Ch 1: A new World and A new Power

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No one's Pov

Somewhere in the City on a sunny day we see a young man on a bench sleeping and His name is Y/n Himeragi, But he doesn't belong here. You know why? He's from a another World.

As Y/n began waking up he stretched his arms and looked around in his surroundings.

Y/n: Oh man I slept like a lo...g? Huh!? Where the Heck am I and Why am not in my place,and why am I sitting on a bench in a park.

As Y/n looking around he noticed something in his pocket and pulls it out to reveal his Evoltruster and a strange looking letter laying next to him.

Y/n: Oh thank goodness my evoltruster is safe and What's this letter doing here? Maybe I should read it later  just in case.

Y/n stood up and started to walk around the park.

Y/n: Woah, this is a really awesome park and  the question is how did I even get here, Last thing I remember was that I was buying the Evoltruster from the store after I finally watched the Final episode of Ultraman Nexus and Netflix! Ultraman and suddenly a weird red light kinda looks a supernova came towards me and Here I am a strange world that I don't know about.

As Y/n lost in his thoughts he suddenly tripped over something over something, But he managed to regain his Balance.

Y/n turned around and see who tripped him.

Y/n:  Alright!!! Who tripped me?

Then he suddenly noticed the Briefcase.

Y/n: Huh? Why is that briefcase there? that is so weird and strange.

Y/n got back in his feet and picked up the briefcase and started walking to a picnic table.

Y/n: Okay let's see what's inside this case, But I make sure I don't get arrested for this.

Sitting down Y/n put down the briefcase on the table and Opening it up.

The First he saw was a letter and He brings out a another letter in his pocket and started reading them both.

Letter: Well... Good Morning Y/n Himeragi.

Y/n: How does it know my name and More importantly how does it know the weather here as well.

Letter: You have been wondering why you are in this world Mr. Himeragi, because you have chosen as the First Armored Ultraman know as Nexus and you've been wondering why I know this because of your great deed of helping and connecting with others a bond that cannot be destroy or broken and save this world against a threat.

But for your evoltruster you need to bond with a person  in order to harness the Power of Nexus/Noah's full power in order to defeat the Darkness in this world.

Y/n: Does that mean I can be a the Armored Ultraman in the Netflix series, Awesome!!!. But the problem is for me that I have to bond with the person in order to awaken the Power of Nexus/Noah that's gonna be tough to find someone to bond with.

Letter: In this suitcase you will find the New Evoltruster and a new code that allows you to transformed into the Armored Nexus.

"Good luck" and May the Light be with you in your journey.

Y/n: Huh!!! Fine by me in order to save this world i'll do it and "May the Light be with you" kinda sounds like a Jedi who speak like that.

Y/n looked inside the briefcase and saw a newly Evoltruster similar to the evoltruster that he has, But the difference is the Center of the color is Yellow/Red.

(Think of it as any color design of the Evoltruster)

Inside of the Briefcase is the New Evoltruster but this time it's a different one instead of the original one you have. This one is for your Armor form and the other is for your Giant form only if you Bond with anyone you trust in order for them to become a chosen Deunamist.

Y/n: Sweet! and I guess that's means I'm the first armored Ultraman hero in this world.

Y/n closed the briefcase and stood up and made made his way to the end of the park he walked into the city.

Y/n: Well it looks like I'll be staying here for a while, so I guess that I will look for a job and new place to relax.

As Y/n walked around in the City he turned to the corner and saw to his surprise strange looking monsters standing by some pile of ashes.

Y/n: Oh crud this ain't good, I have to get out of here.

The monster started to move towards Y/n as he turned around to run but for his big surprise there are more of the Alien looking Freaks.

Y/n: Ah Scrap! I'm surrounded, no time to be afraid Y/n It's time to show these Alien freaks who there dealing with.

He grab his new Evoltruster out of the Briefcase and feel the power within him. A bond that never breaks.

Y/n: Better late than ever, prepare for the power of Nexus.

As Y/n raised his New Evoltruster and activating it he suddenly felt a surge of power through his body as the Light show's the future of this world flowed into his head like a vision on what will happen next. But what shocking that his new Ultraman Form is exactly based on Nexus.

Y/n: I'll show you the power of our Bond.

He said with a courageous voice

Y/n Mind: Oh man I waited so long to say that.

Ultraman Nexus: I will save this world and Help them believe in Hope...

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