Chapter 7

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Sabine was sitting on a cliff side looking out at the plains of Attalon. She just stormed out of a meeting talking about Ezra joining the Empire. She did not want to believe it for one second. She hugged her knees to her chest as tears leaked from her eyes down her face thinking about what happened to her best friend.

"Sabine...?" A familiar voice called out. Sabine turned around and saw Hera walking over to her. "Hera, I just want to be alone right now." She said turning away. Hera sat down next to her and put an arm around her in comfort. Sabine melted into Hera hug and laid her head on her shoulder. "I know how you feel, believe me. Ezra was family to all of us." Hera said. "Was? He still IS. Why are you talking like he actually did join the Empire?!" Sabine said raising her head. "You're right, I shouldn't talk like that. Ezra is one of the many people that mean the world to me and it just pains me to just see him with the Empire. But I promise you, no matter what, we will find out what happened. And we will bring him home to us." Hera told her. Sabine wanted to smile but was still very sad about what happened.

Late night Sabine nightmare

The crew was running in a dark town. They were being chased by Vader. They came across a alley and was trapped. Vader came from around the corner and ignited his lightsaber. Kanan did the same and charged at the sith lord but was stabbed in the chest by another lightsaber and fell to the ground dead. Then out of the shadows came Ezra with yellow eyes. Zeb charged forward at him but was lifted in the air and thrown into darkness. Sabine and Hera were the only ones left. Ezra and Vader walked up to them as they was stepping back. Their backs was at the wall and they had nowhere to go. Ezra lifted his lightsaber ready to strike, but instead of attacking them he attacked Vader. He cut off one of Vaders arms and was about to deliver the final blow but he was lifted in the air. Then Ezra got stabbed in the chest by Vader and fell dead on the ground. "EZRA!!!" Hera yelled and ran to him. She kneeled to him but was sliced in the back by Vader and was dead on top of Ezra. Sabine had tears in her eyes as she just lost her second family and fell to her knees. She looked up and saw Vader right in front of her. He lifted up his lightsaber and swung.

End of Nightmare

Sabine shot up from her bed and screamed to the top of her lungs. She grabbed her darksaber and held it tight in her pale hands ready to ignite. The door to her cabin opened and Hera, Zeb, Kanan and Chopper stood at the door. "Sabine what's wrong?!" Hera asked. Sabine said nothing. She dropped the darksaber and fell to her knees crying and letting out sobs. Hera kneeled down to her and hugged her tight. "Shh it's okay we're here for you." She said as Sabine rested her head on her shoulder. The others also kneeled down and placed a hand on Sabine in comfort. "Hera...?" Sabine called out. "Yes?" "I'm scared that we might loose him to the Empire forever." Sabine said in sobs. "We won't. I promise we will get him back." Hera said hugging him. Sabine smiled and felt loved but not as much anymore without Ezra.

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