Chapter 14: Reunions and Explanations

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"Long time no see... traitors..." Jaune said with venom, not keen on seeing his former friends and teammates, but was glad to see his sister, Velvet, and The Professors.

"J-jaune..." Pyrrha mutters in shock.

"It has been a while since we last seen each other... since when? A few months? A few years?" Jaune said eyeing each of them with hate.

"Jaune it's good to see you..." Ruby said with a small smile along with her teammates, happy to see her friend (former) to be alive, but her joy was replace by fear when Jaune glared at her.

"You all sound glad to see me, and here I thought you would be happy with me out of your life!" Jaune said with glared as the team of Huntsmen and Huntresses can only feel very guilty for their actions.

"J-jaune... when you disappear we all felt bad... we regret everything we did you..." Pyrrha said in a solemn and apologetic tone, some of the Human Elite Guards scowled at her response finding it pathetic.

"Oh? Really? This actually surprises me... you and everyone in Beacon abandoned me, treated me like I was nothing, neglected me, insulted me... even in sparring matches I was nearly killed and also disowned by my own father..." Jaune listed making them more guilty, while those who supported or cared for Jaune can only sympathize.

"...what happened why all of a sudden you're all so sad you all miss me and relief to see me, why the sudden change?" Jaune asks with his eyes narrowed.

"W-well..." Pyrrha then explained what happened over the past months, from how team RWBY and PNR didn't really have a connection or bond anymore, and how PNR didn't function as well as it did before, and his disappearance have did a number of them. And they soon explained how they felt very guilty when they heard of Jaune's "death" and how it devastated them, and what also surprises Jaune is how Velvet took the death hard and beat up Coco which took Ozpin and Glynda to restrain her and also how his sisters refused to give up and continued the search, and got Jaune to smile in the inside.

After a few minutes of explaining, Jaune still held the glare on face before speaking, "Well, that's surprising... I didn't think you would all be that devastated... after all the neglect and abandonment, you all cried over my death me..."

"Jaune, we're sorry for everything we've done with you... we regret everything we did!" Pyrrha apologizes.

"Sorry? Sorry isn't enough to account to everything you all have done to me!!" Jaune shouted at her, causing everyone to recoil it. "...and here I thought we were a team..."

"B-but we worked hard to get to our position in Beacon, all you did was forge your way in with a fake transcript!" Weiss retort, to which the Honor Gaurds and Neo has an urge to beat the Snchee up.

"...Yes you did work hard on going to Beacon to become a huntress, and you expect to be a leader of your team when you first arrived at Beacon and yet you all you did was complain and rarely did any leadership during the initiation, and you didn't get the leader role as you expect to happen... why? is it because your a Heiress and expect to become leader that easily?" Jaune remarked, causing Weiss to go silent.

Jaune turns his attention to the two professors, his Arc sisters and Rabbit and have them a warm smile.

"It's good to see you guys again..." Jaune said with a small smile.

"Indeed Jaune... Indeed..." Ozpin said with small smile while Glynda nodded in acknowledgment, and his sisters and Velvet can just smile see Jaune alive.

Then he turns his attention to the people who neglected him.

"...You know why I've forge my way to Beacon to place?" This catches everyone's attention, before he continues, "...just like everyone else I want to be Huntsman, a protector to the innocents in Remnant! Hearing the stories of my great-great grandfather, on how he fought in the Great War and led his men to victory, he's great leader, a legendary huntsman, a war hero and fought with bravery. I wanted to follow his footsteps. My sisters already achieved being a huntress, but I haven't... if I do not deserve to be huntsman, why did Ozpin still keep me in that academy? It's because he sees potential in me, while you all didn't, including former Mentor Vuko sees potential in me..." Jaune explains, making Team RWBY, and PNR feel very guilty of their actions.

But their done question that came in mind.

"Wait, How did you end up in this position the first place... like this..." Coco asks, making the Beacon Residents wonder as well.

"Hm... you want to know how I end up like this?" Jaune asks with a frown as they nodded in response, "...well let me tell you... it all started out when I left Beacon Academy, after I ran away from that a cursive school I stumbled upon a town that is being ravaged by Grimm. Even though I gave up my dream to be a huntsman and hero, I won't let the villagers be eaten by these soulless creatures. So he charged in start helping evacuating everyone from the Grimm attack." Jaune narrates his story making the Arc sisters, Ozpin, Glynda and Velvet smile at Jaune's actions to fight save the villagers against Grimm.

