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I woke up and looked around the dark room. I couldn't really see anything. I move my hands a bit to realized their cuff in chains. Typical. I tried my powers, hmm, this villain seemed to think things threw, smart.

"Your awake." A really deep voice boomed threw the dark room, "I was waiting especially since I barely have anything else to do."

I strained my eyes to see the man, but still he hid deep in the shadows. I relaxed trying my eyes to stop hurt from straining them so much. Bad idea. Wait! Where are the others? Did he get them too? But before I knew it he answered all my questions.

"Your friends aren't with you, sadly. I was really hoping to beat up the red one." He said, "I'm the master of illusion. You can't see me because I am messing with you, to you I am invisible. That is an illusion, sadly, you can't see illusions, unlike Kai."

"Wait?" I said rubbing my head, "Kai can't see illusions? Your overly confusing me."

He came out of nowhere. His bright red hair against his black evil looking suit. I looked to study every detail. He also had bright green eyes. I looked at him and asked simply, "What is a more simpler thing to call you?"

"Hmm." He said thinking, "I don't think it would hurt to tell you. You won't be noticed or live long enough to tell... I'm Jim."

I looked at him. His name was funny but if he didn't say that first part, I would laugh. But, right now, I'm freaking out. Jim smiled at my expression. Scared, did I look like that? Strong, that is what I need to look like. Aren't they similar? Your strong to be facing it but your still shaking inside.

"So..." Gosh, I sounded like Jay, "What are you going to do to me?"

"Ah, your villains explain their plans, don't they?" Jim said smiling evilly, "So cocky, acting like they will never loose but plans aren't perfect. I would rather just do and skip the talking part, don't you?"

"Uhhh, no?" I stuttered out still very confuse, but had to agree with him a bit.

Then Jim picked up a huge black ax. I looked at him, shocked. He is going to torture me with that? That like for an execution, not plain torture. Or was I really going to die? Stop, being so scared. I know what I am supposed to say. I know what I am supposed to do. Be brave, Lloyd.

"You will never win!" I said looking at him as a smirk plasters his face.

"Even if I do loose, I want you to remember me as your the hardest villain you had to defeat." Jim said smirking at me, he so excited for what he was about to do.

Then, before I know it, the ax came right at my face. It hurt so much, that I fell unconscious. Kinda mad at myself for falling so easily, like I fell for Jay, and like I fell for Morro. Like I fell so many times.


I woke up, after probably some time. I could already see Jim in the shadows. He seemed mad. Jim grabbed the ax and this time I was ready for him to slam it at me. But he didn't. Jim just came closer and touch the huge scare he put on my face, before I went unconscious.

"I wouldn't like to hurt you, while your unconscious." Jim said reaching at the end of the scare, "Because makes no victory, fun. I guess you remember not to scream because of Morro. Because no matter how hard you hit, you could never get out of the prison Morro put you in."

I looked up at him. How did-d he k-know? How long did he watch until Jim knew he could defeat us. He is confident and cocky like all villains, just know how to hit when he needs to, then blabbering it all out. Because that never hurts, it just bragging about how much to know. A slow blow hurts longer and more, because you never know how much it will last.

"Makes you no fun." Jim said picking up my face and studying it closely.

I nodded slowly but help realizing it hurts. Then a green-haired girl came in, she seemed to have something to complain about. The girl was really short and only came to the chest of Jim, or was Jim really tall? The girl got her tiptoes to whisper something into Jim's ear. He nodded then the girl just skipped away.

"Who is that?" I said looking at Jim who just scowled at me.

"My sister, Phoebe." Jim said as he came over and untied my chains.

I look up at him, curiously. Jim isn't letting me go, the message is pretty clear. Jim purposely scratched me with ax some more times for fun. The continued, it was clear to what he was doing. Jim, the master of illusion, was getting to business.

"You think your the heroes?" Jim said cockily as he chuckled, "You see us as villains. I see us as heroes. So, what do you think we are?"

"Who is us?" I said weakly as Jim did his job with me, turning me to be seen as something else, something dangerous or embarrassing, and I didn't know that is the weird part.

"You will see or you will be blind for most of your life." Jim said smirking.

As he did his business, I think I needed someone to save me. Because the worst thing in life, if someone hates you for being what your not and not ever seeing what you are.
Right now...

I think I need a hero.



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