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You leisurely walk down the hall of books and look up. One book is sticks out from the rest, standing closer to the edge than other pieces around it. How were you to reach it? The book rested about six shelves up; out of reach for your little hands to grab.
"Oh, do you need some assistance?" the voice, which you still weren't used to, asked.
"Yes," You mumble back.
Just as you answer, a ladder slides across the room and stops right below the book. On the first step is a pair of gloves and a note.
Put these on unless you want poison on your skin ~ Cherimoya
Who was Cherimoya? Hesitant, you slip the gloves on and climb. When you reach the book, you feel that the cover is drenched in some sort of liquid. Was the book covered in poison? How was that possible? You wonder why the owner hasn't confiscated this yet, carefully walking back down the ladder till your feet hit the carpet. Strutting over to the nearest table, you slam the book down and take a peek at what's inside.
A scenery of large tropical trees and brightly colored skies greet your eyes. A dragoness is curled around a tree, eyeing a snake that is resting on the branch above her. She seems to be taking notes on the animal.


Alliance: Non-affiliated

Main or Lesser? Main

Universe: Wings of Fire

Story: Undecided

Last Updated? 4/14/18
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Full Name: Cherimoya

Pronunciation: Cheh-re-moi-ya

Nickname(s): Cherri, Mo, Chichi

Gender: Female

Sexual\Romantic Orientation: Demisexual/Biromantic

Age: 10 (25 in human years)

Species: Purebred RainWing

Height: 16ft 4.5in

Weight: 920-930lbs

Physical Description:
- Although Cherimoya can change her scales, she likes to match the colors of poisonous amphibians. A common frog she'll mimic is the Blue Poison Dart Frog. Her underbelly becomes a pale, almost ice blue as do the folds of her wings. The main color of her body is somewhat neon blue, though she dims the color in order to save everyone's eye balls.
- For details, Cherimoya has black spots of all sizes decked on her body. The scales around her blue-gray eyes are also black, along with the spines that run down her spine.
- The frills behind her ears are longer than the average RainWing frill, the folds consisted of a mixture of dark-to-light blues.
- She has smaller fangs that barely poke out from her jaw.
-Above that, the only things that aren't black or blue is her nose spike and horns, which is a cool gray.
- Very fit because she likes to travel non-stop.

- She keeps a large journal that is filled with notes and observations from her travels and animals she's come across.
- A few containers with air holes that hold venomous snakes, poisonous amphibians, and spiders; it's easier to study the animals that way.
- Makeshift viles that are used for venom extractions.

- Cherimoya is a very bubbly dragon; she absolutely loves to talk and babble about anything. Her research is very important to her and something she takes great pride. She claims that her job is, "Ground-breaking and scientific." Many rumors consider her crazy, but she doesn't have an ounce of insanity inside of her. Well, she's crazy for her work.
- With research, knowledge is sure to follow. Cherimoya is very bright and intelligent, problem-solving her way through situations instead of resorting to violence. A common tactic she uses is creating lies about the creatures she keeps in order to scare dragons. (Ex: New species of spider that has venom in close relation to a dragonbite viper.) Lots of dragons believe her, which may be the reason why some call her crazy.
- Kind; she's open to anyone and everyone. She's not the type of dragon to turn away from the injured or the lost, often sheltering many dragons who are passing through the rainforest.
- Although she may be kind, she's also very awkward. Zoology and toxicology are her strong points, but that's it. If you ask her about other topics, there's a strong chance she won't know what to say and ramble about absolute nonsense.
- Few RainWings ever listen to Cherimoya, leaving the dragoness to be lonely at times. Social interaction can turn into a mess in a matter of minutes. After all, who ever heard of a hyperactive RainWing that doesn't stick to suntime? Very few, that's who.

Abilities: -Natural RainWing abilities- (venom, camouflage, etc.)

• She adapts very quickly, a needed skill when encountering an unknown species or a hostile dragon
•Her skills as a healer is above average; she acquired the skill as a precaution if any dragon were to be injured under her watch
•Her body is built to move faster than a normal RainWing.

•Too much work usually puts her under lots of stress and anxiety. She can't think well in this state and begins to regret all of hard work she's dedicated her studies to.
•Her venom isn't as potent as most RainWing venom, and her strength is an utter disgrace.
•She can be desperate at times, doing anything and everything just for some to know that she exists.

Bacuri (Brotherly Figure-Alive)
Atemoya (Biological Sister-Alive)

Amberella (Alive)
Araza (Alive)

Mate\Crush: None (Open)

Children: None

Cherimoya's life started out as normal. She was born in a small group of RainWings, believing that they were her siblings. The dragoness wasn't aware that RainWings, although cleaning up their act since the war, still combined eggs together and left them alone. There was only one egg in the group that was Cherimoya's biological sibling: Atemoya. They discovered their relationship when training to shoot their venom. Cherimoya and Atemoya were assigned different targets to hit. Atemoya was able to hit her target, but Cherimoya was unsuccessful. Her venom hit her sister's target, stopping it from spreading instead of disintegrating it. After that, the dragonesses started to hang out more than Cherimoya did with the other dragonets in her group; it was a sisterly bond that couldn't be broken.

