10-Light 'Em Up

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Light Em Up~Vo
I hate it. I, literally, hate it. The plan that our team made. It is the most idiotic and stupid plan I have every heard. If I didn't know I had the lion, Fuego, I would be already out of here beating up the illusionist who stole Lloyd. I stuff my face into my pillow, groaning. Overreacting? Probably no, especially since I know what is at stake, unlike the other ninja.

"Kai, you ok?" Cole said peaking threw the door of my room.

I stare at him wondering if I looked pissed or not. But, Fuoca, the hawk, so wanted to flirt. I ignored her, well tried to, It is kinda hard when she fluttering in your face. I push her back wondering how weird that looked to Cole.

"I'm fine." I said still thinking how Cole not see how stupid this plan is?

Cole nodded about to leave then he turned his heels right back to my door. That so unlike Cole, he usually so confident, but something seriously bugging him. I could read like magazine right off him.

"Was it really not you when you fell off the edge?" Cole said suddenly and actually made me jump just a bit.

I look at him, more like his mask, Cole still hasn't budged by taking it off. Cole was nervous and just made me think what he said. The words prick my interest in Cole, a lot. 'Bold move, Cole' is the only thing I wanted to say then Fuoca kicked in. I wanted to grumble at her quick movement.

"Maybe." Fuoca said threw me, did my voice sound girly? I hated this but sometimes they were so useful.

Cole eyes looked at me, a bit widen eyes I could say. I felt Fuoca move me right off my bed and walk over to Cole. Stop it! I said to myself and thinking about much drama it would cause. What damage I could do? Cole seemed to freeze and my senses got dimmer as Fuoca seemed to shut them down.

"Uhh, Kai?" Cole said looking at me but I felt so dazed, "Should I go? Because maybe isn't really an answer. Or care to explain?"

"There is really nothing to explain." Fuoca said threw me.

"Actually there is." Cole said sternly and crossing arms, "I need to know if I can trust you, Kai. I want to know what your covering up."

I heard as my senses came back, but Fuoca told me to stay. She has an idea. I didn't really want to go for it. It would probably shut Cole up about it for some days. Doesn't mean it will take his mind off me. I looked at Cole's eyes. I move my hands around Cole.

I look at him. Gosh, why? Why can't I just tell Cole? He is trustworthy, isn't he? Then instead of waiting for Fuoca to do it, I do. Just to see, are you trustworthy, Cole? I lift his mask up a bit just to smash my lips against his. Cole seemed push a bit then put his arms around me too, like Cole wanted this.

Cole trustworthy? Yes. But am I willing to go into this? With Jay, it just, fun, nothing serious, just a joke, plus, Jay likes someone else. But Cole... he would put his heart and soul into anything he believes is important. So, I can't do this. I let go of Cole and end as quickly as I began it and then acted like it never happened.

"So, the mission?" I said casually as I could as I walked quickly away.

Immediately, we all got ready and hit the road, more like the sky with our dragons, though. I avoided Cole's gaze the entire time and set my attention on listening to Jay's blabber talk. Soon, we were in Ninjago City.

So, the plan was since everything that bad comes is usually in Ninjago City. We would look for Lloyd there. The stupid part is everything. We are splitting up so the villain can pick us one by one. And I am getting the safest area, where the Chen's Noodle House is.

I flew over to my area. The great part is the quietness. The peace of being just me. But the danger? I hated it. I walk over and sit on the roof of Chen's Noodle House. I looked threw the skylight. I saw a green-haired girl walk in, even though the noodle shop is closed. I can't help but think this girl is so getting beat up by Skylor.

I leaned closer to the skylight to watch. Skylor seemed to give a death glare toward the green haired girl, which... I am going to call? She looks like Mal from Descendants but with bright green hair. I guess I will call her Mal.

"Her name is Phoebe." Feu, the wolf, replied.

I overly ignored him and replied, "I am still going to call her Mal."

Fuoca rolled her eyes. I looked at her annoyed and pointed the skylight saying to watch. Fuego seemed to want to go sleep but, immediately, Feu hit him on the head. I ignored them as they got into a stupid fight.

I pressed my ear against the window and listened. Wait... What?! I need to get in there. That conversation and I looked over at my animals. Yes, I am ready. I turn invisible and got into the building. Ready?

Yeah... let's light em' up.

Did you enjoy it? Did explode your mind? Next chapter... IDK! Someday, I guess


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