"...During the evacuation the Bullheads have already left with citizens, but unfortunately I was left behind, and the Grimm are still coming. I ditched the Crocea Mors for an assault rifle so I started gunning down any Grimm I see, I rather face my enemies with anything I could use than just a sword. I was able to hold his ground, but he ran out of ammo and is on the run as the Grimm proved to be too overwhelming for me to hold off." Jaune narrates.

Then Ironwood spoke up,

"But that doesn't explain how you end up here in the first place..." Ironwood pointed out.

"I was getting to that..." Jaune said before continuing "...While I ran as fast as I can, I came across a strange structure that was foreign to Remnant, and I decided to enter the structure-like dome and forced the door shut. I turned on my flashlight, that was in my pocket, and the only thing that was in the room is a strange device."

"A strange device foreign to Remnant?" Ironwood said interested.

Jaune nodded before continuing "...yes, somehow it seems to be made by the forerunners, I approach it cautiously and I touch it with my palm and the whole room lit up, it soon dimmed again, but many bright lights begun to illuminate room and they begin to show holograms of planets and Solar Systems, including ours..."

"That's...that's is amazing..." Velvet said by the information, to which Jaune smiles at her for the compliment.

"Indeed, I look at the holograms, and out of curiosity I accidentally selected one of the Solar systems, and the hologram shows the planets and the name of the of the Solar System which is 'Urs System' and planet that was selected is 'Sanghelios'." He explains.

"Urs System? Sanghelios? What are those places?" Qrow ask curiously.

"Those were the planets that I first arrived in, the same place we were I was trained by mentor."

"Oh..." Qrow said.

"...then I notice something and I accidentally activated the portal which led to the other world and Solar system. Unfortunately my amazement was cut short when I the heard Grimms are trying to break through, while I was panicking the portal was malfunctioning, I was conflicted whether or not that I should enter the portal, and I made my decision... I went through the portal. Unfortunately when I went through the portal malfunction and exploded, and fortunately enough I was able to reach the other side, but I knocked out unconscious in the process."

Jaune pause for a moment before continuing,

"When I regain my consciousness, I found myself in a medical facility inside a CCS-battlecruiser... and I was met with a Medic Elite..." Jaune explains.

"Elite? As in those split-jaws?" Qrow pointed at one of the Honor Gaurd.

"Yes, but I suggest you don't call them that..." Jaune warned.

"Huh?" Qrow said confused, and Glynda taps his shoulder and pointed at the Elites.

Qrow looks at the Honor Guard Elite and sees them gripping their Energy Stave tightly, glaring at the drunk making Qrow sweat nervously.

"Uh... Noted..." Qrow nervously said, Jaune nodded before continuing.

"...Then they brought me to the prophets also known as the San'Shyuum, the leaders of the Covenant, they were debates of me being a Spy to humanity, but the Prophet of Truth made his decision. He offered me a place in the Covenant, as long I serve the Covenant, and I was soon trained under the teachings of my Mentor, Vuko."

"Vuko?" Ruby asked.

"Yes... he trained me and taught me the ways of the Sangeheili and I spent a few years in Sangeheilios until I graduated..." Jaune smiles in the memory until his expression turns to an expression full of regret and great guilt.

"...and that is where... I took dark path to hell..." Jaune said in a regretful tone, making everyone worried.

"W-What do you mean by dark path?" Ruby asked nervously by

Jaune eyed everyone before he looks away and he reluctantly explained, "What I am about to tell you will never let you see the me the same way again..." everyone who doesn't know about his past is visibly worried about this.

"W-What do you mean?" Athena asked hesitantly.

Seeing Jaune's reluctance Neo walks up to him and typed in her scroll written, "Jaune, you don't have to explain to them about your actions in the Covenant." Neo reasoned.

"No Neo, they must know..." Jaune said, as he faces Neo with a stern expression to which Neo nodded.

"Know what?" Winter asked.

He looks at them before speaking, "...Do you know the Human-Covenant War?" He said with a tone full of regret and guilt.

"The what?" Qrow asked.

Jaune took a deep breath before explaining, "The Human-Covenant war, it was the bloodiest war that the galaxy or the universe has ever seen, the war was between two factions, the UNSC and Covenant.

"You kept on talking about the Covenant, What is the Covenant?" Weiss asked.

"...and what is the UNSC?" Ruby added.

