Chapter 2: New Mission, Bitter memories and Slipspace malfunctions.

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~Jaune POV~
Location: High Charity

As the Phantom flies towards the place where the hierarchs are located, I was conversing with Zikan 'Tradam about the mission the Hierarchs is going to give us soon.

"What mission do you think the Hierarchs is going to give us?" Zikan asked

"Probably glassing another UNSC colony, recovering more Forerunner artifacts or killing high UNSC personnel targets. But whatever it is, it's probably more important than glassing a planet to glass" I said with seriousness.

" must be right" Zikan said as he looks away. There was awkward silence for a few seconds before Zikan spoke up" know what?"


"I'm surprise your not that affected by human death than usual." He said

"Yeah so?" I said as I raise my eyebrow, I was wondering why he is telling me this.

"Well 6 years ago, before you became Fleet Master, during the battles you participated you were a Minor for 1 year and you were very hesitant to kill a single human, and next year you became a Zealot you don't seem to hesitate kill humans and when you became Shipmaster you don't seem to hesitate to glass an entire planet full of humans, I wonder why?" He said curiously.

When I heard that, my expression went grim as I looked away a bit.

"...Let's say, I have my reasons...personal reasons..." I said as I clench my first a bit, unfortunately Zikan notices.

"Hm...I guess it has something that humans must have taken away from you...Your mentor perhaps?" He asked curiously.

When I heard that I have him a small glare "Look, my mentor Vuko 'Ladam is not just a mentor, but a father figure to me, he is the only who trained me to fight and trust my instincts, fight hand to hand and command troops. His death in the Battle of Reach cause a strong impact on me, when the Demon bastards killed him along with those I trained with I snapped, and I mercilessly killed that demon when he was pinned down, the death of that Demon was enough for me not to hesitate to kill, even when I'm against my own species okay!?" I snapped

Zikan puts his hands up a bit "Okay, Okay I understand, sorry for that personal subject."

I sigh and calm down a bit "It''s okay, just please don't bring that up again." As I unclench my fist.

"Yes, Fleet Master." He said as the Phantom continues to head to Prophets while I was in deep thought.

Flashback: 10 years ago before he joined the Ranks of the Covenant
Location: Sanghelios

I grunted as I feel on my back from getting punched by one of the Sangheili Recruit during our training.

"Hmph...humans...weak!" One of the recruits said with venom in his voice.

It's been 1 year since I have stayed in Sangehelios. Training, analyze our surrounding, sparring, leading and etc. And somehow the highest skill I'm really good at is leading my comrades, and unfortunately I'm still terrible at fighting against my opponents. I know fighting against something that's not Grimm is much more harder than I experienced against the Grimm.

"Just as I expected, a weakling..."

As I stood up, ready to fight again, and fortunately we were interrupted by our Mentor Vuko 'Ladam.

"Useless! Focus!" He said as he approaches us as we stood in attention. "We are fighting Elite..." he said as looks at me before continuing "...and fighting Human Elites" and faces the the rest of the recruits "...the right arm of the Covenant. The gifts of the Forerunners are nothing if you don't master the skills to wield them. Master them you will. For we are the men of Sanghelios. And give respect for Jaune Arc. Remember, despite our differences, he is different from the other humans, you will all fight together as brothers. Never forget that honor." He said with authoritative tone.

"Sir, Yes Sir!" We all said unison. Before me and the other recruits could take our break Vuko approaches me.

"...And Jaune Arc" he called out as I turn to look at him.

"Y-yes, Sir?" I said a bit nervously while trying to keep a straight face.

"Walk with me for a moment, Jaune" he gestures me to walk with him.

"O-okay" I said as I walked right beside.

There was silence for a few seconds before he spoke spoke up.

"I must ask you..."

"Ask me about what?" I asked him.

"...why do you seem to be very distant from the other recruits? I understand that your from a different planet, but atleast converse with some of them, even though you are human you are different from the ones we fought, it's almost like your expecting betrayal or abandonment." Vuko said as we continue walking.

I look at him as we continue walking, he was right. I was really being distant from the other recruits, because it almost feels like I am at Beacon again, everyone I met tormented and tried to kill during sparring.

"W-well, Sir I-I have trust issues! Yes, I have trust issues!" I lied, hoping that it would be enough to convince him...but sadly it did not.

