your soul. A black cloak is draped over his shoulders and a dark crown sits atop his brown hair. He towers over his demons, almost eight feet tall in height. His Enderman servant, Camryn, teleports around the throne room. She's the leader of Herobrine's army, and she does tend to make the demons slightly skittish.

"We disposed of some druggies, my Lord. That's about it," Libby replies, her wings drooping. She attempts to hide the fear in her voice, but it wavers into her speech anyway.

"What have I told you about killing the bad guys?" Herobrine growls, his fingers traveling to the blade at his side.

"Not to do it," Julie mumbles.

"Exactly! Why are you disobeying me?!" he yells. "Why aren't you going to Notch's castle and killing his angels?"

"There were guards out! I checked the castle, there was no way of getting in without getting shot!" Justina whimpers. "There are too many archers to face."

Herobrine begins to pace, unsettled. These angels are bringing light into a world where he only wants darkness.

The Dark Lord snarls and unsheathes his sword. He drags the tip along the Ender side of Justina's face, drawing dark purple blood. She hitches her breath and winces, but doesn't back away. That will make the punishment worse.

"The next time you come back with nothing, no good news of dead angels or more dead army members, there will be one less demon in your company," Herobrine growls. He lowers his blade, a drip of blood landing on the floor.

The demons bow quickly and race away to their room, a tiny square with six beds all rammed together. Each person has a chest at the end of their beds for their belongings, but those are never terribly full. Justina flies onto her bed and grabs a dirty rag, quickly mopping up the blood that's dripping down her face.

"Why are we killing the bad guys?" she exclaims. "We know we have to dispose of the good guys."

"I know, I know. We'll see if there are any of the angels' knights out tomorrow, and if there aren't, we kill civilians," Ann sighs. "It's our only choice if we don't want to get killed by Herobrine."

"Yeah... I just wish we could get to the actual angels. Right now, we can't even get into their castle, much less fight much more powerful beings," Khali mentions. The demons all stay silent, and Ann spins her daggers in her hands.

"We'll do what we can."

They start to drop off to sleep, with the only sound in the castle being Camryn patrolling the halls.


All the way across the kingdom sits a glittering castle of gold and quartz. Huge stained glass windows sparkle in the morning sunlight and flowers bloom brightly along a stone pathway. A bald man watches the kingdom outside from a balcony, his brown eyes scanning the top of the houses. He spots a massive black wolf perched on a rooftop and freezes. The wolf doesn't see him, it just sniffs the air and transforms into a human before climbing back down to the ground. The man sighs heavily, turns on his heel and heads back inside. His name is Notch, the Lord of the Angels.

Notch arrives in the throne room and sits down in said throne. A brunet angel with hazel eyes watches Notch from the back of his throne, concern etched on his face. He's the Captain of the Angels, giving him the right to sit on the throne back.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, noticing the expression on his king's face.

"No, it's not. I need to speak with all of you. Now. Adam, go get the others," Notch replies.

The angel, Adam, nods and takes off, returning with the other angels in no time. There are seven of them, six guys and one girl. All of them give off a faint glow, something special that only angels can do.

"What do you need?" asks the girl, Quintana. She's a slender mudkip girl with feathery white wings like the rest of the angels. She's the healer of the angels, with master potions skills and healing powers.

"I've just seen another one of Herobrine's demons wandering the city. They're causing havoc and I need it to stop," Notch explains. The angels listen intently.

"Okay, it shouldn't be to hard. We've taken on demons before," Jerome says. He's a Bacca with brown fur in a suit pattern and wings, of course.

"Besides, those demons can't even get into our castle. We can totally take them on!" Mitch adds. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He's wearing his regular black and red plaid hoodie, as well as blue jeans. White wings are protruding from his back. Mitch and Jerome laugh a bit, nudging each other.

"This mission is going to be harder than you think, boys. They are stronger than you think and have many years of fighting skills. Herobrine also has mainly girl demons, and their beauty can make you weaker." Notch explains, silencing the two boys.

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem for me!" retorts Quintana, leaning on one hip.

"They also have a male demon."

She sighs and ruffles her wings.

"Honestly, how good looking do they have to be to distract us?" Mitch asks, scoffing. Notch sighs and pulls out a photo of all the demons. The angel's jaws drop, and Mitch pushes forward and points to a blonde demon with pale blue eyes in the front of the group.

"Who's that one?" he asks.

"That's enough, Mitchell," Notch replies sternly. He tucks the picture away, recapturing the attention of his angels.

"So what do we do?" Jason asks, a boy with curly, sandy brown hair and blue eyes. Notch sighs, disliking their situation greatly. He never wanted his angels to do any harm.

"You fight and you dispose of them," the king says finally.

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