They developed a passion for exploration, often ditching training sessions to wander the rainforest. By the time they were four, Cherimoya and her sister were independent dragonesses on a mission. Their goal was to chart every part of the rainforest, then one day, all of Pyrrhia. One day, when they were five, the sisters were trekking through a dense part of the rainforest. The humid air felt nice against their scales and dawn was nearly upon them. Cherimoya was occupied with flower picking, hoping that her mentor wouldn't be upset if she arrived from gliding practice a few hours later than expected, when she heard Atemoya calling her. "Sister, come look at this snake!" her sibling called, eagerness laced in her voice. Cherimoya came to her with peaked curiosity. Once she arrived, the dragoness spotted Atemoya a few feet away from a yellow snake with spikes above its eyes. Its nose seemed to be indent, like pits, and its body language was unnatural. The snake was coiled up, eyeing Atemoya carefully.

"Atemoya, I think you should step away-"

"Nonsense!" Atemoya replied. "It's just a harmless-" With such irony, the snake -- known as an eyelash pit viper -- struck the dragoness and dug its fangs into her hand. Atemoya yelped with pain, slamming the snake into the ground. The force killed it instantly, but its venom was already released. Cherimoya knew what to do if a RainWing were to be struck with their own venom, but she didn't know what to do when it was from another animal. Fearfully, she threw a wing over Atemoya and headed back to their tribe.

Cherimoya tried to keep calm in a situation like this, but it was no use. Atemoya kept complaining that her hand felt numb, sending panic into her sister's chest. Was that a bad thing? Would she be ok? Oh, they really needed a healer. As they returned to camp, Cherimoya flew towards the healing hut in hopes that someone would be up. Luckily for her, someone was. An older dragon named Bacuri had been up early, unable to sleep due to personal reasons. He noticed the frantic dragonet approaching him and listened to her story. After Cherimoya had finished the tale, she led Bacuri to Atemoya. The RainWing ushered her away, taking Atemoya back to the hut with her sister. Cherimoya was forced to wait anxiously for her sister's recovery. It couldn't have been a dragonbite viper, right? The thought lingered in the mind like the bad case of the flu.


As the days passed, Cherimoya frequently requested to see her sister. Bacuri denied her each time, assuring her that Atemoya would survive. He explained that the healers weren't familiar with venom that was travelling up Atemoya's arm, so there weren't many options left. Cherimoya didn't like the sound of that. During this time period, the dragonet grew distant from most of the tribe, not knowing how to really talk to them. She had spent so much time with her sister that she forgot what it was like to make friends or socialize.

Another day and still no word of her sister's recovery; Cherimoya was going insane! She grew impatient, snapping at many dragons who came her way. She really needed a hobby to pass the time.
A few dragons approached her a few days later with a proposition in mind. They suggested that Cherimoya should go to the Jade Mountain Academy in order to take her mind off of the tense situation. Cherimoya refused, unable to separate herself from her sister. However, these dragons began to persuade the dragoness to enroll for the academy so that she could chase down her dream of exploring all of Pyrrhia.

It was hard to leave her sister, but Cherimoya swallowed her grief and left for school. Bacuri promised to watch over Atemoya while she was gone, reducing the amount of fear swirling in the pits of her stomach.

While attending Jade Mountain Academy, Cherimoya learned to read and write. As her knowledge grew, Cherimoya wanted to learn more about zoology. Since her sister was bitten by a snake they were unfamiliar with, Cherimoya wanted to know everything there was in regards to animals, specifically venomous ones. The process was difficult. Cherimoya grew frustrated as the school only cared for the deadliest snake of them all: the dragonbite viper. She didn't care for junk like that! She wanted to know about the smaller critters that were venomous, too! That's when it clicked. If Cherimoya couldn't find anyone who practiced in zoology and toxicology, she'd have to be the first.

After one year of attending Jade Mountain, Cherimoya left and went back to the rainforest. When she came home, the dragoness was thrilled to know that her sister was still alive. Unfortunately, due to the venom, Atemoya had lost her hand to prevent the venom from spreading into her body. She didn't seem to mind the handicap, though, for she was still energetic and greeted Cherimoya with a loving embrace. After the two had reunited, Cherimoya began her studies on the various animals in the jungle. She carefully studied their movements, paid attention to the bright colors on their bodies, and began to notice patterns in animals that were poisonous and venomous. Her motivation to prevent another accident like her sister's is what kept her to pursue her ambition, and it soon turned into reality.

As she became a full-grown RainWing, Cherimoya broke away from the tribe so that she could keep her attention on her studies. Many called her insane for leaving the tribe for pathetic critters, but Cherimoya didn't listen to them. She, along with the help of Atemoya and Bacuri, built a small hut in the middle of the rainforest. The flourishing area would allow Cherimoya to find larger masses of exotic animals while recording their behavior from the comforts of her home.

In the present day, Cherimoya continues to discover new animals and dreams to make a difference for all dragons of Pyrrhia. Atemoya has never left her side, providing moral support when others were against it.

Likes: Travelling, caring for her pets, having time to think, dragons who don't see her as insane, breaking stereotypical RainWing outlook

Dislikes: Dragons who disrespect her findings, being described as a "lazy" dragoness, her inability to relate to simple topics such as suntime or war

Theme Song(s):
"Whatever It Takes" by Imagine Dragons
"Hall of Fame" by The Script
"My Shot" from Hamilton

Voice: Anna Kendrick

• Currently a zoologist and studying toxicology. (Mainly with animals)
• She wants to have dragonets of her own to continue her scientific legacy and be the mother she never had.
• Whenever she isn't home, Bacuri and Atemoya will take care of her pets; they're some of the few dragons who don't fear the critters Cherimoya is researching.
• Cherimoya dreams of adding a dragonbite viper to her research and creating an antivenom that doesn't involve burning the poison out. The dream is very dangerous, but she wants to make a difference in Pyrrhia.
• When she was younger, Cherimoya attended the Jade Mountain Academy so that she could learn to read and write.

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