Ch 2: The Armored Ultraman!!!

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Y/n: I will show you the power of our bond... Nexus!!!

Nexus: I will save the world against you.

 Nexus: Oh wow, this is so awesome, I can feel the Power of the Bond of light within me and with it I will defeat you, and let's see how strong would I be If I could my Deunamist.

Suddenly the strange monsters came in storming towards Nexus.

Nexus: Well this is ain't part of my routine, better yet let's see If I can handle these guys.

Nexus took a fighting stance and prepares to fight against the monster.

Nexus ran towards the monster and punched one of them into dust.

The monsters reacted by turning into missiles and shot towards Nexus, just missing him by an inch.

Nexus: Hey! That's unfair advantage attacking me like that. Now it's my turn.

Nexus roundhouse kicked a few monster and shot them with his energy strike sending them flying towards the other monsters turning them into dust.

Nexus: Hmmm!? So I can punch and kick them. This is going to be a trouble.

Some more of the monsters came running towards Nexus, he grab a Humanoid monster by the arm and swung him over his shoulder crashing it into the monster.

After fighting and destroying some more of them, turning them to dust, the remaining monsters gathered and then started merging to form one big monster.

The Big monster moving towards you and started to shoot energy beams at Nexus who still standing to withstand the attack.

Nexus: "Circle Shield"

Nexus blocks the incoming energy beams and absorbing the energy ,But what worries him that his color time is activated. Y/n knew that his time limit is active meaning that he only have 3 mins remain.

Nexus: Oh no, this is isn't good I have to finish this now. Change Junis Blue!!!

Nexus body began to glow and when the light dies down it reveals a blue form of nexus.

Nexus(JB):Alright time finish this.

He began to jump high in the sky and began to power up his finisher.

Nexus: "Arrow ray Strium"

He then shot the Big monster splitting them in half and turning them into dust.

Nexus: Alright victory goes to me, now that's how you beat them down to "Dust"

Nexus revert back to Y/n, suddenly he felt a powerful energy.

Y/n Mind: Woah!!! what is that energy it feels like a powerful surge of Bond energy.I never felt before. Whatever it is I have to found out soon.

When suddenly he stomach started to rumble.

Y/n: Dang I totally forgot that I had nothing to eat after all this fighting against these monsters, Well time for me to look something to eat because I'm starving.

No one Pov.

Meanwhile in a secret underground base unknown to Y/n where a group of people watching his fight. Two people stood up.

One of them is Genjuurou kazanari, the leader of the group

and the second one was Ryouko Sakurai, the scientist of the group.

Ryouko: Who would of thought that someone else than a symphogear user can defeat the Noise so easily without breaking a sweat and withstand a noise attack and fight back.

Genjuurou: This is something else, he also know how to fight and his skills are quite the fighter. I wonder who that masked man is.

Ryouko: Wouldn't it be great  if we could get him on our side, he would be a great backup for our fighter.

Genjuurou: Your'e right but how do we contact him? We don't know who he is and What power he possessed.

Ryouko: just wait till the next noise attack and the chance is good that he will be there.The only thing left is to catch him just as the fight is over.

Genjuurou: you're right there is nothing we can do but wait for the next opportunity to meet him. But I am curious what power that he have that makes the relics began to glow so mysteriously.

Ryouko: That is a mystery that we all don't know what he possessed, but we all know the he is related to the other relics.

Genjuurou: I guess so, right now we have to be patience and prepare for the worse.

Ryouko: Yes Genjuurou.

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