Chapter 2

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"So, I hear you are the apprentice of Uncle Seccerus, I am Princess Minamy, at your service! The commander is my brother Thasious", said the princess. "Well Minamy, it is very nice to meet you, I hope that we can learn from each other and exterminate the wretched dragon.", Hellany replied. "Well indeed, we will defeat this dragon for the kingdom of Castorine!", said a male voice, "I am Thasious, you may have heard of me just a second ago", said the prince, "Anyway, it is very nice to meet you both", Hellany said with a grin, staff in her hand, ready to fight. Suddenly a deafening sound could be heard. "The dragon, get down!", yelled Thasious.

"Sir! We should not be running away and hiding." the apprentice spoke.

"We must take cover until our enemy is vulnerable", he told her.

"Well, that is a very good point, but I have learned shield magic, I can cast it on your army so they can attack, but not be harmed.", said Hellany, staff in hand, "Shield activate." a shield appeared around every person, "Sir, now can we attack?"

"Army! Now! Exterminate the enemy!", cried Thasious, holding his sword to the sky, the blade catching the glint of the sun. The army charged with all the might they could conjure, "Hellany has cast a shielding spell on all of us, so we cannot be harmed, but the dragon can be inflicted by our attacks."

"Paralysis!", said the apprentice, paralyzing the dragon as she put power into her attack, giving the army time to get in position. "Thanks for that.", Thasious praised her for her knowledge on magic. "My pleasure, I am happy to help", Hellany replied. "I can turn into a weapon you know", the prince told her, "My father was born with the ability as well, Seccerus was born with the ability to cast spells of great power.", he continued, "I can turn into any weapon you name Hellany", he finished. "Alright then, I really could use a shield now", she said without hesitation. "Got it! I will need you to repeat orders that I give to the army because they cannot hear me in weapon form, so do you mind doing that? If you don't want to, I can ask my sister, she is the only person that can hear me in weapon form at any distance", said the prince. "They probably will not listen to me, so get your sister to do it. I will help fight.", said Hellany. "How long does the spell last?", he asked. "As long as I concentrate on protecting those who I have cast the spell on", she replied

"Minamy, you mind repeating my orders to the army?", Thasious said. "No problem brother!", said the princess.

"Let's do this!", the three of them chorused.   

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