Chapter 8

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The next morning the crew was called to the command center for a new mission. They had just got a new transmission from Fulcrum. "This is Fulcrum. I have news from the Imperial facility on Lothal. They have built a new wrist weapon called the thermal blaster. I suggest that you attack and destroy this new weapon and erase all intel about it. Fulcrum out." The transmission ended. "Why can't Fulcrum give us intel about Ezra." Sabine muttered to herself.

"So guess we're going back to Lothal?" Hera asked. "Yes I know you alls minds aren't in the right place at the moment, but we need this weapon destroyed before it gets out." Sato said. The crew nodded and went back to the Ghost.

The Ghost was in hyperspace on its way to Lothal. "It's kinda weird going back here without Ezra." Zeb said. Hera elbowed Zeb in the shoulder and gestured over to Sabine who had a frown and looking down. "Sorry Sabine." He said. "It's fine. I rather not talk about it at the moment." Sabine told him.

The Ghost came out of hyperspace over Lothal. Hera send over their clearance codes and they were granted entry. They landed the Ghost by Ryders hideout and walked out the Ghost. "My friends so good to see you all again." Ryder said walking up to them. He noticed some sad faces and that their were only 5 of them. "Where's Ezra?" He asked. Sabine looked down and walked away from the group. "Guys where is he?" Ryder asked again. Kanan walked up to him. "Ezra is with the Empire." He simply said. Ryder had a surprised look on his face. "What do you mean?" He asked not believing it. "During a mission Ezra got separated and we all thought he was captured. A week later We went to help some rebels and we thought that an Inquisitor was attacking them but we saw it was Ezra." Kanan explained. "Why?" Ryder asked. "We wish we knew but we don't." Kanan answered.  "So why are you all here?" "We got intel saying that the Empire built a new weapon here. We came to destroy it." Hera answered. "Well how can I helo?" Ryder asked and they walked into the hideout.

Sabine sat on top of a hill looking at the setting sun. She remember a few times where she and Ezra would sit on top of the Ghost and watched the sunsets and do star gazing while on Lothal.


Sabine was in her room painting when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in." She said. The door opened and Ezra walked in. "Hey Ezra." "Hey Sabine." He said. "What is it?" Sabine asked. "Close your eyes. I wanna show you something." He said. "I don't. What can you possibly show me?" Sabine asked raising an eyebrow. "Come with me and find out." Ezra told her extending his hand out to her. Sabine thought for a moment and closed her eyes. Ezra grabbed her hand and lead her out of the Ghost. Ezra then lead her to a hill and they sat down. "Can I open my eyes now?" Sabine asked. "Not yet." He said. "Okay now." He said. Sabine opened her eyes and she saw the sun setting down. It was a beautiful site to see. A smile slowly started to appear on her face. "It's beautiful Ezra." She said. "That's not all." Ezra told her. Ezra turned on a flashlight as the sun set. "What are you planning?" Sabine asked. "You'll see." He said. The sun was now gone and Ezra turned off the flashlight. The sky filled with stars. Sabine gasped at surprised. It was the most beautiful site she could see. "Do you like it?" Ezra asked. "Like it? I love!" Sabine said pulling Ezra into a side hug. Ezra blushed madly but hugged back. "Thanks for showing me this." She said. "Anytime Sabine."

End of flashback

As Sabine thought about that day, a tear went to her cheek and she smiled. "Sabine." A voice said. She turned around and saw Hera standing there. "Hey Hera is it time?" She asked. "Yes lets go." Hera said and they walked to the others.

The crew sneaked into the city and made their way to the facility. They snuck in the back way and took out a few guards along the way. They first went to the terminal. "Sabine you're up." Kanan said. Sabine hacked the terminal and deleted all the files about the weapon. "Alright done now we need to destroy the weapon." Sabine said and they ran for the cargo room. They went inside and looked for the weapon but it was nowhere to be found. "We're too late. They already shipped the weapon." Hera said. Then the alarms went off in the base. "We have to get out of here!" Zeb said. They ran up some stairs to the roof. They were about to escape when a beam shot right in front of them on the ground. They looked up and saw a figure. They grabbed their weapons and the figure jumped down and revealed himself. They crew lowered their weapons a little at who it was. It was Ezra.

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