"The United Nations Space Command, more commonly known as the UNSC, is the military, exploratory, and scientific agency, and is also the faction of humanity having more than over 800 colonized worlds..." Jaune explained as everyone was amazed by the fact there are other humans that was able to achieve space travel and world colonization without the use of dust.

"What about the Covenant?" Blake asked.

"The Covenant is a religious alliance between several alien species, such as Unggoy, Kig-yars, Sangeheili, Jiralhanae, Drones, Huragok and Mgalekgolo and believed in what they call the Great Journey." Jaune explains.

"What is the Great Journey..." Ironwood asked with eyes narrowed.

"The Covenant believed that ancient race known as the Forerunners achieved the means to godhood and just like the Covenant they wanted to reach Godhood and I also believed that..." Jaune explains, the Remnant Residents were amazed by this, that is until he continues.

"...the Great Journey was focus on finding forerunner artifacts and the use of the sacred Halo Rings that will allow them to achieve this, but unfortunately the Great Journey was actually a lie!" Jaune explained with venom in his voice.

"What do you mean," Winter asked.

Jaune then calls out, "Corcea Bane!"

Then they hear humming and they look up to see Crocea Bane descending from the air, while the Beacon and Atlas residents were surprise at the sight of the Construct.

"Yes reclaimer?"

"Explain to them what's purpose of the Halo Rings..." Jaune ordered to which the Oracle complies.

"Certainly..." The Monitor said before facing the group, "...Greetings, I am Corcea Bane..."

"What are you?"

"Ah as you can see I'm a Forerunner A.I. Monitor and I'm here to assist the reclaimer in many ways as possible..." Corcea said.

"Mr. Arc said something about the Halo Rings... What is that?" Ozpin asked.

"The Halo is known was a ring of colossal proportions..." then he uses his optic to project the a CSO-Supercarrier, "...this is a Covenant CSO-class supercarrier it is almost 29 kilometers long, more than 11 kilometers in width and approximated 3.5 Kilometers in height."

This amazes and shocked the Remnant Native of the sheer size of this vessel, it makes Atlas airship nothing more than a mere ant.

"Incredible..." Ironwood said in shock.

"And this how big a Halo ring is..." Corcea said as he projected the size of the Halo ring comparing the size with the CSO.

The Remnant Natives, but Ozpin who has his eyes widen in shock, had their jaws dropped.

"It almost as big as a planet!" One of the Arc sisters exclaims.

"Indeed, the Halos were one of the biggest installations that the Forerunners created..." Crocea explained.

"Wait, isn't this what the Covenant wanted?"

"Yes, unfortunately the Great Journey was a lie, the Halos were actually a super weapon created in the last days of the Forerunner Empire meant to destroy all life in a radius of 25,000 light years." Crocea said as the Remnant Natives have horrified expressions on their faces, if Crocea had a face he would be smirking at their reactions.

"Why would they create something so destructive!?" Velvet exclaims in horror.

"It was a last effort to prevent the Flood infection from spreading during the last days of the forerunners..." The A.I. explained.

"Flood?" Winter asked.

The AI Monitor then goes on explain what a Flood is needless to say it horrified them about the parasite, and finishes explaining. Next there is one question in mind.

"Wait, about the Human-Covenant War, what started the war between Humanity and the Covenant?" Ozpin asked.

Jaune looks at them before explaining, "The Covenant saw Humanity, as affronts or offense to their gods, the Forerunners and for the same reason they wished to destroy Humanity under the excuse that their destruction was the will of their gods." Jaune explained.

This horrified the Remnant natives about this information, "T-They wanted to wanted to destroy h-humanity, BECAUSE OF A RELIGION!?" One of his sister's exclaim in shock.

"Affirmative... Covenant has been in war with Humanity years now, the Covenant slaughtering their people, destroying their fleets and turn planets into nothing but glass, the UNSC were always on the run while the Covenant are always on the offensive..." he explains.

Then realization hits them.

"W-Wait, if you were trained in Sangeheilios and put in the r-ranks of the Covenant w-w-wouldn't that mean..." Lucy stammered, dreading on what answer Jaune is going to give, hoping she was wrong.

"...Yes, I fought in the side of the Covenant..." Jaune said regretfully, making everyone shock by the Revelation.


"N-no, that's impossible the Covenant hates Humanity! T-this h-has to be a joke! Right?" Velvet said, hoping it not true that Jaune never becomes apart of a Genocidal faction.

