Chapter 1: Memories of the past and a new life

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"WHY! Why did you lie to me!" Ruby yelled at Jaune with tears coming out her eyes, she felt betrayed when Jaune's secret is revealed.

Jaune tries to reach out to Ruby, but Ruby slapped his hand away and glared at him.

"Don't come near me! Again!" Ruby shouted at Jaune as Ruby walks away leaving Jaune alone. He lost his friends, his team, now everyone is against him. While he was in deep thought, Jaune felt a hand on his shoulder and looked behind him only to met with a fist which staggers him and falls in the ground in pain, he touched his pained face and looked up to see Yang with her eyes red, Weiss who is looking at him with hate at him while Blake is indifferent.

"If come near my sister, I will kill you!" Yang threatened as Jaune slowly rise up and left. He feels tears threatening to come out, he felt betrayed, his friends and team abandoned him. He wish he could end it all.

~Present Time~
Location: Crocea Mors' Bane (CAS-Class Assault Carrier)

Jaune Arc was awaken from his sleep inside his quarters, by a Grunt named Gripyap with his tendency of breaking glass.

"Hahaha! Breaking glass!" Gripyap shouted joyfully outside Jaune's sleeping quarters as he continues breaking glass with the other two Grunts, but their fun was cut short by Jaune's SIC, Zikan 'Tradam, and he doesn't look happy.

"You stupid Grunts! Are you trying to wake up the Fleet Master?!" Zikan shouted at Gripyap.

"Um...I don't think he would mind at all...hehe...he..." Gripyap laughs nervously as he and the other Grunts slowly walks backward before running away like a coward.

"GET BACK HERE!" Zikan yelled as he starts chasing them.

"AAAAHH! RUN!" One of the Grunts shouted while running.

"OH! THE IRONY!" Gripyap shouted while running away from an angry SIC.

Jaune chuckled a bit and was thankful that Gripyap woke him from his dream he was having. He stands up from his bed and start stretching before he starts wearing his armor. As he finishes wearing his armor he starts to wonder what's happening in Remnant right now, it's been 16 years since he was transported from Remnant and has been in the service of the Covenant for 10 years now, after his training and skills his in battle of course. But he shrugs it off and leaves his Living Quarters and heads to the Bridge of the CAS-Class Assault Carrier.

(Also this is what Jaune's Armor look like)

As he entered the Bridge, he was greeted by one of his Zealots.

"Fleet Master" The Zealot nodded at him.

"At ease, so any reports or missions from the hierarchs?" Jaune asked the Zealot.

"Yes, the Hierarchs request your presence, they have a mission for you" the Zealot reported

"Hm...Alright then" he said as he faces the troops presented at the Bridge "Everyone let's head back to High Charity, the great prophets require our assistance, don't forget to inform the other shipmasters in our fleet" Jaune said to everyone present in the Bridge as he head for the Bridge chair.

"Yes, Fleet master" everyone said as they begin to inform the Shipmasters in Jaune's fleet and they begin to slipspace to High Charity. While they are heading to High Charity, Jaune is on deep thought remembering the first time he was introduced to the Covenant.

~Flashback: 16 years ago before he became Fleet Master~
Location: Med Bay of CSS-Battlecruiser

Jaune Arc was unconscious for a few hours now, while the Elite Medic checks on him constantly. The medic wonders when will this human wake, but he knows he's still alright and stable, so the medic went back to attend with the other wounded soldiers.

The said soldiers who were at the med bay noticed the unconscious former Huntsman-in-training. The reactions from the soldiers were a mix of disgust, distaste and questionable looks, but the Elite commanders can see potential in him which they understand a lot.

~Jaune POV~


Darkness is all I can see, but I can feel myself regaining consciousness. When I opened my eyes my vision is blurry and with a painful head ache.

"Ugh where am I?" I asked myself as my vision becomes clear,

"It seems you're a wake Human..." a deep male voice said and I looked at the direction where the voice came from and instantly regret what I saw.

In front of me is a reptilian creature with mandibles, and its eyes seems staring right to my soul. I was frozen in place not knowing what to do.

"I-I uh.." I stuttered a bit and I was scared, I don't know what to say.

"It seems this is the first time you see a Sangeheili up close huh?" The creature known as the Sangheili asked me.

"S-Sangheili?" I asked

"Yup it seems so you haven't seen one" The Sangheili concluded.

I looked at my surroundings, noticing that I am at med-bay with high advance  technology that surpass Atlas or any tech in Remnant. I also notice some other creatures, besides the Sangheili, in the med-bay. There are short creatures that has those weird thing in their backs and there are some bird like creatures. It seems they were wounded by some fight or something. And I looked back at Sangeheili, who I presume is the medic or doctor.