"You're a terrible liar". Vuko said deadpanned at my lie attempts to lie.

"What!? Me lying? Nooooooo..." I said trying cover it up, but I'm very terrible at lying.

"..." Vuko still looks at me deadpan

I sighed before I face him again, "'s personal...I...I don't want to talk about..." I said I stopped walking and looked at the scenery in front of me

(The scenery is like this, except imagine Jaune and Vuko there)

"Look..." Vuko begins "...if you keep yourself isolated from everyone and keep secrets from anyone, you'll have a hard time trusting your comrades and concentrating in battle against the humans..." he said with honest tone, I may be against fighting my species but there must be a reason why the Covenant wants to destroy humanity so eagerly, I'll ask about it later. "...and I think there's something that's keeping from trusting others. Tell me everything, I'm your mentor and I should know everything what happened." He sternly.

When I looked at him, I know he is being serious looks like I cannot hide it from him. So sighed in defeat before facing him.

"O-okay, you see..." I sighed again "it all started, when I faked my transcript my way to Beacon academy..." I told him everything, from faking transcript, my initiation, the forming of Team JNPR with me being elected leader, saving my bully from being eaten by an Ursa which proves that I can be a huntsman to me being tormented at the Academy, betrayed and abandoned by my team and my friends and disowned by Father, leaving Beacon for good and lastly, being transported to Sangehelios. But I haven't told him about my world having Aura and semblance, because I think that would lead me to many consequences.

"And there you have it...that's what happened..." I said as I looked at him with sad expression. Unbeknownst to me, two Grunts and one Elite heard my entire story, and they seem to have sympathy for me. As I looked away thinking that Vuko will be like the others...but instead he place a hand on my should as I looked him seeing his eyes full of comfort. If I'm being honest, this actually quite shocked me.

"I understand...I understand how you feel." He said as I looked at him with surprise.

"R-really?" I exclaimed

"Yes...when you told me that your former headmaster sees potential in you, while other doesn't, it made me proud to see that your former headmaster, even though he is human, was able to see potential while other doesn't. I had my experience with other recruits, some of them cheated their way here, but they have potential. I don't see any difference there" He said with what looked like a smile, yes even though they are mandibles.

When I heard this, this made me happy. His struck my heart as I tired my best not to let a single tear come out.

"Thank you, Sir" I said with small smile.

"Any time, if you need any help just come to me tell me if you need some training or advice" He said as he walks away before he would leave, looks back at me and said something before he left. "and one more thing, try to converse among the recruits"

"Yes Sir!" I said as I nodded to him as I head back to the barracks to rest.

-timeskip- 1 year later

During my time here, I made a lot of improvement in fighting, even some sword(energy sword) fighting techniques that's very different to Remnant's fighting style.

While I was I in thought I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Arc! Its your turn to spar!" N'thos Kudam informed me.

Also I forgot to mention that I made a few friends on the way, my first was friend N'thos Kudam, ironically enough his name is almost similar to my former partner 'Pyrrha Nikos'. I still remember her, but the past is the past, my team and friends abandoned me anyways, so it's time to move on.

"I know N'thos, I know" I replied back as I head to training ring.

"Do well Arc!" A Grunt named Dripflip called out, he is my second friend during my time here. I met him when he was asking for a poon nipple.

"Good luck Jaune!" Another Grunt named Segnox cheered. I met him when I was sitting on a cliff near the edge of the cliff while watching the sunset...he is a bit annoying because he never stops talking about nonsense but it gets entertaining a bit, until he starts talking nonsense nonstop about weird stuff.

"Thanks for the support guys!" I called out to them as I face my opponent

"...prepare to eat the end of my blade Human!" The Elite said as he activates his energy sword.

"Likewise..." I activated my own energy sword.

"Are combatants ready!?" Our mentor Vuko 'Lakam called out.

We nodded our heads as we take our stance.


The grip my energy tightened


I change my Battle stance a bit.


My opponent charges at me and slashes his sword downwards as I sidestepped and kicked him on the back as he falls on the ground and grunts a bit and stands up again as he attempts to gain a hit on me, but I parried his attacks before I did my own offensives. I parried most of his attacks while he continues his offense, little did he know I was analyzing how he fought. Each technique and predict where he would strike, when I saw an opening I took the opportunity to strike. I took a deep breath and lunged. I swung my sword in an arch before him, and changed direction at the last second, sweeping the sword in an upward motion. The Elite who had been prepared for the arch, was surprised when I sent his sword into the air and made a movement that would have killed him instantly, if I had not stopped at the last second.