Jaune gave them a grim expression and looks at Corcea, "Show them the ONI File..."

The Monitor nodded before showing them ONI File as the video begins and an unknown voice starts to narrating offscreen.








The view pans around a wireframe hologram of the Jaune Arc as Ryan Blake narrates.

Ryan: "Pursuant to Office of ONI Retrieval and Acquisitions inquiry of 26 September, 2552, the following is a target profile of Jaune's Arc, Fleetmaster of the 'Fleet of Betrayed Trust', compiled by Admiral Ryan Blake."

The view changes to a small Covenant shuttle docked at a gangway in The Rubble.

Ryan: "First confirmed contact with Jaune Arc came in 2538 on an unofficial human colony known as The Rubble. After-action reports from civilians, as well as Spartan units 097, 040, and 008 suggest that Arc was at that point a relatively minor functionary of the Prophet of Mercy."

Jaune is seen stalking through passages aboard the Infinite Spoils, when a shadow flits across the foreground. He readies his Arc's Wrath as a Spartan rushes him, tackling him to the ground. The Spartan attempts to train his rifle on Jaune's head, but Jaune grabs the barrel of the assault rifle and tosses the weapon aside before Jaune stabs Spartan-008 in the abdomen as the body of the Spartan falls limp, Jaune tosses the dead Spartan aside before standing up as another Elite arrives and looks at the body of the deceased body of the Spartan, before looking back at his leader.

The scene changes to space in orbit around a glassed planet, where UNSC forces attacking the "Fleet of Betrayed Trust" with Longswords.

Ryan: "Spartan-008 engaged Arc in combat. Both parties survived the encounter, however Spartan-008 had died by his hands. Shortly after 2538, the UNSC first encountered the newly-formed 'Fleet of Betrayed Trust', now led by Jaune Arc."

A Longsword flies by an assault carrier, and is fired upon by a pursuing Seraph. The Longsword is hit and loses control, glancing off the hull of another assault carrier.

Ryan: "Review of early engagements with this fleet show that it quickly grew in size from five to nearly ten ships, as Jaune cut a path through many human systems."

Two MAC platforms in orbit around a planet attempt to fend the fleet off, but each are hit with a plasma charge, which shatters the stations.

Ryan: "ONI Section 3 made multiple attempts to anticipate, or even track Jaune's movements, at the cost of a number of operatives' and Spartan lives."

A CCS-battlecruiser speeds through space, under fire from two Marathon-class heavy cruiser and one Stalwart-class light frigate. Two CCS-class battlecruisers and one CAS-class assault carrier drop out of slipspace. The carrier burns into the human ships with their energy projectors.

Ryan: "Jaune eluded all such efforts and he continued his unpredictable and devastating campaign. Jaune, other than 'Vadamee, also stands out from other Covenant commanders as he is the only human to be apart of the Covenant Ranks and reach Fleetmaster status, and in the frequency in which he takes a personal role in both space and ground assaults."

Jaune throws the dead body of a Spartan to the ground as he raises his Energy in air and lets out a warcry, indicating the Battle was won as Covenant Soldiers are seen killing any remaining survivor of the battle.

Ryan: "There has been many assassination attempts on Jaune Arc by ONI, but all failed including surviving assassination attempts from Spartans and Snipers who all lost their lives in the process, even though he wasn't wearing a helmet a sniper bullet wasn't able to kill him. His first kill on a Spartan is Noble-Six and soon other Spartans met their same fate."

Jaune decloaks behind a Spartan and attempts to impale him, but the Spartan spun around to trying to attack Jaune with his Assault Rifle, but Jaune sliced the weapon in half as his adversary dropped the gun and pulls out a combat knife, trying to slash at Jaune. The Arc kept out of reach of the blade for a while before slashing at the Spartan, but it slashes at the visor revealing half the face of the Spartan. Jaune spun around his enemy with a slash at his side before thrusting the Energy Sword and impaling the Spartan, until he falls on the ground dead leaving Jaune victorious.

Ryan: "The results of Jaune Arc's campaign against the Humanity has been a disaster to the UNSC as he and his forces alongside Thel 'Vadam's Forces were responsible for over 2 billion human casualties, 64,000 of them military personnel, and the destruction of 165 UNSC ships."

Then it shows Jaune is at the bridge of the CAS observing his forces glassing the planet below them.

Ryan: "When it was confirmed that Jaune Arc is human and is leading the attack on UNSC, he was is labeled 'Traitor of Humanity' by the UEG."