"W-here am I?" I asked.

"You're in our med-bay of the CSS-Battlecruiser, you were found in the planet Sanghelios, and we are on our way to High Charity" The Medic answered.

'Sanghelios- Wait a minute! Did I transport myself to a another planet!?"I yelled in my thoughts 'Okay...okay, calm down, Just calm down.' I said to myself in my thoughts trying to calm myself. As I looked back at the medic, I think he noticed my panicked expression.

"You seemed panicked human, is there something wrong?" The Medic asked

"I-I'm alright, it's just that being transported to another planet is new to me" I said honestly.

"Explain..." The Medic said sternly

I started explaining how came here in the first place, from saving a village from Grimm, to going through a portal from a foreign structure. I didn't tell him what happened to me in Beacon, because it's very personal.

"Hm... I believe you..." The Medic said with honesty.

I looked at him at surprise "Y-you do?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes... it's not everyday you see a human from a different world or galaxy with their own protective Aura around them. Unlike the humans in our galaxy who are unholy and unhonorable creatures!" The Medic said with venom I his voice.

"What about me? What's the difference between me and the humans?" I said curiously. I never knew  humans existed in this world, but it made me scared seeing that these Aliens fight humans to the death. I wonder what makes me different from the humans here.

"Hmph...unlike you, you have potential. I can see warrior within you. You have the spirt of a ture honorable warrior. " The Medic said with honesty and seriousness which makes me look at him with shock and awe.

Hearing saying that I have great potential makes me happy to hear that, unlike everyone in Beacon, except Ozpin and the rest of the Beacon staff, doesn't see me with potential. They only see me as waste, a loser. It makes me sad and depressed that I really want to kill myself, but hearing an alien from a different world and galaxy saying that I have potential, and a spirit of a warrior makes me happy.

"Thank you, that means a lot" I said being grateful hearing that.

"Don't thank me yet human, the Hierarchs will decide your fate" The Medic

"My Fate?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, since you're human the Hierarchs will most likely judge you, since we are in at war with humanity, but the Vuko will be in your defense in your trial" The Medic said, I was scared knowing that these aliens, want to eradicate humanity, but what choice do I have?

"Alright...When will my trial happen?" I asked

"Right now" The Medic answered immediately and stood up from his chair "...and we just arrived to High Charity, so your trail starts now."

"Oh alright" I said as I sat up from the Med-bay bed. "Oh by the way, my name is Jaune Arc." I said as I introduced myself.

"My name is Karo 'Ludum, I'm the medic here."

"I where should I go?" I asked

"A grunt will lead you there" Kora said as he went back to work.

"What's a grunt?" I asked

"Hello!" I heard a squeaky voice and turned to it's direction to only see a short creature which I presume is a Grunt.

"Uh...hi?" I said unsure what to say next.

"Medic said I bring you to great prophet guys, come quick! I'll lead you to the Phantom" He said as he urges me to follow him.

As he went a head of me, I followed behind him.


While I was following the grunt, I noticed a lot of stares of disgust, distaste and anger, and frequent growls on me since I'm human .

'Um..they really hate humans that much, it's almost like the White Fang' I said in my thoughts nervously as sweat come down my face, while I follow the grunt in front of me, and I heard some of their responses from some of the Sangheili and those weird huge fluffy things which kind of urges me to throw up, except the responses that are in a different language I don't know about.

"What's Human doing here?"

"I want to smash it in to a pulp!"

"I wonder what it taste like"

Okay! Hearing the last one really wants me to throw up, but I was able to hold it in and I was silently praying for Oum that I would survive my trial and hopefully not be alien food.

'Please Oum, please let me live!' I said in thought as I pray to be alive through this.

As we continued walking, we arrived at the place we need to go, which looks like some kind of Hanger because of the many types of small ships and vehicles being repair or being stored.

"Okay! We're here! This is the ride we need to bring you to the Holy Prophets" The grunt said

In front of me is a purple bulbous type of design ship, and it seems to be some type of dropship like the Bullheads in Remnant, except this one doesn't seem to have propellers in side and it looks more bigger than a Bullhead.

(This is what a Phantom looks like)

"Let's get in!" He said as pulls me inside the ship.

As I was inside the ship, the grunt seems to be talking to the pilot about where we should be at while I look at the interior of the ship 'huh, this is actually pretty cool and terrifying in the same time'. After observing my surrounding inside this dropship, which I don't know the name yet, the Grunt approaches me and stood beside me as the ship starts levitating from ground as I tried to hold my stomach together, because of motion sickness. The grunt somehow notice my sick expression.