The Sangheili cadets gaped at what I did and there was tense silence, sweat falls down in our faces before I broke it.

"Yield to me..." I said as I still kept my energy sword close to his neck.

The Elite growled before he sighs in defeat "I...yield"

"Jaune Arc is Victorious!" Vuko announces as everyone one cheered.

I smirked and deactivated my energy sword, and reached my hand out "You did well there" I said

The Elite said nothing, but just glared at me and slapped my Hand away "Stay away from me, humans" he said with venom in voice before he left the training ring.

I sigh as he left "Likewise" I said as I head to out of the training ring.

"Great job Jaune!" Segnox shouted.

"You did well" N'thos said as he gives me a playful nudge on the shoulder.

"Thanks I appreciate it." I said with a smile as we head to have our break.

Flashback ends

"FleetMaster, we have arrived" Zikan notified as I was cut off from my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh right, thanks for telling" I said as the Phantom starts to descend.

When the Phantom landed, me and Zikan got out start heading to where we should meet the Prophets. As we continued we entered where the prophets are at and they seem to notice us as we bowed down to pay respects to them.

"Ah...Fleet Master Arc, it's good to have you here." The Prophet of Truth said.

"Likewise Holy Prophets, What do you want us to do?" I said still bowing down to them.

"Yes, we have a mission for you. Though your not going not going to glass or destroy humans. No, your going to an expedition. Your going to find and colonize a planet, and if you make contact with the natives of the planet, convince them join the Covenant. If they resist, use force. Am I understood?" Truth said.

"Yes, we understand. What's our coordinates?" I asked

"Here..." Truth shows them the coordinates. "...this is where you should go, the materials you need for building bases or outposts are already being place inside your ships. When you finish colonizing the planet, report back to us immediately, understand?"

"Yes, Holy Prophet" me and Zikan said in unison.

"Good...and a side note, you will be bringing some civilians with you for this colonization."

I look at him in shock to hear that we should bring Civilians for this expedition.l

"Holy Prophets, are you certain it's necessary for us to bring civilians to this dangerous expedition?" I asked.

"Don't need to fear FleetMaster, the Civilians will be under your protection, they will be transported in your CAS-Class Assault Carrier, along with the materials needed for colonizing and building. That's all for now, please resume your mission." Prophet of Mercy said firmly.

Seeing there's no point to argue with the Hierarchs, I complied. "...Yes, Holy Prophets..." I said as I walk out of the room along with Zikan beside. There was silence for a couple of seconds before Zikan broke the silence.

"...So we're bringing Civilians for this expedition. This might be a challenge for us..." Zikan said.

"I know, but the Prophet's orders were made clear... let's not disappoint them." I replied.

"Understood FleetMaster." He replied as we head towards the Phantom.


By the time we reach the Crocea Mors' Bane, I watch as Civilians enters the CAS, they consist of Sangheili Citizens, Unggoy Citizens and some Kig-yar citizens. And many containers full of Lekgolo worms, along with materials needed for making bases and buildings.

"FleetMaster, The all Civilians are accounted for." One of my Elites report.

"Good, and our troops?" I asked as I face him.

"All troops are Accounted for aswell..."

"Good, let's head back the bridge immediately" I said as I head to the bridge


As I returned to the bridge and start commanding, I told them the coordinates of our destination.

"Slipspace commencing in 3...2...1..." the Elite said in the control panel.

As we enter Slipspace to head to our destination, something happened...

"Uh...FLEETMASTER! Something is wrong!" The Unggoy yelled.

"What's wrong?" I said quickly.

"There's malfunction happening with the Slip drive, and same could be said with other ships, they said their slip drives are malfunctioning" The other elite yelled.

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed as I see the other ships having problems with the slip drives I went over to control panel to activate the mic to warn the occupants of the ship.


"BRACE YOURSELVES!!!" I yelled as I and many occupants of the ship brace for impact.

As we entered the Slipspace all we could see is a flash of light blinding us.


To be continued

Well the second chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter.

Fun Fact: I'm going to use Halo Wars Logic for building bases and buildings

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