And with that, the Corcea ends the video. Jaune looks at the Remnant Residents and as he expected, they have mix reactions of denial, horror, shock, and fear.

For Team RWBY, Ruby was horrified and was nearly on the verge on crying when it was revealed the blonde boy she befriended became apart of the genocidal alien faction and brought billions of death in his way, as place her hood over head when she saw the death that are being seen. Weiss and Blake can only look at Jaune with fear, the Jaune they remember was no longer standing infront of them, but a Fleet Commander that ended the lives of billions of humans sent shivers down their spine, it makes the Grimm less threatening compared to what they witness. As for Yang she was horrified as her sister, the student that has been tormented in Beacon had left and returned as Fleet Commander, that decimated many planets on his way, making her fear Jaune.

For Team PNR, they are beyond horrified. What they witness was NOT good at all. For Nora she is horrified on what she witness, as the fearless leader she once known considered him 'Merciless Leader' because on how Jaune killed billions in his campaign. Ren is equally horrified and shaken by the information as he tried to comfort a terrified Nora. For Pyrrha is also horrified and down right scared, the partner she regretfully abandoned became something more than just Fleet Commander... a Monster... a monster that destroyed everything on their path! And in the inside, she blames herself for abandoning Jaune in the first place.

Team CFVY shares the same reactions as everyone, except for Velvet. She was horrified by what she witnessed. She refuse to believe the once Lovable Blonde became a genocidal monster!

The Arc sisters have the same reactions as Velvet, all in shock and horrified and in denial. They refuse to believe their that brother would commit such actions, and refuse to believe that Jaune would take away these many lives, over billion of lives is high kill count that they can't view Jaune would commit such atrocities.

For Ozpin and Glynda, they were also horrified. They cannot believe that Jaune would do such actions, killing over Billions of humans. Ozpin even hoped that none of his students will ever participate in as they were still Children, but yet one of his student's was fighting in a war that was too terrible for him to imagine, he had killed people, over a billions and showed no remorse to populace when he glassed a planet is what horrified them.

As Ironwood and Winter, can only fear on what they witness. The firepower of the Covenant and the technology they have is what made them dread. They are equipped with weapons that could pierce aura and worst of all... glass planets as if they are nothing. This horrified them in such degree that Atlas won't stand a chance. They have be careful otherwise Atlas won't survive a war against a technological advanced alien race.

"Y-you killed... billions..." Ruby stuttered, trying to process on what she witness, while Jaune can only look at her with a stoic expression.

"Yes... I have..." Jaune said, with regret found his voice.

"Why would you do that!? Do you have any mercy at all!? YOU KILL BILLIONS OF HUMANS WITH NO REMORSE!" Blake exclaims angrily.

Jaune only looks at them with a stoic before speaking,

"...I do share remorse... but it was unnecessary..." Jaune said.

"B-But what about the billions of people you killed!? You ended their lives with no mercy! And the planets you destroyed! Do you even regret it!" Blake exclaims, glaring at Jaune.

Jaune remained unfazed and was quiet before speaking.

"... yes...the actions I committed against Humanity is unforgivable and my actions cannot be undone..." he said with a regretful tone, "...I was blinded by hopes of salvation that Prophets promise me, and the reason why I fought for Covenant is not for glorious salvation, it's because I felt I belong there, Vuko was like father to me and when he died by the hands of the Spartan I snapped. And I devoted my undying loyalty no matter the cost. Until the truth came about about the Halo Rings. All the lives I taken, the actions I committed I know it can't be undone. So I defected from Covenant along with fleet, but the death still haunts me til this day." Jaune said.

"...But yet you killed with no remorse..." Blake sneered.

"Oh your not wrong on about that..." Jaune admitted, "...but let me you tell you that I was in a war... a war where everyone kills fights for survival."

"You could have shown mercy to the innocents! You don't have to kill civilians!" Ruby said.

"...your so naive Ruby, mercy doesn't exist, that's what war is..." Jaune said giving them a frown, "...the world is not all Black and White, there's no such thing as good or bad, it's all gray. Believe when I say this Ruby when you graduate from Beacon, you will learn that sometimes you will have to kill in order to survive, it's they kill you or you kill them." Jaune said coldly causing Ruby to flinch from his voice.

"...You're... you're a monster..." Weiss sneered, to which the Honor Gaurds glared at her.