"Are you okay human? You look a" the grunt said as he pointed my face.

"I have motion sickness..." I said as I tried to prevent vomiting.

"Oh..." The grunt said casually as the ship flies towards our destination.

During my flight of suffering because of my motion sickness of flying, I was amaze by the buildings and the structures made here, they almost look like Beacon mini structures, except they're all...well...purple? Seriously, is their obsession purple or something?

"We're here!" The grunt said, as I was cut out of my thoughts

"Huh, oh yeah right" I replied as the dropship starts descending and lands. When it landed we step of the dropship with the grunt leading me to the 'Prophet' people as they put it. As we continue walking and we approach the door, I felt tense when we approach the door because I can feel stare on what looks like to be some Royal Guards or something, like they are ready to kill me in seconds with out any hesitation.

When we entered the room, we see the inhabitants inside. There are more Sangheili which, I think are council members, on the sidelines in the left and another unknown Alien species in the right which looks like old people. And in front of me I believe are the Prophets that the Grunt is talking about, since they look more of Royalty and Rulers because of those weird crown things on top of their heads than the aliens in the sidelines. Also I notice a Sangeheili standing beside where I should stand, as I stood in front of Prophets with Sangeheili, I can feel stares from the sidelines which is making me more nervous. And what felt like an eternity the Prophet in blue clothing spoke.

"Well then, this must be the human you speak of, he doesn't seem much of what we expected." The Prophet in Blue said as he looks at me unimpressed.

"Let the trial begin" the Prophet in Red begins, as he faces me. "Human, state your name and explain why your in Covenant territory." The red Prophet said in a serious tone.

"Um...My name is Jaune Arc, and I-I don't know why I'm here... I just got transported here by accident." I answered him.

Murmurs start to arouse from the aliens in the sidelines, while the Prophets looks skeptical at my statement,

"Hmm... I find this hard to believe" the Red Prophet said with skepticism.

"BLASPHEMY!" The Green Prophet yelled, making me jump a little as he continues. "This human must have been here to sabotage something! How could a human be transported here by accident, it's impossible! We have our ships defending Sangehelios with ground troops patrolling the area, he must be a spy!" The Green Prophet concluded. As I feel more nervous when I hear the crowd murmuring in agreement or unsee if they believe or not.

Murmurs between the sidelines started to turn in to accusing me of being a spy making even more nervous and fearful.

"There will be order in this trial!" The Blue Prophet exclaimed as the crowd becomes silent as the Red Prophet floated a bit forward.

"Vuko 'Lokam, you said that found this human coming out of nowhere. Is this true?" The Red Prophet asked the Sangeheili beside me.

"Yes, while me and my squad was on patrolling duty we saw him coming out some portal." Vuko said.

"But yet you spare him, can you give your reasons why?" The in blue Prophet asked.

"Yes I did, at first I was about to kill him, but something is holding me back from killing him, also I can see a lot of potential in him. I believe having a human in our ranks will help us defeat the humans with ease" the Vuko said. Upon hearing that, I don't know how feel about killing humans. I mean I am a human and I was trained to defend humanity against the Grimm, eradicating humanity is already more worse than the Grimm. But I have no choice, maybe I'll find a way to escape soon.

The prophets looks at each other as they discuss the situation before looking back at Vuko 'Ladam.

"Very well, Vuko 'Ladam we will go through this proposition" the Red Prophet said as I sigh in relief until "But you must train this human, and also taking care of him." He said as I looked at him with shock, but I can feel the Vuko shock expression.

"Great Hierarchs, surely there must be someone else who-"

"Are you denying our decision, Zealot?" Blue Prophet said, and Vuko sighed

"No, Hierarchs. I will train this human of the best of my ability. I shall report anything that is of importance." Vuko said as the three Prophets nodded in unison. Vuko then gestures me to follow him as he strodes out of the building with me and the grunt behind.

While following him back to The Phantom, he turns to looks at me.

"Listen well, Jaune Arc I will train you and you will learn how adapt the environment here, you will learn how fight and lead troops and kill your enemies or kill those who provoked you without any hesitation if necessary, am I understood human?" He said.

"Um yes, sir!" I said instantly

"Good, now follow me..." He said as me and the grunt look at each other before following him. He stops and looks at me again and extends his hand to me as I shocked it.

"Welcome to the Covenant, Jaune Arc."

~Flashback ends~

"Fleet Master, we have arrived." My SIC said as I was cut out of my thoughts.

"Good, prepare a Phantom. You will come along with me aswell for this meeting" I said.

"Very well, Fleet master" Zikan agreed as we head to the Hanger.

'I wonder what Hierarchs need of me' I wondered in thought


To be continued

Well the first chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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