Chapter 3

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“Minamy, do you mind giving the army an order to get into line?”,  Thasious asked his sister.  “Not at all, leave it to me Thasious, Army! Into postition!”, Minamy said.  “When they are in line, give the order to attack. Tell the archers to aim for the wings”, said the prince to his younger sister. “Got it brother!  Now attack!”, said the pink haired, blue eyed Minamy, “Archers, get the dragon by the wings. When the dragon cannot fly any longer, ground troops attack it with all force!”

“Hellany, you are going to be the main attacker, got it?”, said Thasious. “Me!? I guess, now, let’s show this winged lizard what we are made of!”, Hellany said, confidently giving a grin of approval. “That is what I am talking about! Should I become a sword?”, he asked. “Sure, that will help when the archers and I bring it to the ground”, said Hellany.

“Lany,I will use ice magic to weigh the dragon’s wings down, you keep it paralyzed and use that sword to inflict damage on it”, said Seccerus standing next to his apprentice, “Are you ready?”
“Yes sir”, Hellany replied, “Paralysis!”, she cast the spell. “Ice block!”, the sorcerer said, using his ice magic. The dragon’s wings frozen in a block of ice, the beast fell to the ground, paralyzed it's grey body was unmoving. “Ground forces and calvary, go! Attack the enemy while it is vulnerable!”, said the second in command. “Minamy, cover me, I am going in for the attack”, said Hellany to the princess. “Sure!”, said Minamy.

“Shadow spear!”, the apprentice using her magic to inflict as much damage as possible on the dragon, “Thasious, ready?”, she asked. “”Ready as I will ever be. Go for the heart of the dragon, that is it’s weak point”, replied the prince. Hellany bringing all the power she could summon to do the shadow spear and combine it with the strength of the sword. “Let’s put out this fire”, she said, about to do her final attack, “Lights out”

The fiercely evil and vicious dragon was struck in its heart with the mighty sword and power of the shadows. “The mountain village of Stonobrew is safe from harm, and it was us who did it”, Thasious said, going back into his human form, swiping some of his hazel-brown hair out of his face, “It was also quite the workout.”, his pine green eyes had a exhausted yet confident look in them.

“Well, I guess-”, Minamy gave a gasp of excitement, cutting her off mid sentence, “Look, there is a gem where the dragon was before we defeated it.”, giving her comrades time to think whether or not they want to take it back and find more information on it, or if the gem of many colors should be left where it was found.

“That is no ordinary gem Minamy, it's The Crystal of Stonobrew, the gem with the most magical properties in the whole kingdom.”, said Hellany. “How do you know that is not just some oversized crystal that the dragon ate?”, the princess asked with a look of surprise. “I am sure of it because of of the magic radiation wavelengths I sense emitting from it. It is said that there is a legend of a man who was greedy and avaricious, stole the precious jewel and ended up being taken over by a demon within the gem, the demon turned the innocent man into a dragon. That's what information there is anyway.”, Hellany said with a look of regret.  “That is a most unsettling story, we just need an exorcist right? We are more advanced than we were back then, so we should be fine.” the princess said said putting her bright pink bangs out of her eye. “Well, now let's go tell father that we defeated the dragon”, Thasious, joined the conversation.

The journey back was very uneventful and silent, which was surprising, because they had brought the dragon down.

“Sister,  how much do you want to bet that father will just get us into a lecture about politics when we get back? “, said the prince in a most melancholy way, on his steed of brown and black.

“I don't feel like betting”, was a simple reply from the second in command, on a white horse, being cautious about where to step.

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