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Delicate~Taylor Swift
Time to find Lloyd. I tried to make to make my mind to focus on finding Lloyd. Only if that were possible. Because Kai just kissed me. I feel so happy like I'm floating. Then a bit depressed because Kai's expression afterwords. He totally ignored me. He totally ignored that kiss.

I hit a trash can with my leg sending it flying. Why Kai? I am so mad. It was fake! I have seen Kai flirt, constantly. Kai doesn't ignore things like that, Kai dives right in. Kai was using me. I feel so violated. He was distracting me, covering it up, and guess what it worked. Because I wanted it so badly.

I leaned on the wall of an alley. I felt like breaking down. Kai is in my head. Ugh! I hated this. I felt like I was being controlled. My emotions all bundled up. Is Kai thinking of me? Kai is so different. Why can't he jump right in with me? Then it hit me right in the face, so hard.

Why didn't I think of this before?

I was so oblivious of thinking of Kai to notice the soft noise coming behind me. Then I felt someone cover up my mouth. I froze. I didn't even tried to kick or punch, and I didn't even know why. Then warm hand over my hand seemed to turn into dust. It is the illusionist.

I jumped around to see him, actually see him, face to face. I was really surprised to be quickly punched in the face. Why can't I focus? Why can't I stop saying why? I look at his bright red hair, which, somehow remind me of Kai. Of course, everything reminds me of Kai. His hair should remind of Chen.

The illusionist smiled at me and pulled out two knives. I looked at him and put my two fists. RX? Nah, let's see what he can do. I had a sudden feeling that wouldn't be such a good idea.

"I admire you, Cole." The illusionist replied spinning his knives, just like Kai, "Trying to save Lloyd when he thinks your psychopath."

I rolled my eyes and replied, "You made him see an illusion like that? Wow. You make anyone fall for anything."

"Like you said, even though, it might just be an illusion, it still hurts and kills you." The illusionist smirked, "I can't wait to see that."

I smiled at what he just said. I won't go down that easily. But I can't help but smile. Because he just said that I didn't kill Lloyd. That Lloyd is kidnapped and he has Lloyd. Now I can save him. And everything will be ok in the end.

"Thanks, because I think you just revived me." I said and can't help but smile, "Lloyd is alive and he wasn't an illusion all his life."

The illusionist scowled and seemed to forget he did that. Too many illusion he created, I suppose. He charged at me and tried to dodge but he was too fast or it just looked like it.
The illusionist put a huge scare right on my arm. I punch him in the face and grabbed my swords, to see if he bleeds.

I charge at him. The illusionist seem to teleport away but I still hit a the same spot where he was. Guess what? It is actually the illusionist. He scowls at me and anyone could tell he has something in mind.

"Smart." The illusionist replied, "But not as smart as this."

The illusionist slap me in the face. He kept beating me up over and over. I can't help but think, smart. I kept getting hit and it hurt a lot. But it hurt a lot more when I fell down a hole, a small hole. I can't believe I feel down it. I looked up as the illusionist covers the hole, leaving me in shadow.

Gosh, I knew that plan was stupid. I just so engrossed in finding Lloyd. I mean, right now, it feels like Lloyd is my only friend. Jay ditched me for Kai. Kai ignores me and is afraid that I will find out his secret, so he makes my mind drag to something else. Nya has been avoiding everyone, lately. Zane stands to the side of all the drama that me and the other ninja get into. I need someone, right now. I need to someone who would do anything to love me, save me.

I need someone to be delicate with me.

Sorry this is kinda short compared to my other chapters! But here it is! How was it? Did you enjoy? Honestly, I don't think this is as good as the others... but ya know! But plz still vote and comment! GIVE ME THE ATTENTION!!!


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