"Your not wrong there, but who created the monster in the first place, because if I recall correctly you guys were the reason why I'm like this..." Jaune retorted, causing Team RWBY to go silent along with everyone else.

He is right, because of their abandonment Jaune became the man he is now. An Arcbiter, leader of the Covenant's Arc and the caused of Billions of death of humanity, so far the blame of the billions of deaths is because their abandonment and themselves.

Seeing their silence as an answer Jaune spoke, "...thought so..."

"...your all lucky that there was a Forerunner structure in Remnant, otherwise your planet would be nothing, but glass..." Jaune said coldly, causing everyone to flinch.

" other words, ever since our arrival on Remnant, we started setting up settlement here, the villages around the island soon joined our ever growing Nation known as 'The Covenant's Arc' with Humans, Aliens and Faunus coexisting with one another, even some Humans and Faunus joined our military as you have seen..." he explains.

"...wait, do they know about..." Velvet said, before Jaune cuts in.

"Yes, I told them on what I did before, but they understood that I regret my actions..." He said.

"Regardless of your actions, it's all in the past." Ozpin said with Glynda, Arc Sisters, and Velvet nodding in agreement, despite what they have witness they understood he regrets his actions and wished to redeem it.

"...thank you, Headmaster..." Jaune said with a small smile, before his attention to the Atlas residence, "General Ironwood, I see that your here with a fleet, that has been recently decimated, so what brings the General of Atlas here in the Covenant's Arc?"

"Ofcourse, you see the Atlas Council wants to negotiate for a trade deal with sharing your Technology to Atlas for the betterment of others..." Ironwood said, to which Winter nods to, however the Arc declines.

"No... I have to decline..." Jaune said, surprising everyone.

"What!?" Ironwood exclaims.

"Why would I make a Trade deal with faction that just brought a fleet and an army to my nation and caused a fight to ensue, I am very well aware that Atlas is corrupted, so why would I trade my technology if you nothing in return..." Jaune said.

"Plus in the wrong hands there would be chaos," Crocea interjected, "...How can we be sure that Atlas can keep the people safe if they are corrupted!"

"Look Mr. Arc, with the use of your technology I can ensure security and the Atlas Council are doing this for the interest and safety of our people and the kingdoms." Ironwood said, hoping to convince him for a trade of his technology so they could get a hand of it.

Unfortunately his hopes were crushed by the tone of his voice.

"Yes...interested..." Jaune sneered.

The Arc Sisters, Team RWBY, CFVY, NPR, Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow, Ironwood and Winter, blinks in confusion.

Jaune nods towards his honor guard. The honor guard then tosses him a scroll, and activates it as Corcea projects the information infront of Everyone, making Ironwood go stiff at what is shown. It was a data showing the order from the Atlas Council to get a hold of any Covenant technology for their personal use and the Faunus slave data.

"The Atlas Council's Interest's on our tech for their personal use?" Jaune snarls as he tighten his grip on the scroll, making Ironwood sweat.

"I-I can explain..." Ironwood stammered trying to compose himself, but this only anger Jaune.

"Explain WHAT!? That the Atlas Council has been pursuing me and my people to try and have the perfect opportunity to increase their selfish desires for their personal use of my technology and the use of Faunus slaves!" Jaune shouts in an angered tone making everyone flinch.

"What!?" Everyone, except Ironwood, exclaims in shock while Opzin can only look at his colleague with disappointment, while Qrow is willing to punch James face for his actions.

Jaune then drops the scroll on the ground, while Ironwood is sweating nervously, trying to defend himself.

"No, y-y-you're mistaken not exactly-" Jaune cuts him off when he stomps his foot on the ground crushing the scroll into pieces below him.

"DO NOT TAKE ME FOR A FOOL JAMES IRONWOOD!!!" Jaune yells, making everyone tremble in fear. Jaune Arc, the boy the students tormented is now standing in front of them, as the leader of an Alien faction and warrior that shows no mercy, and it was dawn to them that the Jaune they know is gone, but it was the Arcbiter that stood his place.

"I have been aware of Atlas' intentions right from the beginning, ever since the assassination with the White Fang Lieutenant happened including the many raids on White Fang bases spread like wild fire. Not only did you bring an army to my nation, in a failed attempt to get a hold of any Covenant Tech and reprimand me, but failed in trying to replicate the tech I use. It's no secret that you and the council plan on creating aura piercing weapons decades ago, before I even the arrived to Remnant." Jaune states surprising everyone.

"You know about that!?" Ironwood exclaims taking a step back.

"Yes... my spies are competent on their skills..." Jaune said, gesturing towards his Spec Ops Elites before continuing, " thought I could easily be convinced, and manipulated and you think you and your council can get a hold of anything you want. I can assure you, any attempt to steal my technology or threaten my people Atlas will be nothing, but glass! Do I make myself clear!?!" Jaune threatens.

The atmosphere was tense, the Beacon Residence are terrified by Jaune's threat, seeing that he killed over billions humans before he will no doubt do the same in Atlas. This terrifies them that Atlas, the most technological advanced nation is now at the mercy of the Ex-Covenant.

The Arc sisters are horrified by Jaune's threat, that he would be willing to Glass Atlas in to dust. The brother they once knew is gone, and there stood is the Arcbiter, the former Fleetmaster of Covenant and the one to unify the Human and Faunus to coexist with each other alongside the Aliens.

'Jaune...' The Arc Sisters thought worriedly.

Jaune on the other hand is hoping Ironwood would choose his words carefully, he doesn't want War with he will only attack Atlas if necessary, he doesn't want to spread another bloodshed. He doesn't want to remind himself of the past he used to be, 'The Traitor of Humanity'.

'Choose you word carefully Ironwood...' Jaune thought while he stared at Ironwood with seriousness in his eyes.

Ironwood is sweating nervously. Any false move would cause the destruction of Atlas, and maybe even Remnant. Seeing the power they posses, he should choose words carefully, otherwise Atlas will be destroyed and seeing that they are capable of destroying planets, Atlas will stand no chance against them.

Ironwood sighs in defeat, "...yes..."

"Good... when you go back to Atlas tell them what you have witness or what I've warned you about, any attempts for going to war will be their biggest mistake, is that clear?" Jaune said.


Jaune nods at this, then looks at the rest. "I believe this reunion is over, The Phantoms are outside, it will take back to Vale..."

"You're letting us leave, just like that?" Athena said in surprise.

"Affirmative..." Jaune approved.

"B-But what about father? He misses you!" Lucy reasoned, but it only got Jaune angry.

"Like fuck he did, he disowned me without a second thought! All I ever wanted was to uphold the Arc's name and make him proud, yet he disowned me. Vuko was more of a father to me than him..." Jaune said with venom mentioning about the man who disowned him from the Arc Family.

The Arc Sisters can only look at their brother with sympathy, they can't blame him. Their father abandoned him because of a transcript, it hurt Jaune hard.

Jaune looks at everyone then spoke, "...if you don't feel like leaving yet, you can have a tour around the city..." he surprising everyone

"You're allowing us to venture around this place, even after everything we did?" Ruby said, surprise by Jaune's generosity and is willing to let them look around the place, despite his hatred towards them.

"Affirmative..." this got Team RWBY, and NPR believe that Jaune is forgiving them, but "...however that doesn't mean I will forgive you... and never will, not after all you put me through..." Jaune said, making them feel guilty, looks like they will have to earn his trust again.

"...we understand..." Pyrrha said.

Before they would leave, an Elite burst through the door with urgency, surprising everyone.


"What is it?" Jaune asks as the Elite bows in respect.

"Sir, the White Fang, they know of our location they are here!" The Elite informs him, shocking everyone by the information.

Jaune cursed in Sangeheili, not only Vale, and Atlas know of their existence and location, and now the White Fang knows where they are located. While Jaune was thinking on mobilizing the troops for a defense or offense until the Elite added another detail.

"...however, they are not here to fight, they are currently outside on the Helipad and they request to talk to you..." The Elite added, which got Jaune to raise an eyebrow in suspicion and surprise.

"What do you mean?" Jaune asked.

"Their Leader Siena Khan and Adam Taurus wish for negotiation..." the Elite said, and this got Blake and the people of Atlas curious.

"What do they wish to negotiate about?" Jaune asked with narrowed eyes.

Then what the Elite said next got the people of Beacon, mostly General Ironwood and Blake, go pale and their blood run cold on what he said...
"...An Alliance..."


To be continued

Well this chapter is done and HOLY SCRAP! The White Fang!? Here in the door steps of the Corea's Light?! And they wish to negotiate for an alliance!? Things are getting interesting here!

I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter and I apologize for the long delay, I have too much stories to focus on.

Also the OC Ryan Blake belongs to Typical_Assassin and also don't forget to check out his content!

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